
What is the true level of Yan Liangwen's ugliness? Guan Yu's seconds to drop Yan Liangwen ugly is the crushing of strength

author:Talk about history

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms not only describes the division of political power during the Three Kingdoms period, but also describes the many military generals under each regime, and the military values of Zhao Yun, Zhi, Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Wen Ugly have always been the focus of later generations' exploration.

Yan Liang and Wen Ugly were obviously heroes with great military achievements, but why were they cut off by Guan Yu with a knife? Could it be that Yan Liang and Wen Ugly's martial arts were really so unbearable, and Guan Yu's martial arts were so amazing?

In fact, there are deeper reasons for this.

What is the true level of Yan Liangwen's ugliness? Guan Yu's seconds to drop Yan Liangwen ugly is the crushing of strength

01 Analysis of the force value of the ugly

Before making a comparison of forces, let's speculate on the force value of the ugly.

The part describing Wen Ugly's combat state has this paragraph, from the battle in which Wen Ugly pursues Gongsun Zhan and Zhao Yun inserts a knife:

"Suddenly, a young general turned out from the left side of the grass slope, pegasus and gun, straight to Wen Ugly, Gongsun Wan went uphill, and looked at the teenager: born eight feet long, thick eyebrows and big eyes, wide face, heavy face, majestic, and fifty or sixty times in a big battle with Wen Ugly, and victory or defeat were not divided."

In this battle, Wen Ugly had already fought a big battle when Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan's two armies were in contact, cutting down The general under Gongsun and pursuing him after running, the physical strength at this time should be lacking.

What is the true level of Yan Liangwen's ugliness? Guan Yu's seconds to drop Yan Liangwen ugly is the crushing of strength

And Zhao Yun had not fought before this, his physical strength was good, at this time the two met, Zhao Yun still fought with Wen Ugly, plus saved Gongsun Zhan, it can be concluded that Wen Ugly's force value is almost equal to Zhao Yun.

02 Yan Liang's force value analysis

Both Song Xian and Wei Xu under Cao Cao were killed by Yan Liang, and although they were not generals at the time, they were also small and famous, and after Yan Liang killed the second general, he confronted the general Xu Huang head-on:

Xu Huang responded, fought with Yan Liang for twenty years, and was defeated by the main front. The generals will be chestnut. Cao Cao collected his army, and Liang yi led the army to retreat. ”

Even slashing two generals, and then defeating Xu Huang, was enough to prove that Yan Liang's martial value was not low at all.

What is the true level of Yan Liangwen's ugliness? Guan Yu's seconds to drop Yan Liangwen ugly is the crushing of strength

03 Guan Yu chopped yan liang

Guan Yu can defeat Yan Liang, except for the comparison of force values, which is largely a matter of mentality and state.

At that time, Yan Liang won three consecutive games, and it was precisely because of the surge of confidence. Cao Cao on the other side saw this "heart is troubled", and Cao Cao's generals also lost their vigor, believing that they were inferior to Yan Liang.

But Guan Yu was different.

Guan Yu was born with pride and self-confidence, and there was almost no stage fright and retreat when the morale of everyone was low, Guan Yu looked at yan Liang, who was full of spirit, and said:

"I look at Yan Liang, like a sign to sell the first ear!"

It is completely out of yan liang's eyes.

What is the true level of Yan Liangwen's ugliness? Guan Yu's seconds to drop Yan Liangwen ugly is the crushing of strength

Guan Yu's tone despised Yan Liang, but the tactics did not relax, Yan Liang was proud at the time, coupled with physical exertion, and Guan Yu, who was in a good state, fell behind.

And Guan Yu did not have a light enemy, but instead quickly sank the knife, with the speed bonus of the red rabbit horse, the knife fell in his hand, and yan Liang was beheaded off the horse, so there was a scene similar to the "second kill".

04 Guan Yu chopped the ugly

The defeat of wen ugly this time is actually related to mentality.

At that time, Wen Ugly carelessly fell into Cao Cao's ambush, the army position was in chaos, and Wen Ugly's mentality was also chaotic.

Seeing the real chapter on the battlefield, the most taboo is to retreat.

At that time, Wen Ugly was in this state of retreating and defeating after the middle plan, Wen Ugly was confused, so the martial arts were also chaotic, facing Zhang Liao and Xu Huang on the opposite side, he was going to leave after the battle, and there was no intention of the two armies to intersect.

What is the true level of Yan Liangwen's ugliness? Guan Yu's seconds to drop Yan Liangwen ugly is the crushing of strength

In the face of the menacing Guan Yu, Wen Ugly wanted to slip away even more, directly "Wen Ugly was timid, and rode around the river." ”

Wen Ugly wanted to escape, but Guan Yu held the intention of killing, as long as he retreated on the battlefield, the whole person cowered, and there was no longer the strength to attack, so when he turned around to fight the horse to run, he was caught up by Guan Yu, "A knife in the back of the head, cut off the horse." ”

Guan Yu "double killed" Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, such a record was achieved, in fact, not because of how weak Yan Liang and Wen Ugly were, in fact, when the two had problems with their mentality, Guan Yu had a strong sense of war, brave and fearless, and first of all defeated each other psychologically.

Do you know any similar examples in Romance of the Three Kingdoms where mentality dominates success or failure?

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