
Girls, take responsibility for yourself

author:Circle Love Organization
Girls, take responsibility for yourself

"Girl, you must remember that this is your body, this is your life, this is your future"

I remember that Chai Jing once hosted a show called "Growing Up and Not Adult". On the show, she interviews girls who are unexpectedly pregnant, most of whom are only fifteen or sixteen years old.

"I didn't expect the success rate to be so high, and I won it all at once."

"If you are pregnant, you can also have a fetus, it doesn't matter"

"Boyfriend says he can do painless abortion, he pays for it"

The girls innocently said these words to the camera. Suddenly I thought of the joke: "Your boyfriend is really good, the flow of people also takes you to do painless" This group of girls' attitude towards sex, to the flow of people, to the ignorance and indifference to protecting themselves, people are distressed and angry.

In today's society, sexual concepts are open, sexual experience is young, high school students, junior high school students, and even primary school students have sexual experience, but they rarely receive correct sex education. Ignorant, curious, following the trend, no sense of protection, unexpected pregnancies can occur at any time. But what is the new life that may come? It's death.

As early as 1990, China carried out more than 13 million abortion surgeries, and the follow-up dropped to about 9 million units, which does not include the number of 10 million medical abortions and "abortions" in private hospitals. In the miscarriage data, young girls under 25 account for half of the country, 22% of adolescents under the age of 19 have had sexual experience, and more than 20% have had pregnancy experience. And 95% of these 20 pregnant adolescents will choose miscarriage.

Abortion seems to have become as convenient as eating, and the words "painless abortion" and "half price with student ID card" are red on the psoriasis advertisements in the streets and alleys. They do not know the risks of abortion surgery, and some girls even foolishly think that abortion is a trustworthy contraceptive method.

But if you don't feel pain during the operation, does that mean that your body won't hurt? Perhaps many people do not know how brutal the abortion is: most of the operation is performed within twelve weeks of the fetus, the doctor will use a powerful suction device to suck the fetus out, the suction force of the suction device is 25 times that of the household vacuum cleaner, the strong suction force can tear or twist the body of the fetus, tearing the body apart, leaving only the head. Then chop the fetal head with forceps until it is possible to pass through the straw. Sometimes fetal debris is not completely removed and a second curettage is required. And all this needs to be carried out in the case of uterine expansion, using a stainless steel dilator to make a "channel", otherwise the operation can not be carried out at all. Therefore, the wounded palace is inevitable.

The damage caused by miscarriage is not only physical, but also psychological. Surveys show that women who have abortions suffer from depression four times more than women who do not have abortions. After the abortion, the girls psychologically bear a heavy blow that is not in line with their age.

Maybe one article doesn't make all girls aware of the dangers of abortion, and it doesn't make the number of people flowing each year decrease.

But I want to tell every girl: don't think that you are still young, physically able to carry, it does not matter how many times the crowd is flowing. When you really want to be a mother, you will find out how fragile your womb is. You who once accidentally "got caught" may have been conditioned for a long time and could not conceive a child. At that point, it's really late, and you'll regret walking into the abortion operating room again and again when you're young. So, fall in love later, have a relationship with your boyfriend later, and be responsible for yourself.

You must remember that this is your body, this is your life, this is your future. Don't let yourself become a number in the big data of crowd flow. I hope that every girl can not be hurt, but be loved.

——"Circle Love Organization" fan submission

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