
Zhang Jie presided over the third meeting of the leading group of the district party committee to deal with the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection

author:Market Weekly
Zhang Jie presided over the third meeting of the leading group of the district party committee to deal with the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection

On November 8, Zhang Jie, vice mayor of the municipal government and secretary of the district party committee, presided over the third meeting of the leading group of the district party committee to respond to the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection. Qin Yongli, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, He Shiqing, chairman of the standing committee of the district people's congress, Liu Jing, chairman of the district CPPCC committee, and Mou Jun, deputy secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting.

Zhang Jie presided over the third meeting of the leading group of the district party committee to deal with the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the important instructions of the recent meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on epidemic prevention and control, the spirit of the meeting of the leading group of the provincial party committee to respond to the new crown pneumonia epidemic on November 3, the spirit of the video scheduling meeting of the provincial headquarters for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic since November 3, and the spirit of the video conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the country on November 5; listened to the relevant situation of the epidemic prevention and control in Tongchuan District and the reports of the special class of the social level control group and the special class of the supervision and supervision group, the special class of agriculture and rural areas, the special class of the service industry, Transportation special classes, market supervision (cold chain logistics) special classes for written reporting.

As of 18:00 on November 7, the current round of epidemic in Sichuan Province has reported a cumulative total of 17 confirmed cases, Chongqing has reported a cumulative report of 5 confirmed cases, although Tongchuan District has not had a confirmed case, suspected case, asymptomatic infected person since January this year, but because Tongchuan is located in an important node of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle, convenient transportation, frequent exchanges, and high risk of spillover. Since November 3, the upper and lower levels of Tongchuan District have activated the emergency command system, entered a state of war, penetrated from top to bottom, rapid response, coordinated all parties, took the problem as the guide, prevented imports as the foundation, effectively grasped comprehensive and accurate prevention and control, and strived to win this hard battle.

The meeting pointed out that the current round of domestic epidemic situation shows a rebound trend, and the formation of various transmission branches, so the "ideological clockwork" of epidemic prevention and control cannot be loosened. All levels and departments of Tongchuan District should wake up and be nervous from ideological understanding, enhance the sense of distress, adhere to the bottom-line thinking, devote themselves to the epidemic prevention and control work with a fighting posture and the spirit of charging into the battlefield, so as to think one step deeper, think one step in detail, and think of the previous step; it is necessary to be strict and strict in prevention and control measures, keep an eye on key links, "stabilize" people from many aspects such as propaganda and control, establish and improve short-term and long-term local emergency response mechanisms in advance, have both urgency and often, quick and accurate disposal, and improve the quality and effectiveness of scientific and accurate prevention and control. At the same time, actively mobilize the strength of communities and volunteers, effectively do a good job in the investigation and control of personnel returning to and from the risk areas, guide the masses to strengthen self-protection, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various measures for epidemic prevention and control such as nucleic acid testing; it is necessary to effectively enhance the enforcement of joint prevention and control, increase the intensity of personnel mapping, establish ledgers, strictly implement closed-loop management, improve the normalization of scientific and accurate prevention and control mechanism of "character and local defense, normal monitoring, and risk investigation", further strengthen supervision and inspection, and continue to consolidate the hard-won results of epidemic prevention and control.

Members of the Leading Group of the District Committee for Responding to the Novel Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic attended the meeting, and relevant departments at the district level attended the meeting as observers.

(Source: Tongchuan District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send private messages or send 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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