
Xing'an: Jieshou Town has achieved practical results in promoting national unity through performance management

author:Guangxi News Network

Xing'an, Guangxi News Network, November 13 (Correspondent Li Qiuping) In recent years, the first town in Xing'an County has played a good performance management "trilogy" to promote the town's national unity work to achieve practical results.

Play the performance "prelude" to strengthen organizational leadership

Formulate the "Implementation Plan for the Evaluation and Evaluation of the Work of Creating National Unity and Progress in Jieshou Town", establish a special work leading group for national unity and progress with the town party secretary as the group leader, the town mayor and the chairman of the people's congress as the deputy group leader, the members of the leading body and the secretaries of the party organizations in each village as members, clarify the division of work, and implement the evaluation tasks. A joint force creation mechanism has been formed in which the town party secretary grasps the general grasp, the town mayor personally grasps it, the leader in charge grasps the specific work, and the office is responsible for the daily work. Special meetings are held regularly, and the team will deploy and study the work of creating national unity and progress, and discover and solve the factors affecting national unity and progress.

Play the performance "theme song" to refine the cohesion of ideas

Incorporate the work of creating national unity and progress into the annual performance appraisal, and establish a work account for the creation of national unity and progress. It is required that in connection with activities such as the "three meetings and one lesson" theme party day, a combination of individual self-study and centralized discussion should be adopted, and the party branch should be used as a unit to carry out centralized study and discussion and special topic study, and the party's ethnic theory policy should be included in the important content of the study of the theoretical study center group of the party committee, included in the scope of cadre education and training, and included in the training content of party schools. We should do a good job in the activities of national unity and entering government organs, townships, rural areas, schools, temples, enterprises, scenic spots, and families. Make full use of various favorable opportunities such as publicity days, publicity weeks, and publicity months, as well as ethnic festivals such as the "March 3rd of the Zhuang Nationality" in Guangxi, and thoroughly publicize policy theories and laws and regulations related to ethnic unity through WeChat public accounts, leaflets, and publicity panels. Up to now, the town has widely hung propaganda banners, posted more than 100 propaganda slogans, and distributed more than 2,000 copies of propaganda brochures, stimulating the enthusiasm of the majority of party members and the masses to participate in the work of national unity, singing the "main theme" of national unity and progress, and condensing the "positive energy" of national unity and progress.

Sing the performance "concerto" to serve the people in a down-to-earth manner

Guided by performance appraisal, combined with the practice of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history, we should give full play to the role of party branches as fortresses and solve the problems of urgency, difficulty, and anxiety for the masses of all nationalities. Since the beginning of this year, we have held 5 labor skills trainings, including cooking, massage and massage, and housekeeping. Accelerate the construction of infrastructure for the residential areas of ethnic minorities, install 16 solar street lights for Wenjiawan Village of the Sujia Village Committee, build a Paishan Concave Bridge, apply for a set of sound equipment for the Shuijiangtou Natural Village of the Wuyi Village Committee and the Heishi Natural Village of the Dadong Village Committee, build industrial roads for the villages of Jiatian, Liujia, and Kaishan of the Baofeng Village Committee, and Xiaoshui Alley, Chaoyandong, and Shangpingling of the Heping Village Committee.

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