
This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

author:Pengxiang E Education

Army Military Transportation College


Hundreds of boats compete for the current, sending pioneers. At present, at a critical time in the reform period, with the enhancement of strategic projection of operational attributes and the improvement of the standards for teaching and studying war in army academies and schools, all aspects of the construction of the army's military transportation academies are more "war-flavored", which is not only manifested in the fighting spirit of unity and cooperation, but also reflected in the pursuit of values that advocate honor.

Benchmark advanced, carry forward the spirit, redouble efforts, take advantage of the momentum. At a new starting point, the Academy planned to seize the opportunity, win a competitive advantage, and grasp the initiative in development, the Army Military Transportation College organized a rich, focused, and novel theme report meeting on "Creating the First, Striving for Excellence, Standing in the Forefront" to summarize various competitions and work experience, boost morale, create the future, and enhance the college's all-round competitive strength.

"Three wins and double championships" and launches the brand of "military lion"

Compete in the "Crossing obstacles 2021" land unmanned challenge

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Speaker: Zhu Yuan

"Crossing dangers and obstacles" is the highest competition in the field of ground intelligent unmanned technology of our army, Tsinghua University, National University of Defense Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ordnance Industry Group and other well-known domestic colleges, research institutions and enterprises are as strong as a forest, covering the domestic advantageous team engaged in the field of onshore intelligent unmanned technology, and the "military lion" led the expedition. This is following the "Crossing Dangers and Obstacles 2016" and "Crossing The Dangers and Obstacles 2018", our hospital has achieved three consecutive "double championships" in the event, and it is also the "title" of this event and the brand and brand of "Military Lions".

Before the game, plan and deploy, and actively prepare for the battle. In the arena, fierce competition, sudden situations, harsh conditions, and the strength of the opponent are beyond our imagination, but the team members are united and brave, preferring to let themselves rain and protect the body components, preferring to turn the day and night upside down rather than give up, working hard together to overcome all difficulties and ensure the smooth completion of the game.

As the only military unit to win the championship in the competition, the achievement of this achievement is inseparable from the care and guidance of the leaders of the party committee of the college, the meticulous deployment of the leaders of the organs, and the support and encouragement of the teachers and students of the whole college.

The Baja perspective of "Fast and Furious", the shock is coming...

2021 SAE-China Baja Competition

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Reported by: Royal Army

The Baja Race is an international event that originated in the United States (1976) as a form of formula collegiate racing that is popular both inside and outside, quite attractive and influential. In accordance with the rules of the race and the racing car manufacturing standards, each participating team uses the same type of engine within the specified time to design and manufacture a small off-road vehicle, and conducts "all-round" and "full-frame" PK competitions such as technical inspection, racing car design defense, marketing defense, traction test, handling test, and endurance test.

This competition is not only a new technical education, but also a engineering practice process, which connects "teaching" and "learning" and realizes the deep integration of practical teaching and curriculum. Through this platform, it is of far-reaching significance to effectively promote the reform of the three courses of "military vehicle construction", "military vehicle theory" and "military vehicle design" of the college.

Brilliant interpretation of the military version of Fast and Furious. "Difficult" and "dangerous" are the two major characteristics of this year's track, the depth of the shell crater has reached 50cm, the height of the stone blocks has reached 40cm, and the climbing gradient is nearly 30 degrees. In the face of difficult tracks and frequent unexpected situations, with the design of the whole vehicle and the reasonable driving strategy of the driver, we resisted the pressure, coped calmly, did not fear difficulties, and bravely moved forward, and finally achieved the excellent results of the second prize in the undergraduate group.

Fighting Side by Side to Learn from Each Other's Strong Points and Complement Each Other's Weaknesses The squad division returned to the camp to review and summarize

Report on participating in a certain live-fire exercise

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Reported by: Cao Chuanjing

The exercise came to an end, and the teaching of war research and warfare never left the class. The charge was in the forefront of teaching and studying war, galloping in major exercises and training activities, testing the effectiveness of our army's training, improving the level of combat effectiveness of our army, and creating a superb "whetstone." This is the "key word of the year" from the participating instructors of the Army Military Transportation College: teaching, studying, and training.

Through participating in this exercise, we have expanded our professional perspective, tempered the quality of our will, promoted the integration and exchange between academies and the troops, and comprehensively mastered the drill procedures and methods of task-based exercise planning, integrated course setting, and integrated organization and implementation.

Through participating in this exercise and comparing it with the college's professional teaching and training exercises, I have a profound experience: Join forces and explore the establishment of a joint education and training mechanism between academies and universities and the troops; go out and strive for and create opportunities for professional instructors to participate in special activities of the troops; make clear the orientation and improve the teaching content close to the troops and the degree of actual combat; take advantage of the situation, improve and perfect the actual combat teaching and training equipment; and study and combat to provide traction for the cultivation of new-type composite command personnel.

Attach importance to teaching, delve into teaching, and service teaching

"Altar Star - 2021" Teaching Competition Report (1)

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Reported by: Zhang Xin

The Army's "Star of the Teaching Altar" teaching contest is full of masters, and the participating teams of various colleges and universities are eager to try, which can be described as "eight immortals crossing the sea and showing their divine abilities" in terms of teaching methods and means. In this competition, with the care and help of the head of the college and the leaders at all levels, we tried to give six lectures and set the topic of the five drafts; concentrated on preparing for the competition and carefully planning; decisive battle competition, all-out struggle, three stages throughout the competition.

