
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

author:University of Science and Technology Beijing


Sixty-nine years of time

The splendor of molten iron cast gold has since begun

The Star of the North Science Child is burning in all directions

Today, it is the 69th birthday of Beike

Please let us wish you the best of luck

Happy birthday

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Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

University of Science and Technology Beijing 2021 promotional video



Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Aerial view of the school in the early days of the school

In 1952

The national department adjustment is formed by Tianjin University (formerly Beiyang University), Tsinghua University, Tangshan Railway College, Shanxi University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Northwest Institute of Technology and other 6 famous universities in China, named Beijing Iron and Steel Institute of Technology, which is the first steel industry institution of higher learning established in New China.

In 1960

It was renamed Beijing Iron and Steel Institute and was approved as a national key higher education school.

In 1984

It became one of the first institutions of higher learning in the country to formally establish a graduate school.

In 1988

Renamed University of Science and Technology Beijing.

In 1997

The first batch of universities to enter the national "211 Project" construction universities.

In 2006

Become the first batch of "985 Project" advantageous discipline innovation platform construction universities.

In 2007

As the first university directly under the Ministry of Education, it took the lead in undertaking major national scientific and technological infrastructure projects and major engineering materials service safety research and evaluation facilities.

In 2014

The leading Collaborative Innovation Center for Steel Common Technology was selected into the national "2011 Plan".

In 2017

Selected as a national "double first-class" construction university.

In 2018

It was approved by the Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and the Ministry of Education to jointly build colleges and universities.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Aerial view of the school

The wheels of history roll forward

69 years of ups and downs

Full of wells, a school

Realistic Dingxin melt-based forging beam

Let's listen to "Cradle Carol"

Let's look back at the glory of the North Branch

Scientific research work

Beijing University of Science and Technology has always taken it as its responsibility to solve the major needs of the country and lead the scientific and technological progress of the industry, actively build a platform for scientific and technological innovation, continuously deepen the cooperation between industry, education and research, make outstanding contributions to social and economic construction and industry scientific and technological progress, and create many "firsts" in the history of China's scientific and technological development.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Professor Xu Baosheng developed the world's first arc casting machine.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Professor Yang Rang successfully developed China's first satellite - "Dongfanghong No. 1" shell material.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Professor Zhu Jue is the founder of electroslag metallurgy in China. In 1960, he built China's first industrial electroslag remelting device in our school.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Successfully developed the first domestic industrial robot and China's first computer architecture design of more than 100,000 transistors per second.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

A number of key technologies have made important contributions to major projects such as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Liaoning Warship, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the Tiangong-1, beidou, high-speed rail and the infrastructure construction of the Winter Olympics.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Han Jingtao's team developed a new space deployment system for Zhangheng 1 and Chang'e 4.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Professor Liu Yingshu proposed the pressure swing adsorption oxygen production process, and created a new method of "tunnel palm surface diffusion oxygen supply and oxygen bar car oxygen supply", filling the gap in the world's high-altitude oxygen production technology. Professor Liu Yingshu also walked into the textbook and became the protagonist of "Building the Railway to Lhasa" in the fifth-grade Chinese textbook of the Renjiao edition.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The National Materials Service Safety Science Center (hereinafter referred to as the "National Science Center") was established in 2008 by the National Development and Reform Commission, relying on one of the twelve major scientific devices in China's "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" "Major Engineering Materials Service Safety Research and Evaluation Facility" project, which is the first large scientific device led by a university directly under the Ministry of Education.

