
ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

author:Byte fan
ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

Just after the Double Eleven Good Things Festival, many people stared at the service notice of "order has been shipped" on their vibrato, and they were satisfied. The short video of more than ten seconds allows countless high-quality good things to find the most suitable person for them.

This year's Double Eleven, many ByteDance people have the experience of shopping on Douyin. Today, Byte Jun collected the shopping experience stories of 10 ByteDancer in Douyin e-commerce, they are both employees and users of Douyin e-commerce, let us see from their perspective what kind of experience interested e-commerce is.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

The retired old Meng fell in love with fishing.

His son who worked in Douyin recommended a live broadcast of the fishing big V Tianyuan Deng Gang, watching Deng Gang holding the giant qing he had just caught, Lao Meng's blood burned at once!

What bait do you use to catch crucian carp? How can I find the right fish layer? Old Meng did not understand on the comment area to ask, gradually, he not only found a vote of fishing friends in Douyin, but also lost in the window of the blogger.

Fishing rods, living buckets, bait bowls... This double eleven, Lao Meng's courier is so many that he almost lost the jurisdiction of pocket money.

"You don't understand!" Old Meng said to his wife.

Old Meng, who found a sense of belonging in Douyin, immediately returned a "+1" under the weekend invitation message of the fisherman group.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

The "2021 Douyin Sports Data Report" shows that fishing is the first leisure sport of Douyin.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

"Can I still live in a small second bedroom in a big city?" This is the doubt in Que Que's heart lately.

Until by chance, she brushed a video of a floral blogger on Douyin.

In the video, the blogger cuts the leaves and prunes, cleans and changes the water, and the "dejected" orange stem slowly raises the "head".

The blogger said in the comments that no matter how much space there is, as long as it is well taken care of, the plant will not let go of any hope of survival.

He nodded his praise for this comment and also entered the homepage window to place an order.

She knows that bloggers with the same vase, preservative and floral scissors may not be able to bring her the same floral ability.

But at least, in this small second bedroom of 10 square meters, she found her own life qi.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

During the Double Eleven period, the most popular items in the Douyin e-commerce flower gardening category are: peacock vegetable seeds, red leaf maple bonsai and succulents.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

As a member of byteDance's public welfare team, the car shuttles through counties, villages and towns across the country every day.

After a mountain goods promotion activity in Fujian, the enthusiastic compatriots invited the car home for dinner: Young man, you have helped us a lot!

In a bowl of steaming mushroom soup on the table, there is a "red umbrella umbrella", which is a local specialty deep mountain red mushroom.

Take a sip of hot soup, the red mushrooms have fallen into the stomach, the deliciousness of the soup is still lingering between the lips and teeth, and the car can never forget the delicacy.

Two days ago, the car once again embarked on the road to the countryside in Fujian, brushing vibrato on the bus and seeing the villagers live picking mountain goods. Seeing the deep mountain red mushroom in the back basket, the car broke the defense.

The familiar taste bud memory struck, and he immediately opened the shopping cart and placed an order for the "red umbrella".

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

During the Double Eleven period, ByteDance's "Mountain Goods on the Headlines" project team supported the agricultural products of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province to go to the whole country, of which the most popular mountain goods top 3: Yanbian rice, barbecue dipping sauce and Yanbian spicy cabbage.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

Wuhan boy Gai originally had no feeling about the Double Eleven activity, but he did not expect to be completely broken by a Vibrato video eating hot dry noodles.

The hot, flavorful picture of chewing the diced radish crunched reminded him of the hot dry noodles that he had to eat early in the New Year's Day that he missed because of the closed project this year, and immediately ordered dozens of bags with tears...

After receiving it, I couldn't wait to cook a bowl and take a bite down——

yes! It's the taste of home!

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

During the period of helping Hubei, 92 kinds of Hubei specialties went from the douyin live broadcast room to the whole country, among which the most popular products among netizens were Zhou Black Duck, Zigui Navel Orange and Pine Flower Peel Egg.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

Eva never imagined she would place an order on TikTok.

She was not moved when the anchor shouted "crush", and she was very calm when the anchor shouted "on the link", but when she saw the blogger she liked on Douyin doing the beauty instrument evaluation,

she! under! single! finish!

Eva has followed this blogger for a long time, and they have a lot of similarities:

Her skin type is sensitive oily skin, and so is she; she hopes to save trouble when she is skin care, and she can't accept too complicated operations, and so is she; she pursues cost performance when she buys things, and she is also...

