
The research team of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Provincial Party Committee came to Lan to investigate and guide the work

author:Langao County Rong Media Center

The county sprint annual target task promotion meeting and the village (community) "two committees" work training meeting was held

Bashan Gallery / Selenium has Langao

Langao News

On November 10, Cai Yongjie, deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Veteran Cadre Bureau, and his party came to Lanlan to investigate the standardization and standardization of the party branch of the old cadres and the establishment of the demonstration party branch, and to understand the construction of the university for the elderly and the activity center for the old cadres. Chen Wen, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Municipal Party Committee Veteran Cadre Bureau, and president of Ankang University for the Elderly, and Ouyang Zhoufei, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, investigated together.

The research team of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Provincial Party Committee came to Lan to investigate and guide the work

The research team successively went to the Laogan Branch of The Fangwan Community, the Laogan Branch of Xiaojiaba Community, and the University for the Elderly (The Activity Center for The Elderly Cadres) to understand the development of various work through on-site inspection and on-site exchanges, and gave full affirmation. The research group believes that the work measures of the old cadres in our county are solid and the results are remarkable, especially in the normalization of the activities of the old cadre branches, the grid management, and the development of the elderly to join the party.

The research team of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Provincial Party Committee came to Lan to investigate and guide the work

The research group stressed that to do a good job in the work of veteran cadres, we must take party building as the guide, accurately grasp the positioning and responsibilities of the party building work of veteran cadres in the new era, take the appraisal and promotion activities of the party branches of retired cadres as the starting point, focus on the "five good" standards, benchmark against the table, and should be evaluated, and constantly improve the standardization and standardization level of the party branches of retired cadres; it is necessary to improve the work system of veteran cadres, do a good job in management services with heart, affection, and strength, implement various policies to benefit the elderly, and find a venue and a platform for the old cadres to play a role. Guide the old cadres to make new contributions to the economic development of the county; it is necessary to carry out activities on a regular basis, and through colorful and diverse activities, let the elderly gather, move, and be happy, and constantly enhance the attractiveness and cohesion of the old cadre branches.

Reporter: Su Honghao (intern) Zhou Yu (intern) Correspondent: Lu Lei

Editor: Li Xintong

Editor-in-charge: Tu Kang

Editor-in-Chief: Su Peng


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