
Han Fangyuan tips: Four types of people should be wary of the advent of breast hyperplasia

author:Follow the pace of life

Breast hyperplasia has been called a "modern disease" in women because breast hyperplasia is the most common breast disease in middle-aged women. In recent years, the incidence of breast hyperplasia has gradually increased, and there is a trend of rejuvenation, and four groups of people should be especially vigilant about the advent of breast hyperplasia.

Han Fangyuan tips: Four types of people should be wary of the advent of breast hyperplasia

>>>> Menopause, menstruation abnormalities are prone to breast hyperplasia

Menstruation begins too early, which mostly occurs before the age of 12; or women's menopause is too late, more often occurs after the girlfriend is 55 years old; or the menstrual period of female friends is particularly short, generally this situation Menstruation days are less than 21 days, the probability of getting sick is high.

>>>> Unmarried, childless and unlactating people are susceptible to breast hyperplasia

Breast hyperplasia is the most common breast disease, and its incidence accounts for the highest incidence of breast diseases. Breast hyperplasia can occur in women of any age after puberty, but is most common in young and middle-aged women aged 30 to 50 years. People who are not breastfeeding, never have children, and who have given birth too late are 1.5 times, 30%, and 3-4 times higher than normal, respectively.

>>>> People with excessive mental and psychological pressure are prone to breast hyperplasia

Such as female teachers, white-collar workers, such groups of people are heavy, stressful, and do not pay attention to self-regulation, in the long run, easy to cause endocrine system disorders and changes in hormone levels in the body, followed by breast hyperplasia. Moreover, the lack of activity and exercise in such women is also one of the reasons for the high incidence of breast hyperplasia.

>>>> Poor diet is prone to breast hyperplasia

Obesity or excessive fat intake has a certain relationship with female breast hyperplasia, so women should change their diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and reduce the intake of fried foods, sweets, and fats.

In recent years, the incidence of breast hyperplasia has gradually increased, and there is a trend of rejuvenation, and the four groups of people mentioned above should be particularly vigilant against breast hyperplasia. Female friends with breast hyperplasia must be aware of the importance of regular check-ups and not neglect because of local symptom relief.

Breast hyperplasia diet should be avoided

(1) Appropriate

1, eat more fruits, vegetables, beans, fungi, such as black fungus, shiitake mushrooms, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes and other foods that can improve the body's immunity.

Han Fangyuan tips: Four types of people should be wary of the advent of breast hyperplasia

2, should eat more foods with anti-breast cancer effect, such as hippocampus, horseshoe (hòu), cobra meat, sperm whale oil, toad meat, crab, clams, oysters, tortoiseshell meat, kelp, asparagus, stone cauliflower.

3, should eat more foods with enhanced immunity and prevent recurrence, including mulberry, kiwifruit, asparagus, pumpkin, jujube, onion, leek, barley, beans, yam, shiitake mushrooms, shrimp skin, crabs, green fish, shrimp, snakes.

4, swelling should eat barley, loofah, red beans, taro, grapes, lychees, water chestnuts, crucian carp, pond lice, mackerel, kelp, loach, yellow jaws, snails.

5, swelling pain, nipple retraction should eat fennel, green onions, shrimp, sea dragon, sperm whale, orange cake, fěi seeds, grapefruit, horseshoe.

6, eat more coarse grains, such as coarse rice, corn, whole cereal, eat less refined rice, refined noodles; It is common to eat nutritious dried fruit seeds such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, peanuts, walnuts, dried apricots, almonds, raisins and so on.

Han Fangyuan tips: Four types of people should be wary of the advent of breast hyperplasia

(2) Taboo

1. Avoid hot, spicy and irritating foods. From chinese medicine, the theory of mastitis is mainly caused by fiery heat in the breast, which is yang evidence, heat evidence, and empirical evidence. Garlic, pepper, pepper, pepper and other foods are dry and hot, and after eating, they will heat up and make the symptoms worse.

2. Avoid hot and greasy foods. Including fatty meat, fried fritters, fried twist flowers and other fried pastries.

3. Avoid eating hair products. The so-called hair product refers to food that is particularly easy to induce certain diseases (especially old diseases) or aggravate existing diseases. Such as pork head meat, dog meat, lamb, sea crab and so on.

4. Eat less fatty foods, prevent obesity and avoid using drugs containing estrogen as much as possible, and do not eat chickens and beef fed with estrogen. Because these can cause breast hyperplasia, or make breast hyperplasia worse.

HanFangyuan is committed to popularizing and publicizing the prevention of breast cancer, with the purpose of caring for women's health and preventing breast diseases, regularly updating health knowledge, and paying attention to Hanfangyuan's only official WeChat public account: hfywxpt to obtain breast health knowledge and care for women's health!

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