
What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

author:History is the most beautiful

In fact, when it comes to Ran Min, we have to explore a strange phenomenon. As for me, I know a friend who has studied the firearms of the Ming Dynasty quite a bit, and often debates with various "bright and black", and the result is that the other party is often embarrassed and angry and blacks them, but the people who are prejudiced against the firearms of the Ming Dynasty are like carp across the river, but he has his own understanding of this phenomenon.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

16 Countries Kitaasa Bushi.

"Who made you Emperor Han blow Ming Dynasty firearms too hard?"

In fact, I can only say that our Chinese netizens are very fair, for some bad phenomena in society, such as some people walking their dogs without a leash, or having bear children mischief, immediately severely criticized on the Internet, however, for some of the more difficult people will also give care, even if this person sits down for the society is not tolerated, after all, this person is not by his side, haha.

Of course, for some rumors about the historical Network, there is also a little sand in the eyes, such as some people saying "The Qing Dynasty is nothing", "Hai Ling killed people in Zhenjiang", "The Japanese Warring States are village battles", "Yangzhou was slaughtered by the Qing army by 800,000", "Zheng Hai Thief is more orthodox than the Qing Dynasty" These are all rumors to be criticized!

The most repugnant rumor is about Ran Min's "Wu Mourning Heavenly King Ran Min saved the Han people!" So Ran Min was kicked from the original national hero to the status of a family slave with three surnames.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

Kita morning bushi.

Ran Min, Han Chinese, Zi Yong Zeng, Small Character Thorn Slave, . In 310 AD, his father Ran Zhan (formerly known as Ran Liang) defeated Chen Wu, the leader of the Beggar Army, and obtained Ran Zhan (who was 12 years old at the time), and was later adopted by Shi Hu as an adopted son, ran Zhan made many military achievements for the Later Zhao regime's southern conquest of the northern war, and his son Ran Min was also regarded as the adopted grandson of Shi Hu, Ran Min was "eight feet long, good at strategizing, and brave. Later, he was a general of The Jianjie Dynasty, a marquis of Xiucheng, and a general of the Northern Zhonglang and a guerrilla general. In the fifth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, that is, in the first year of Later Zhao Taining (349 AD), Shi Hu died, and Ran Min and Shi Zun, the ninth son of the Later Zhao Emperor Shi Hu, counterattacked Yecheng together, killing Zhang Jackal, and directly destroyed Shi Shi, who had just ascended the throne, and Shi Zun succeeded to the throne, but was soon killed by Ran Min. Shi Hu's third son, Shi Jian the Prince of Yiyang, succeeded to the throne.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

Shi Jian tried to kill Ran Min, Li Nong, and others, but failed, and was even forced to kill the officials Li Song, Zhang Cai, and ZongMu Shi Bao, who plotted with him, to save himself, but in the end he did not escape Ran Min's (then called Shi Min) butcher knife. The Longjun generals Sun Fudu and Liu Ba gathered three thousand soldiers of the Hu tribe to secretly ambush the area inhabited by the Hu people, preparing to kill Ran Min and Li Nong in one fell swoop, but in the end they also failed. Ran Min took the opportunity to issue an order to slaughter the People of Qi, and marked the price code, more than 100,000 People were slaughtered, not only that, but there were many people who were similar in appearance to the Hu people and the Han people in various places.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

Northern Wei warrior figurines.

It turned out that when Ran Min killed Sun Fuba and others and imprisoned Shi Jian, he once issued an order: "All those who dare to use weapons in Liuyi will be killed!" Soon he ordered that "those who share the same heart with the officials stay, and those who do not have different hearts are allowed to leave." As a result, the Hu either ran away from the city gate or fled with a rope from the city wall, and Zhao people (actually Han Chinese) from all over the city poured into Yecheng, and then the well-known Tuhu incident occurred.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

After Shi Jian was killed and Ran Min became emperor, the entire Later Zhao Empire was like a pot of boiling oil" Shi Qiwen Died, and he was honored with the honorific title of Xiangguo, and all the soldiers in the six Prefectures and Counties should be treated." ”

This is the whole incident of killing Hu Ling, in fact, it seems that the Qi people were slaughtered, the main reason is that the later Zhao upper sect room fighting and the city gate was on fire, affecting the pond fish, Ran Min slaughtered the Qi people, but also he thinks that the Qi people can not be used by him, so all of us, we are very dissatisfied with the praise of Ran Min, the tyrant executioner plus the three surnames of the family slaves, so we must be the original source!

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

Western Jin Dynasty warrior figurines.

But in my opinion, when we evaluate a person, or a historical event, we must combine him with the historical facts of the time, and some details in this matter also explain the problem, such as Ran Min's order: "If you have a heart with me, leave one heart and no heart with me, just go on your own!" However, the result was that the Hu people fled from Yecheng one after another, and the Han people squeezed into the city one after another, and some people must regard the Ran Min Rebellion as an infighting among the Later Zhao ruling class.

Even if your surname is "Shi", you are always a Han Chinese, and people will not regard you as a karma person.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

The so-called frozen three feet, not a day of cold, Hu-Han contradictions have been very serious since the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, and then the Zhao rulers did not have any effective policies on this. Even a "Ming Jun" like Shi Le, who is widely praised today, carried out many killings and robberies, such as the massacre of tens of thousands of people in Yecheng in 307 AD, the slaughter of Jizhou City in 314 AD, and the battle of Bitter County in 311 AD, which was like hell, and many of the Han intellectuals who were drawn in and Shi Zhao regime were also in harmony with the Central Plains, (Lu Chen) and Qinghe Cui Yue, Yingchuan Xun, Hedong PeiXian, Beidi Fu Chang and fell into The House of Fei, although they were all prominent in the Shi clan, heng was humiliated. Chen Said of the Day of the Sons: "After I am gone, I am called Jin Sikong to engage in Zhonglang General."

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

And you know the Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but do you know that the title of the Qi people in the Post-Zhao period was "Guoren"? The privileges they hold, I don't think I need to say, can be guessed by all of you.

Hu Xian's soldiers plundered and killed everywhere they went, and even in the year of famine, they would never leave a little bit of rations for those ordinary peasants with compassion, so it is said that the Shi Zhao army had a veritable nickname "Hu Locust" at that time, that is, "the Army of Hu People like Locusts".

We won't say much about the "wizard" like Shi Hu, who is rare in ten thousand years, I can only say that fortunately he died early.

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

Backward Zhao, a garbage regime that is full of beggars and living troops, middle-level officials who are corrupt, Hu people who are rampant and domineering, the upper-level royalty who kill each other, and the garbage regime that will explode at any time with rivers of blood, when it is finally pulled into the list, is it not very normal to be washed by a wave of angry low-level civilians? From the perspective of the nation, is there any difference between this matter and Li Zicheng and the Ming Dynasty Shanxi civilians frantically hunting and killing the Zhu royal family? Some people can applaud the latter, but why does the former become a careerist manipulating civilians to slaughter innocent Hu people?

What kind of person is Ran Min? How should we view his massacre of hu people?

Let's go back to Ran Min, who once said when he was defeated and died in the final army, "The world is in chaos, Ercao Yidi, the heart of a human face and an animal, and he still wants to usurp the rebellion." I am a hero for a while, what is not to be an emperor and evil! Although this sentence can be understood as an excuse for himself, but from a literal point of view, is this sentence wrong?

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