
The appearance of palpitation and arrhythmias seriously affect his daily life

author:Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

"I can take care of myself now." Recently, Mr. Zhang, who is over 70 years old, said happily to the medical staff who conducted a telephone follow-up in the first ward of the Cardiovascular Department of Yiling Hospital in Hebei Province.

Mr. Zhang has been suffering from arrhythmias for 5 years. Some time ago, Mr. Zhang's condition showed signs of aggravation. In addition to panic, Mr. Zhang also experienced dizziness, fatigue, nausea and other discomforts, which seriously affected his daily life. Seeing that Mr. Zhang's body was getting weaker and weaker, his family accompanied him to Yiling Hospital in Hebei Province for treatment.

The appearance of palpitation and arrhythmias seriously affect his daily life

Don't take the arrhythmias seriously

Yuan Guoqiang, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases and director of the First Ward of Hebei Yiling Hospital, did an electrocardiogram examination for Mr. Zhang, and was diagnosed with atrial premature, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and arrhythmia. Yuan Guoqiang said that Mr. Zhang's arrhythmia is relatively special and belongs to the arrhythmia "slow and fast syndrome", which is both rapid, such as atrial proclamation and atrial fibrillation, and also slow, such as bradycardia and cardiac arrest.

Under normal circumstances, the rhythm of the human heartbeat should be regular and neat, when the heartbeat loses its original rhythm, becomes too slow, too fast or fast and slow, uneven strength and weakness, medically known as arrhythmia. Arrhythmias can occur at any age, and the incidence of arrhythmias increases as the elderly experience physiological and pathological changes in the heart and other organs of the body.

Yuan Guoqiang said that arrhythmias in the elderly are often caused by multiple causes. Due to the irregular heartbeat, the heart cannot pump blood normally, which can affect the function of important organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys, and in turn induce or aggravate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Some patients with long-term atrial fibrillation are prone to blood clots, and if the embolus falls off, it is easy to cause blockage of the embolus, resulting in myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and even sudden death. For bradyarrhythmias, because the heartbeat is slow, it is also easy to supply insufficient blood, which seriously affects work life and even endangers life.

"Fast and slow treatment" to alleviate symptoms

According to Yuan Guoqiang, the current treatment of arrhythmias is mainly divided into two types: non-drug treatment and drug treatment. Under the leadership of Academician Wu Yiling, the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases of Hebei Yiling Hospital, a national key clinical specialty of traditional Chinese medicine, has carried out in-depth excavation and systematic collation of the theory and drug experience in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years, systematically constructed the theory of traditional Chinese medicine vein, and formed the advantages of the department that guides the treatment of major cardiovascular diseases with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. In the treatment and research of arrhythmias, a new view of "network weakness" as its pathogenesis is proposed, the treatment method of "nourishing the yin, activating the blood circulation, and purifying the heart and calming the nerves" is established, and the "new strategy of integrated regulation- arrhythmia intervention" is formulated, which opens up an effective way to treat arrhythmias from "anti-rhythm" to "regulation". It treats both "fast" and "slow", and integrates and regulates "fast and slow treatment".

In view of the complexity of Mr. Zhang's condition, it is hoped that the symptoms will be alleviated through conservative treatment. Yuan Guoqiang carefully identified Mr. Zhang from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and used Traditional Chinese medicines that nourish Yin, Nourish The Pulse of Rong, and Purify the Heart and Calm The Mind for conditioning. After a period of treatment, Mr. Zhang's symptoms such as panic and syncope were significantly reduced and alleviated, and he was successfully discharged from the hospital.

Yuan Guoqiang reminded that patients with arrhythmias need regular re-examination after discharge; Develop a good lifestyle, eat a light diet, exercise appropriately, and seek medical attention in time if you are not adapted.

(Yan Durong media reporter Tan Yanan)

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