
What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders

author:Red Doctor Science

Sanqi powder is also known as TianQi powder, gold does not change, is the main ingredient of Yunnan Baiyao, the main production area in China's Yunnan and Guangxi deep mountains, the function of Sanqi can be summarized by "hemostasis and stasis, pain" 6 words to summarize, so since ancient times are to Sanqi as a wound gold sore medicine.

I don't know if you have ever understood in the usual time, in Japan, many people in this country are very fond of drinking three seven powder, and even take three seven powder as afternoon tea, many people think that this may be one of the reasons for the longevity of japanese people, so for these long-term drinking three seven powder people, what kind of changes have occurred in their bodies?

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders


What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? What are the benefits of drinking Panax notoginseng powder?

1. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Because Sanchi powder has the effect of activating blood stasis and nourishing blood and replenishing blood, it is often necessary to drink Sanchi powder and soak water to soften blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Anti-cancer effect

Panax notoginseng powder is rich in panax notoginsan, which has a good anti-cancer effect, especially for cervical cancer, the inhibition rate is as high as 90%, so female friends often drink sanchi powder soaking water in normal times, which can effectively prevent cervical cancer.

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders

3. Beauty and beauty

Because Panax notoginseng powder has a good blood tonic effect, if there are symptoms of anemia, injection of Panax notoginseng injection can promote the recovery of erythrocyte hemoglobin, so women usually drink some Sanchi powder soaking water, which can make the qi more rosy.

4. Delay aging

Panax notoginseng can significantly improve serum and brain tissue SOD activity, reduce the production of MDA in heart, liver and brain tissue, significantly improve SOD activity in brain tissue, and reduce the generation of LPO, so if you want to delay aging and keep young, you may wish to drink more Panax notoginseng powder soaking water.

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders


Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders

Although drinking Sanqi powder soaking water has a very good effect on physical health, it is not suitable for everyone to drink, we must pay more attention, the following types of people are not suitable for drinking Sanqi powder.

1. Menstruating women

Because Sanchi powder is the first miracle drug to activate blood and dissolve stasis, if it is drunk during menstruation, it is very easy to cause excessive bleeding and prolong the menstrual period; but if it is a blood stasis type menstrual irregularities, you can drink Sanchi powder to activate blood stasis and regulate menstruation.

2. Pregnant women

Pregnant women can not drink three seven powder during pregnancy, because three seven has a good effect on blood loss anemia, pregnant women take it is very easy to cause blood circulation to speed up, increase the probability of miscarriage, adversely affect the health of the fetus, not only three seven powder, any drug should not be taken.

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders

3. People with weak bodies

Because the medicinal properties of Sanqi powder are cool, there will be aggravating effects on the disease of cold deficiency, so some people do not know their own physical constitution, often drinking Sanqi powder will have a cold and runny nose, so people with cold body weakness try not to drink Sanqi powder in normal times.

4. Children under 10 years of age

Because sanchi powder has the effect of improving immunity, and the self-immunity of children under 10 years old has not yet developed perfectly, long-term use of sanchi powder may affect the development of autoimmunity, in addition to sanchi powder, children should pay more attention to any supplement, not the more the better.

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders


What should I pay attention to when taking Panax notoginseng powder?

1. Pay attention to the dosage

Everyone in taking 37 fans must control the dosage according to their own condition, three seven powder per person per day to take no more than 8 grams, do not exceed 5 grams at a time, if it is for external use, it can be another matter.

2. Sealed and stored

The storage conditions of Sanchi powder require sealing, drying and ventilation, so it is not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, as long as there is no mildew in the stage, it can be taken, of course, the sooner the powder is taken, the better, so as to avoid the drug effect.

3. Phase gram food

Do not eat beans, fish, etc. when taking Panax notoginseng powder, because these substances will have a certain impact on the absorption of the active ingredients of Panax notoginseng, and eating together is not conducive to the exertion of medicinal effects.

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders


The correct way to eat three seven powder

1. Take it with boiling water

Patients use warm boiled water of about 80 degrees Celsius half an hour after meals to thoroughly dissolve and stir before drinking, which is conducive to the full absorption of the drug and will reduce gastrointestinal irritation.

2. Medicinal food

Medicinal food includes: Three Seven Black Chicken Pot, Three Seven Lotus Juice Steamed Eggs, Tian Qi Lingzhi Pot Chicken, etc., this method belongs to cooked food. It has the effect of strengthening the body and replenishing blood, excessive fatigue, anemia and so on.

3. Boil the porridge

Wash 30g of red dates and 30g of rice and put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, cook for 20 minutes on high heat until the porridge is cooked, and then take 5g of 37 powder and put it into it to eat. Serve in 2 divided doses daily for several days.

What happened to people who have been drinking three or seven powders for a long time? Note: These types of people are not suitable for drinking three or seven powders

In summary, Sanqi powder is a kind of powder that uses Sanqi, the medicinal effect is very good, but everyone must understand the contraindications of taking Sanqi powder, take Sanqi powder correctly, understand more about the consumption method of Sanqi powder, and do not take it casually.

Conclusion: Have you ever eaten Sanqi powder in your daily life? What other benefits do you think eating Panax notoginseng powder has for your health? If you have any other views and opinions on this, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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