Since the launch of the project, the project builders aimed at the construction of world-class device groups, adhering to the concept of "unity and pragmatism, scientific management, expert decision-making, wisdom and innovation", broke through a large number of technical problems, the level of device construction has been highly praised by peers at home and abroad, as of now, 5 of the 8 sets of test devices have won the "international leading" evaluation in the process test acceptance and follow-up international evaluation. Around the construction and scientific research of the device, a scientific research and construction team of more than 200 people led by academicians and distinguished professors at home and abroad, combined with full-time and part-time work, and combined at home and abroad, has submitted 151 patent applications and 97 authorized patents.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

2011 Plan: With the University of Science and Technology Beijing and Northeastern University as the core universities, and the steel common technology collaborative innovation center jointly established by Baosteel, Angang Steel and other domestic backbone steel enterprises, steel research group, Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other research institutes, it was successfully selected into the national "2011 Plan" and is the only national "2011 collaborative innovation center" in the steel industry.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Professor Lu Zhaoping's team developed a new generation of ultra-high strength steel based on co-lattice nano-precipitation enhancement and was selected as one of the top ten advances in Chinese science in 2017.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Professor Zhu Rong presided over the "carbon dioxide in steelmaking resource application technology" was selected as "2018 world steel industry top ten technical highlights".

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

From 1978 to the end of 2020, more than 2,000 scientific research achievements have won various awards at the national, provincial, ministerial and ministerial levels, including 185 national awards. In 2018, he won 7 national science and technology awards, ranking 8th among national universities.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In the past five years, he has published 5 papers in Nature and Science.

Discipline construction

In the fourth round of subject evaluation by the Ministry of Education, 16 disciplines of the school entered the top 30% (a total of 20 disciplines participated), and the university ranked 22nd. Four disciplines, such as materials, metallurgy, mining, and history of science and technology, have entered the ranks of national world-class discipline construction. Ranked 26th in the country. Six subject areas entered the top 1% of the ESI world, and 2 disciplines of materials and engineering entered the top 1‰. The overall strength of the school has been continuously improved, ranking 446th in the 2021 QS World University Rankings and 21st in domestic universities.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The school has 10 disciplines in the QS World Top 500. Materials Science, Environmental Science, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems, ranks 27th in the Mainland in total.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Eight disciplines entered the top 100 of the Soft Science World Rankings. Metallurgical Engineering (World No. 1), Mining Engineering, Energy Science and Engineering, Nanoscience and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Instrument Science, Control Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

SKUST Academic Global Rankings

Ranked 401-500 in 2018

Ranked 301-400 in 2019

Ranked 201-300 in 2020

Academic standards, international influence and competitiveness are rising rapidly

Continuous cross-gear forward!


The school has a strong teaching force. Since the establishment of the school, a large number of experts and scholars with high moral standing, talent and learning, and strong professional strength have gathered in our school. At present, there are 15 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (including double employment) and 1 academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

National Famous Teacher Professor Yu Yongning

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

National Famous Teacher Professor Cai Meifeng

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

National excellent teaching team Mechanical design drawing teaching team

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

National excellent teaching team Materials science teaching team

The level of teachers in the school is superb. There are 2 national-level famous teachers, 2 national-level outstanding teaching teams, 19 candidates for the National Million Talents Project, 19 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, 34 famous teachers in Beijing, and 102 cross-century/new century outstanding talents of the Ministry of Education.

In the National Competition on Teaching Basic Skills for Young Teachers, our teachers won four consecutive first prizes and achieved the "three consecutive championships" in the science group.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Award-winning teachers in the National Competition of Teaching Basic Skills for Young Teachers

Talent development

In the past 69 years since its establishment, the school has gradually formed a fine tradition of "rigorous learning style and advocating practice", and has trained more than 200,000 talents for the society, most of whom have become the pillars and backbones of the country's political, economic, scientific and technological, education and other fields, especially in the metallurgical and material industries. Party and state leaders Luo Gan, Liu Qi, Xu Kuangdi, Huang Mengfu, Fan Changlong, Guo Shengkun, and Liu Xiaofeng all studied at the school.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Among the alumni who have studied and worked at the school, 40 alumni have been elected as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Wei Shoukun, Wu Ziliang, Ke Jun, Xiao Jimei, Gao Qingshi, Ye Hengqiang, Zhang Xingju, Zou Shichang, Li Yiyi, Wang Chongyu, Xu Zuyao, Zhou Guozhi, Chen Nanxian, Ge Changchun, Luo Jianbin, Zhang Unification, Fan Weitang, Yin Ruiyu, Xu Kuangdi, Zhong Di, Tu Mingjing, Chen Xianlin, Hu Zhenghuan, Guan Jie, Zhou Bangxin, Cui Kun, Ke Wei, Lei Tingquan, Liu Jiu, Chen Guoliang, Cai Hongnian, He Jilin, Wang Yide, Zhang Yuzhuo, Cai Meifeng, Fei Aiguo, Xie Jianxin, Mao Xinping, Zhang Yue, Yue Qingrui.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In addition, a large number of alumni have taken up the leadership positions of governor and mayor, and a large number of alumni have served as the chairman or general manager of Baowu Group, China First Heavy, China Aluminum, China Minmetals, China Iron and Steel Research Institute, Hesteel Group and other national mega-enterprises. The school has thus earned the reputation of "Cradle of Steel"!

