
Hunan writers and artists will hold activities to collect and create styles, and will tell the story of Huxiang on the road of rural revitalization

author:Red Net
Hunan writers and artists will hold activities to collect and create styles, and will tell the story of Huxiang on the road of rural revitalization

On November 11, the 2021 annual "Gathering Cultural Forces and Helping Rural Revitalization" Hunan Literary and Artistic Artists Creation Activity organized by the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literature and Art was officially launched.

Hunan writers and artists will hold activities to collect and create styles, and will tell the story of Huxiang on the road of rural revitalization

Red Net Moment, November 11 (Reporter Hu Bangjian, Song Peishan, Intern Feng Linxi, Cao Luyang) On November 11, the 2021 annual "Gathering Cultural Power, Helping Rural Revitalization" Hunan Literary and Artistic Artists Collection and Creation Activity organized by the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literature and Art was officially launched in Changsha.

Nearly 80 literary and art workers were in high spirits and lined up neatly. From November 11th to 13th, they will be divided into three wind collection teams and go to Changsha, Xiangtan, Shaoyang, Yueyang, Yiyang, Zhangjiajie, Huaihua, Loudi, Xiangxi and other 9 cities and prefectures to carry out style collection and creation activities.

Xia Yisheng, secretary of the party leading group and vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, presented the flag to the group; Yan Fuchu, chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, vice chairman of the China Book Association, and chairman of the Provincial Book Association, made a mobilization speech; Deng Qingke, member of the party leading group, vice chairman, and secretary general of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, presided over the departure ceremony; and Tang Guiping and Zhang Chun, members of the party leading group and vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Literary Circles, attended the ceremony.

"Gathering cultural power and helping rural revitalization" Hunan literary and artistic artists' collection and creation activities are an important measure for literary and art workers in the province to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on literary and artistic work and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st", a concrete action to implement the spirit of the Tenth Provincial Literary Congress, and another brand literary and artistic activity with the theme of "Helping Rural Revitalization" created by the Provincial Literary and Art Federation after the brand literary and artistic activities of "Wuling Chasing Dreams", which is the theme of "Helping Rural Revitalization". It is a voluntary action of literature and art to benefit the people, which highlights the responsibility of Hunan writers and artists in the new era.

During the collection activities, writers and artists will visit traditional ancient villages, demonstration villages for the construction of new rural areas and cultural tourism towns, feel and experience the humanistic history and changes of the times in ancient villages, new rural areas and cultural tourism towns, and then create excellent works praising the revitalization of rural areas in the new era, promoting and enriching the construction of rural civilization, and presenting gifts for the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Hunan Province.

Yan Fuchu pointed out that "poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and a new struggle" and "if the nation wants to be rejuvenated, the countryside must be revitalized." Culture is the soul of the countryside, and culture is prosperous and the countryside is prosperous. The purpose of this style creation is to help the revitalization of rural culture, achieve the revitalization of rural civilization, and thus achieve the purpose of rural revitalization.

Yan Fuchu stressed: The activity of collecting styles and creating is not a "rural show" of looking at flowers and flowers and flashing light, but a requirement of "going deep into life and taking root in the people." It is a "training furnace" for writers and artists to shoulder the mission, go to difficult and difficult areas with full of feelings to observe the people's feelings, enrich materials, and carve fine products. The Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature attaches great importance to this activity, and the leaders of each detachment are led by the party group. In the process of collecting wind, writers and artists should step on the dirt, sink into the grass-roots level, and care for the masses, grasp the pulse of the times, deeply write the great changes in the rural areas of Huxiang, record the style of the times, carry forward the spirit of the times, and tell well the story of Huxiang on the road of rural revitalization.

Deng Qingke said that art can let go of the wings of imagination, but artists must step on the solid earth, hoping that the vast number of writers and artists can carry forward the fine style of the older generation of writers and artists, measure every corner of the Land of Sanxiang with their feet, go to the front line of rural revitalization, and use pens, brushes, brushes, and notes to compose a new epic of great changes in the mountains and townships of Hunan in the new era.

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