In the course of the competition, we have gained a lot: the level of the course is not high, the content is not difficult, the design is not deep, but it is to fight, to be realistic, to be accurate; teaching methods and means must be ingenious and find another way; the ability to deal with the opportunity is also an integral part of the teaching ability, and the on-site response must be stable.

Grow all the way forward. In the 15 teams of the 12 colleges and universities in the Army's "theory group", we competed all the way and went all the way forward, ranking sixth and winning the third prize. Although the competition has come to an end, it is a new beginning for our team. Absorb the experience of the competition, enhance their own awareness, transform the learning perception into the internal source of motivation to enhance the teaching task, let the curriculum take a new level, let the teaching show a new look, we will always be on the road.

Achievements are achieved together

"Altar Star - 2021" Teaching Competition Report (2)

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Reported by: Gao Yang

Teaching competitions have special forms and special requirements, and are indispensable for elements such as warfare, ideological politics, and information intelligence. According to the characteristics of the curriculum, in terms of teaching methods, we adopt the form of flipped classrooms to implement the educational concept of "teaching as the leader and learning as the main body"; in the way of fighting, we have repeatedly selected, modified and optimized, and realized the organic combination of teaching content and real ship organization.

With the courage to participate in the competition and careful preparation, we broke through the selection of teaching and research departments, professional departments, campuses, and colleges, and finally rushed to the final of the Army, and won the third prize in the Army's "Teaching Star -2021" Practice Group Competition. The achievements are achieved by relying on the attention of the party committee organs, the help of experts and colleagues, and the hard work of team members. Thanks to the persistence in the new requirements for curriculum construction in combination with the operational task of crossing Hayden Island, in-depth research and practice have been carried out in the standardization, organization, implementation and evaluation of practical teaching, and some achievements and experience have been accumulated.

We further realize that constantly updating the teaching concept and exploring advanced teaching methods are the compulsory homework of each teacher, and it is also the only way to improve the overall level of the course teaching team, and only by strengthening confidence, pioneering spirit and innovation can we adapt to the requirements of practical teaching and continuously make greater progress.

Advance into the plateau, approach the border defense, and walk into the frontier

Report on the situation of the scientific research service mission troops

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Reported by: Cao Haiquan

Keep a close eye on the frontier of military science and technology to enhance support, and focus on preparing for war to carry out scientific research and innovation. Scientific research workers in academies and universities, with the clear orientation of focusing on preparing for war and seeking support from science and technology, are close to the actual combat and vigorously grasping scientific and technological training in cutting-edge fields such as unmanned rear-loading support, which is not only the place of duty, but also the mission.

"Zero distance" into the plateau troops to carry out scientific research services, close contact and exchange with border guards: read out the connotation of the era of sacrifice and dedication, saw the appearance of soldiers loyal to the mission, realized the winning code of the red gene, stimulated the endogenous motivation to prepare for war, strengthened the pattern consciousness of performing duties and responsibilities, and was deeply moved and inspired.

As a college supporting strategic delivery capabilities, the college should be in the forefront of the troops in teaching and studying battles, track the evolution of combat styles, grasp the front-line dynamics of the troops, integrate the latest tactics and training methods into teaching, and speed up the construction of intelligent emerging majors such as unmanned equipment engineering; persist in establishing scientific research projects that originate from the troops, and the results can be used in the troops, and strive to solve the urgent needs of the troops; closely integrate the actual combat of the troops to accelerate the research and development and construction of simulated training systems and equipment, and strive to achieve a seamless connection between teaching and training and training and combat readiness of the troops. Let the graduates go to work with the most reliable political literacy, the most advanced combat thinking, and the most cutting-edge professional technology.

Inherit the spirit of military relations and strive to be the vanguard of winning wars

"Strong Army Cup" basketball game selection and participation

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Reported by: Li Deqiang

This is a young team that "always goes forward and fights bravely", this is a steel team that is "rock solid and indestructible", and it is a bloody team that "dares to compete and dare to fight".

In the first "Strong Army Cup" basketball game of the academies directly under the Army, the spirit of "tenacious struggle and courageous competition" was carried forward, and the training preparation was 56 days, and the total training time exceeded 376 hours, from a temporary "splicing" team with a weak foundation to a professional team that cooperated with tacit understanding, could attack and defend, and was worthy of great responsibility. To achieve the goal of "rushing out of the division and fighting for the army", the Beijing Division Selection Competition faced the bright sword, won three battles and three victories, and won the first place in the Beijing Division. In the final, after four intense competitions, he won the third place, played the spirit of the military interlocutor, showed the good mental outlook of the military students striving to be the pioneer of winning the war, and won the honor for the college.

Deeply understand that firm goal self-confidence is the ideological basis for "thinking of officers"; careful planning and preparation is the prerequisite guarantee for "good planning"; tenacious military communication spirit is the strong backing of "capable officers"; scientific teaching guidance is the key support for "getting things done"; close teamwork is the magic weapon for "good deeds"; and the awareness of safety protection is the solid foundation for "winning wars".

"Thousands of articles, transportation first!" All the people of the Military Communications College have established a kind of professional self-confidence, college self-confidence, and self-confidence in the future from the heart, build a strong confidence in investing in a strong army and a strong transportation country, and strive to build a strong strategic delivery ability of our institute!

Participating in the planning: Cao Haiquan, Hou Yuanda

Photo: Ma Ruxi

This deeds report meeting made the story of "sending pioneers" blossom

Source| Army Military Transportation Academy

Publisher: Xiang Hao

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