
Boyang Town carried out nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner

author:Maiji released
Boyang Town carried out nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner

In order to actively and effectively respond to the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, and give full play to the technical support role of nucleic acid testing in the epidemic response, in accordance with the nucleic acid testing work arrangements for all employees in Maiji District, the party committee and government of Boyang Town quickly mobilized to organize town and village cadres, party members, and volunteers to give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, sink all staff to the front line, cooperate with all aspects and high quality, and organize nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner.

---- scientific arrangements for deployment, orderly and efficient advancement. Combined with the actual situation of each village under the jurisdiction of the town, 30 nucleic acid detection and sampling points were selected, functional areas such as waiting areas, registration areas and sampling areas were reasonably set up, equipped with protective clothing, disinfectant, alcohol, masks, medical garbage cans and other epidemic prevention materials, and effective measures such as ventilation, heating, wearing masks, "one-meter line", and environmental disinfection at the sampling site were strictly implemented to ensure that the testing process procedures were standardized, orderly and efficiently promoted.

---- build a battle fortress, and the towns and villages work together. In order to ensure the safety, standardization, orderliness and efficiency of nucleic acid sampling, the town government fully integrates the work forces of town and village cadres, village grid members, public welfare posts, village doctors, volunteers, etc., races against time to do a good job in data statistics, on-site layout, order maintenance, disinfection and killing and other aspects of the work, and goes all out to cooperate with medical personnel to comprehensively carry out nucleic acid testing work for all employees, so far, Boyang Town has completed a total of 26933 nucleic acid testing.

---- strengthen publicity and guidance, and mobilize widely and accurately. Make full use of village-to-village broadcasts, WeChat groups, mobile propaganda vehicles, loudspeakers, etc., to continue to push content such as epidemic dynamics, prevention and control knowledge, control requirements, and nucleic acid testing precautions, continue to enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of the people in the jurisdiction to conduct nucleic acid testing, ensure full coverage of nucleic acid testing for the permanent population and floating population in the jurisdiction, and ensure that no household is missed.

Boyang Town carried out nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner

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