
The "three strong and three gatherings" of the United Front Work Department of the Xing'an County CPC Committee stimulate the "new" momentum of people from new social classes

author:Huasheng Morning Newspaper

In recent years, the United Front Work Department of the Xing'an County CPC Committee has continuously "gathered people, gathered hearts and gathered forces" through measures such as strengthening the construction of the team, political guidance, and the overall situation of the service center, and stimulated the "new" momentum of people from new social classes.

  Strengthen the construction of the team

  "Gathering people" organizationally

  A new leading group for the united front work of personages from social strata will be established, with the standing committee of the Xing'an County CPC Committee and the director of the United Front Work Department as the group leader, and the leaders and liaison officers in charge of united front work shall be determined in various departments at the county level, and the responsibilities and requirements for the united front work of people from new social strata will be clarified. Increase the mapping of new social strata, through the county (district), township (town), village three-level grid mapping, as well as the classification of various industries and fields, the county's new social strata people are registered, forming a new social strata talent pool. Actively build a new social class people's association (hereinafter referred to as the "new association"), and create a communication platform for people from new social classes in Xing'an County.

  Strengthen political leadership

  "Gathering" in thought

  Formulated the "Training Program for Representatives of New Social Classes in Xing'an County", and organized people from new social classes to study More than 20 times in the Guangxi United Front Video Academy to study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving united front work, the "Regulations on the Work of the United Front of the Communist Party of China" and other courses. Taking the study and education of party history as an opportunity, people from new social strata have been organized to go to the Xiangjiang Campaign Memorial Hall in Jeonju and the Monument Park of the Xiangjiang Martyrs of the Long March of the Xing'an Red Army, and other red education bases, and have carried out a series of activities for studying and educating party history by retaking the Long March Road and singing red songs together, so as to enhance the political, ideological, and emotional identity of people from new social strata. The United Front Work Department of the Xing'an County CPC Committee organized people from new social strata in the county to go out to learn the experience and practices of participating in grassroots governance through the form of "please come in" training and "going out" inspections, constantly consolidated political consensus, and stimulated the motivation and vitality of people from new social strata to participate in grassroots governance

  Strengthen the overall situation of the service center

  "Cohesion" in action

  Under the guidance of the United Front Work Department of the Xing'an County CPC Committee, the Xing'an County New Federation insisted on focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, and successively provided more than 1,500 volunteer services for the large-scale evening party of "Long March Spirit • Lighting Up Xing'an", the opening and closing ceremonies of the 10th Xing'an Grape Festival, and the Xing'an Lingqu Ancient Canal Marathon. The United Front Work Department of the Xing'an County CPC Committee and the New Federation actively contact all sectors of society to raise funds to jointly build a supermarket for poverty alleviation and rejuvenation, and use it as a practical innovation base for people from new social classes to serve the society. In addition, the Xing'an County New Federation also actively joined hands with social welfare organizations such as the Guangdong Lions Club Aihua Service Team, the Guilin Education Aid Federation, and the Guilin Renren Social Work Service Station to comfort more than 400 left-behind children and empty nest elderly people, and the value of donations and materials reached 256,200 yuan.

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