
Red Story Lecture Hall - "People's Attendant - Lei Feng" (No. 10)

author:Shenbei New District Street two small

Growing up is the most beautiful gesture in life!

Infiltrate the heart with love,

Intentions lead growth.

Tell the red story,

Continue the red bloodline.

Red Story Lecture Hall - "People's Attendant - Lei Feng" (No. 10)

Issue 10

Red Story Lecture Hall - "People's Attendant - Lei Feng" (No. 10)

Hello everyone, welcome to the red story lecture hall of the second primary school of Xinchengzi Street, inherit the red gene, and be a good teenager of the times, I am guan Ruixuan, the red inheritor of the seventh class of the first grade. Today, the name of the story I bring to you is "The People's Attendant - Lei Feng".

Comrade Lei Feng has left us for nearly 60 years, but he has made extraordinary deeds in the short 22 spring and autumn periods; as a silent dedication, it is not a moment of brilliance, nor does it have the slightest reason, but it has become an example for everyone to learn. Let us see his excellent qualities of serving the people wholeheartedly, and see his political character and code of conduct that always put serving the people wholeheartedly in the first place.

Red Story Lecture Hall - "People's Attendant - Lei Feng" (No. 10)

Since 1961, Lei Feng has often been invited to give reports to other places, and the more opportunities he has traveled on business, the more opportunities he has to serve the people, and people have circulated such a sentence: "Lei Feng traveled a thousand miles on business, and good things did a train."

When Lei Feng went out to change trains at Shenyang Station, he came out of the ticket gate and found a group of people looking around at a middle-aged woman with a child on her back, who had gone from Shandong to Jilin to see her husband, and the ticket and money had been lost. Lei Feng used his allowance fee to buy a train ticket to Jilin and stuffed it into the hands of his sister-in-law, who said with tears in her eyes: "Big brother, what is your name and which unit?" Lei Feng said: "My name is the People's Liberation Army, and I live in China."

Red Story Lecture Hall - "People's Attendant - Lei Feng" (No. 10)

One day in May, Lei Feng braved the rain to go to Shenyang, in order to catch the early train, he got up at 5 o'clock in the morning, took a few steamed buns and put on a raincoat on the road, on the way, saw a woman carrying a child, and a little girl in her hand was also walking hard to the station. Lei Feng took off the raincoat on his sister-in-law, and then picked up the little girl to accompany them to the station, after getting on the train, Lei Feng saw that the little girl was cold and trembling, and then took off his own personal line clothes to put on for her, Lei Feng estimated that she did not eat in the morning, so she gave them the steamed buns she brought. The train arrived in Shenyang, it was still raining, and Lei Feng kept sending them home. The woman said gratefully, "Comrade, how can I thank you?"

During the New Year, comrades-in-arms happily engaged in various cultural and recreational activities together. Lei Feng and everyone played table tennis in the club for a while, and they thought that every New Year's Day, the service and transportation departments are the busiest time, how many places need help! So he put down the racket, called a few comrades in the same class, took a leave of absence together, and went straight to the nearby Ouertun Station, this helped clean the waiting room, the other poured water for the passengers, and Lei Feng brought the whole class up. Lei Feng just chooses to never stop and wholeheartedly do good things for the people, no wonder people think of Lei Feng as soon as they see people who do good things for the people.

Growing thoughts

"A spark can form a trend of burning the plains", Lei Feng spirit this "tinder" after half a century has been given a new connotation and new characteristics of the times, it has long become a unique social trend, but also become the energy surging in the blood of our young generation, we will be truly moved, step on the footprints of the example, learn from Comrade Lei Feng, let the beacon of ideals and beliefs guide us to move forward courageously!

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