
The United States and other countries have begun to allow foreigners to enter, does the Chinese government currently have relevant policies? Wang Wenbin responded

Source: Global Times - Global Network

[Global Times-Global Network Report Reporter Xing Xiaojing] Recently, the United States and other countries have begun to allow foreigners to enter the country, does the Chinese government currently have relevant policies? On the 11th, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China has learned from multinational practices and international practices, and has always scientifically and dynamically adjusted the management measures of relevant personnel to China according to the changes in the epidemic situation.

The United States and other countries have begun to allow foreigners to enter, does the Chinese government currently have relevant policies? Wang Wenbin responded

Wang Wenbin said that the current global epidemic is still spreading, the virus is also constantly mutating, and China will continue to determine various prevention and control measures on the basis of scientific analysis according to the development of the epidemic situation. At the same time, China is willing to actively build a healthy, safe and orderly order of personnel exchanges between China and foreign countries under the premise of ensuring the safety of epidemic prevention.

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