
Yang Yi led a team to secretly visit the epidemic prevention and control and safe production work of construction sites in Bazhou District and Economic Development Zone

author:China Propaganda Service Center of Pakistan

On November 12, Yang Yi, secretary of the party group and director of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, led a team to Bazhou District and Economic Development Zone to secretly visit and inspect the epidemic prevention and control and safe production work of construction sites. Yang Yi and his party adopted the "four noes and two straights" approach and went deep into the construction site of the Lewan Yuefu Phase II and Phase III projects in the Economic Development Zone, the Taicheng Central Park project, the Yuncheng Shuxiang Meidi (accident project), the shantytown transformation project in the Xinqiao area of Bazhou District, Bazhong City, and the Construction Project of Yutang Bridge (Lianhua Street to north ring road (G542) to inspect the work of epidemic prevention and control at the construction site, the 100-day offensive action of safe production, the creation of literature and the prevention and control of dust.

Yang Yi led a team to secretly visit the epidemic prevention and control and safe production work of construction sites in Bazhou District and Economic Development Zone

Yang Yi pointed out that at present, there are many sporadic epidemics in and outside the province, coupled with the rush to build projects at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the increase in personnel and mobility, and the pressure on epidemic prevention and control and safety accident prevention at construction sites has increased. All construction projects should have a clear understanding of the severe situation they are facing, resolutely overcome paralyzing thinking and lax emotions, and grasp the work of epidemic prevention and control and safe production in a more practical style and stronger measures.

Yang Yi led a team to secretly visit the epidemic prevention and control and safe production work of construction sites in Bazhou District and Economic Development Zone

Yang Yi stressed the need to stick to the position of epidemic prevention and control. Strictly control the entrance gate, insist on wearing a mask, measuring body temperature, scanning the code, and registering in and out. Reduce aggregation, partition construction, and regular disinfection. Make emergency preparations for epidemic prevention, detect sudden epidemics, and resolutely achieve early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment.

Yang Yi led a team to secretly visit the epidemic prevention and control and safe production work of construction sites in Bazhou District and Economic Development Zone

Second, we must adhere to the bottom line of safe production. Adhere to the "people first, life first", solidly carry out the 100-day offensive action of building construction safety production, compact the responsibility of safety production of all employees, strengthen the control of dangerous projects such as deep foundation pits, scaffolding, high support molds, and lifting machinery, put an end to the "three violations", take effective measures to prevent accidents such as high falls, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents.

Third, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of 100% of the 8 construction sites of the seventh national civilized city, and do a good job in dealing with heavily polluted weather.

Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in building construction safety, and form a closed-loop management of list + ledger + elimination number.

Yang Yi asked the housing departments of all counties and districts to strengthen safety supervision and carry out normalized secret visits and inspections in the "four noes and two straights" method to check hidden dangers and plug loopholes. Major hidden dangers and violations of laws and regulations must be immediately stopped, seriously investigated and dealt with, and a high-pressure situation of strict management and heavy punishment must be truly formed.

During the secret visit, Li Yufei, member of the party group and chief engineer of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Zhang Xiangyu, member of the party group and deputy director, and relevant responsible persons of the construction management department, quality supervision station, safety supervision station, housing management center, cost station and other departments attended the secret visit.

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