Therefore, when the blogger has evaluated several beauty instruments on the market, saying that he likes one of them most cost-effective and simple to operate,

Eva clicked on the buy button at the bottom of the video and muttered to herself, "Me too." ”

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

Douyin e-commerce users who order beauty products are most concerned about the product factors TOP 3: efficacy, skin type, and ingredients.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

Jasper lives in a city where the sea can't be seen, but he likes to brush up on the TikTok before going to bed to catch the sea video.

The blogger has a shovel on the beach, two shovels, the opening of the hole appears, sprinkle some salt, a probe of clams, and the blogger's eyes are quick to catch out!

Looking at the fat, white clams struggling in the hands of bloggers, Jasper found himself hungry...

The blogger's homepage window is impressively hung with ready-to-eat seafood, he clicks to place an order to pay, all in one go!

It was night, the courier was still on the way, and Jasper slept soundly.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

At present, the city with the largest number of douyin e-commerce seafood and aquatic products category merchants: Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

"Mom, I want to do this for Halloween."

The child pointed to the handmade video of making pumpkin lamps on Douyin and said.

Da lu was busy cooking, so he asked her husband to go to the cart under the blogger's video to place an order.

When she finished looking at the order, in addition to a child's handmade material package, the rest were the super Huarong Dao, fidget gyroscope and Luban lock that her husband bought for herself.

Looking at the black-faced deer, the husband quickly explained: "The blogger is playing too interesting in the video, I have this hand, it can't be controlled!" ”

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

During the Double Eleven period, the number of fans of Douyin pan-knowledge creators increased The top 3 bloggers are: @ Houda. Luo Xiang said criminal law, @ infinitesimal light of popular science daily, @ science travel number.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

The whole office knew that Dali had eight-pack abs, which were trained with fitness bloggers on Douyin.

Every day, bloggers will make detailed fitness plans, and they will also open live broadcasts to take everyone to practice together, and Dali will not fall down every time.

But what colleagues don't know is that in addition to working out with the blogger, Dali will also eat with the blogger.

After all, the same eight-pack abs blogger in the live broadcast room, after taking everyone to five groups of abs rippers, will also demonstrate on the spot how to fry chicken breast and eat it with relish.

"Now, immediately, place an order for me!"

Da Li heard his stomach and mouth roar at the same time.

Ten minutes later, soba noodles, chicken breast, and 0 calorie konjac shreds were all lying in the "waiting to be received" in Dali.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

The Winter Olympics entered "Beijing time", and during the Double Eleven period, ski sports equipment on Douyin e-commerce was very popular, of which the sales of ski clothes increased the most year-on-year.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

Anthony accidentally brushed into a vibrato live broadcast room, where the little sister showed a trench coat down jacket, cut atmospheric, simple and decent.

Down jackets can also be designed in this way, but it is a bit trendy?

Anthony couldn't hide his surprise, but opened the shopping cart without a trace.

He completed the payment in three seconds.

Seeing the "Pending Receipt" prompt, Anthony added a new brand to the "Hipster Must See List" memo.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

According to statistics, the age group of Bosideng's users on Douyin is concentrated between 25-30 years old.

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

The tenth-level scholar of "The Biography of Zhen Huan" did not expect that she could actually chase the drama in the e-commerce live broadcast room of Douyin!

At this moment, a "Costume Promotion" is being staged in the douyin live broadcast room of a domestic beauty brand.

The heroine Xi Guifei was demoted to a nobleman because the live broadcast effect was not good enough, and was also ridiculed by the empress.

But Xi Gui is not easily defeated, she personally shows the efficacy of skin care products every day, carefully and clearly introduces the characteristics and use of each product.

She believes that as long as you work hard, you will one day be able to ascend to the throne of the Queen!

Mian Mian thought to herself, isn't this the heroine of the workplace? The vibrato live broadcast room is also too good at playing!

Mianmian crazy Aite friends in the comments section to place orders.

"You don't rush, I don't rush, when will the noble flower road pass!"

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

During the Double Eleven period, the most popular products in the beauty category of Douyin e-commerce: skin care product sets and beauty instruments.

Many ByteDance employees are willing to experience their own company's products and reflect and improve their work from the perspective of users.

Just like the above 10 ByteDancers, they are ByteDance employees, consumers, and a microcosm of thousands of Douyin e-commerce users. Like everyone else, they relax, make friends, and broaden their horizons in Douyin, and they also plant grass, place orders, and share good things in Douyin.

This double eleven has passed, but everyone's pursuit of a better life will not stop, and ByteDancer's insistence on "inspiring creativity and enriching life" will not stop.

After making progress and efforts again and again, we will eventually make "a good life at your fingertips".

ByteDance employees Double Eleven shopping cart big public

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