
Read the I Ching with me: Horizons (睽)

author:Nine idle halls

What is the achievement of the family? The core of the system is formed internally, and the external forces are formed; on the surface, the sequence of world competition is joined, but in fact, the actual subsystem of the dynamics of the system begins to play a role: strength is transformed into power, and power begins to be transformed into strength. That is to say, the system has achieved invincibility in itself, and what the system is doing now is to be invincible to people. Begin to seek opportunities to get together, adapt and change nature.

That is to say, the course of civilization from point to line, from line to surface, now needs to be condensed into a new starting point. As the saying goes, the general trend of the world will be united for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time. This sub-point is to diverge from a starting point into several lines, and several lines expand into more aspects, occupying the entire known world and achieving institutional maturity. Then it is the union, and the whole known world is gathered into one point, to open up a new civilization, to become the first starting point in the new civilization world.

What does this mean? That is to say, after the family gua, the system begins to gather the world and merge civilizations, which is a process of integration, until it is gathered into a point, and that one point is used as the power point of the whole world to open up a new world. We say that there are two ways to expand in the sense of the system, one is the expansion of the surface, the Taiji ring is also a surface after all, and the expansion of the surface is also indispensable; the second is the expansion of the body, and the Taiji ring is holding on to the beginning of differentiation and division of the self, so as to complete the division of the system in the sense of two. The expansion of the surface is a process from point to line to surface, and the expansion of the body is a process of re-aggregation into a new space. If the system cannot see itself as a whole, it cannot carry out the self-differentiation and self-division that is maintained by the center. Self-differentiation and self-division is a process of giving birth to a new self, and not adhering to the zhongzheng will not be able to give birth to a new self, but will split the old self, which is a process of losing the sense of direction and going to extinction. Therefore, the unification of the whole world is an important first step in completing this process, and the goal of the system after the family is to unify this cloudy world, so as to complete that one, and open up a new starting point for the world.

Read the I Ching with me: Horizons (睽)

Wouldn't it be better not to open up new worlds and just keep the old ones? Some people will have this idea! Birds that do not peck at the broken eggshell will surely suffocate before breaking the shell, which is the law of nature. When slash-and-burn farming, the mountain and the sea are our shells, and we will perish without breaking through him; in the information age, this dim blue dot is our shell, and we will also perish without breaking through him; in the galactic age, the thin membrane between quality and energy is our shell, and we will perish without breaking through him. Compared with nature, we are always on the side of the small and weak and the dead, but the genes given to us by nature have written us an indomitable stroke of resistance long before we have been, and the power of survival will surely overcome the wrong path of death, which is the reason why every bird that spreads its wings and flies high breaks out of its shell. Therefore, we people must open up a new world, and we must also be able to open up a new world.

How to open up? First of all, we must unify! How to unify? The first step is to be present.

It is not for you to act, but for you to reconnoiter, and this reconnaissance is not to look at it openly and brazenly, so that it becomes a view, but to observe silently, quietly, unconsciously. What to see?

The first is to examine the trends, which is the most important. There must be demons when things go wrong, and to be vigilant against changes in the general trend, we must always carefully look at the unnatural and irrational things around you. Deviating from nature and disobeying the human heart is to be a demon.

The second is to turn enemies into friends, how to transform? The best policy is culture, materially pulling him into his own interest channel, spiritually equal, soul pursuit of consistency. The middle strategy is to calm him, isolate him, restrict him, suppress him, make him materially trapped, spiritually lonely, soul empty, and before long, he will cry and cry to join you. The next strategy is to take it by force, two slaps to the past, and then raise a big stick, and ask you if you are convinced? defy? The stick fell on the body, served, that is still a good brother.

Read the I Ching with me: Horizons (睽)

Of course, what you want is your vision, the same thing, in the eyes of this person is a stone, in the eyes of another person is a piece of jade, and even many people think that this is a stone, but when you cut it open and ponder, he is really a piece of beautiful jade, which shows that he has vision. There is no vision to see gold praise gold, but to see beautiful jade praising beautiful jade. There is a vision to find gold when you see gravel, and jade when you see stone. There is a vision to find that extremely valuable thing from many ordinary or abnormal things.

And the development and change of life is a natural and quiet development change, so once you get a piece of gold and a wall of jade, it will definitely cause others to pay attention to and even envy, but if you get some gravel and a stone, there will be no trouble. Because obviously a few more gravel and a few more stones than others is nothing at all. Even if your gravel turns into gold and stone into jade, as long as you don't say that others still won't care about you. Therefore, it is not a vision to find gravel and stone, and it is not a strength to collect gravel and stone, but if there is gold and jade hidden in the stones inside the gravel, it is not the same. And what we call vision is this vision.

Read the I Ching with me: Horizons (睽)

Today's weakness does not mean that tomorrow is still weak, today's strength does not mean that tomorrow is still strong, who knows whether today's enemies will become tomorrow's friends, the day after tomorrow' grace? It may be that the stranger is the old master, the old master is a stranger, or the new counterpart is the old benefactor, and the old engong is the new counterpart. How to distinguish? stare. Only the discerning can see through all this.

And where does the vision come from? From the trend, from the system, from the easy system of the easy to benefit, ascend and look far, high and far-sighted. What kind of life core you have, what kind of architecture will be generated, what kind of behavior will be generated, and ultimately determine your horizon.

You can't see what you can't see unless you raise your horizons, which is the view.

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