
The collection should have a golden eye of fire, and those who can see culture and life should hide it

author:Calligraphy and painting everyone

Text/Feng Haitao

"Painting says life" How life is, there will be some expression in the painting, and this expression is natural. That's why paintings penetrate people's hearts. Each painter's situation is different, and the artistic conception of his expression is also different, although the paintings may all be mountains. Or it's all a flower, a walking beast. Some painters paint very flat, without rhythm or rhythm, but the technique is very skilled. Many people do not understand why this is so, in fact, it is very simple, this painter has no life experience. Life has always been very dull. Because there is no red dust of sorrow and joy, his painting is like white paper.

The collection should have a golden eye of fire, and those who can see culture and life should hide it

Works by Li Yunqi

Since ancient times, the painters who have left their reputations have all been in the society. They have experienced many ups and downs, have been cold-eyed, and have also been praised by the stars. Because there is no painter who has such an experience, it is difficult to have a life in the painting. A painting without life is just a painting, and no matter how well you paint it, it is not rich in life.

The collection should have a golden eye of fire, and those who can see culture and life should hide it

Sun Haifeng, "Passing in front of the Mountain Spring", 57x87cm, 2018

Nowadays, people have been making a fuss about techniques, and they are using various chemical materials to enrich the picture. The picture looks like a fantasy effect, but the charm is all lost. Why is this happening? It is because the current painter does not paint life, but paints techniques and means. Art is art because art has its own independent life, and this life is life, that is, our experience and learning in life. But art has no course of life, no culture, and no matter how skillful your technique is, it is only a painting.

The collection should have a golden eye of fire, and those who can see culture and life should hide it

Tan Nailin Kasuga 138x68cm

Many calligraphy and painting collectors have asked what kind of paintings can be collected, and I have told them countless times that the cultural attributes of the painting, the feelings of life in the painting, are the choice of collection, if there is no culture and no ups and downs of life in it, is it difficult that this painting has no collection value. Even if the painting is the head, what is what is painted by whom, there is no collectible value. No matter how carefully the picture is painted and no matter how exquisitely the technique is used, it can only be a painting and cannot become a work of art. Therefore, the collection must have a golden eye of fire, and those who can see culture and life should hide it; those who cannot see it will abandon it.

The collection should have a golden eye of fire, and those who can see culture and life should hide it

Yao Ruijiang Flower Bird 1 138x69cm 2020

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