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

"Talent Training Model for Large Materials"

The impact is far-reaching

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In the 1990s, the "large material talent training model" proposed by academician Ke Jun and other famous material educators of our school had a far-reaching impact, which has been widely borrowed and adopted by domestic universities, and won the first prize of national teaching achievements in 2001, creating a precedent for the teaching reform of materials disciplines.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

On this basis, the school has continuously exerted its advantages in material disciplines and gradually formed a high-level innovative undergraduate talent training system of "four-step progression", and won the first prize of national teaching achievements in 2014.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In 2018, the University of Science and Technology Beijing was selected as one of the first ten pilot universities in the country for the comprehensive reform of "three all-round education".

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The school is equipped with tutors for each newly admitted undergraduate student, and plays the role of tutors in terms of moral cultivation, academic guidance, academic guidance, planning guidance and so on. The undergraduate tutor system runs through the four years of undergraduate education, and this system has been fully promoted throughout the university, covering all departments and all majors of the school.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In 2005, the school took the lead in incorporating "social practice of college students" into the teaching plan, and the curriculum won the second prize of the national excellent curriculum and the national education and teaching reform achievements. The school has won the title of "National Advanced Unit of Social Practice of 'Three Going to the Countryside' in the Summer of Colleges and Secondary Schools" for many consecutive years, and has been praised by Qiushi Magazine as "the model of Beijing University of Science and Technology in Social Practice".

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The school deeply excavates the history and excellent traditional culture of mining and metallurgy related disciplines, takes the inheritance and innovation of Chinese mining and metallurgical culture as its own responsibility, builds a traditional metal craft inheritance and innovation base, and is approved as a national university Chinese excellent traditional culture inheritance base.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The effect of talent training is remarkable, the comprehensive quality of students is continuously improved, and they continue to contribute to the "Strength of Beike" in major events such as the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the National Day, helping to overcome poverty, and preventing and controlling the new crown epidemic.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Students have outstanding achievements in the Internet +, Challenge Cup, and Youth Creation Competition, and won the "Winner Cup" in 2020.

International exchanges and cooperation

After the reform and opening up, the first university with foreign countries

Establish partnerships with Chinese universities

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In April 1979, the University of Science and Technology Beijing signed a cooperation agreement with RWTH Aachen University in Germany. This is the first time after the reform and opening up that China's institutions of higher learning have established cooperative relations with foreign universities, and has written a strong stroke in the annals of international exchanges in China's higher education.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The University of Science and Technology Beijing signed a cooperation agreement with RWTH Aachen University

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of friendly relations between the two universities, Aachen University presented the Asian Forging Hammer (seven in the world, one on each of the seven continents), and the Asian Forging Hammer is located on the campus of Beijing University of Science and Technology

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The 40th Anniversary of the Opening of Inter-University Cooperation between China and Germany High-level Universities was held at BEIJING University of Science and Technology

The school adheres to the principle of opening up schools, aiming at the forefront of the world, strengthening international cooperation, and has carried out diversified and multi-level exchanges and cooperation with more than 220 famous universities, scientific research institutions and multinational enterprises such as student exchange, scientific research cooperation and scholar visits, and promoted the school to run schools.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The school initiated the establishment of the World Steel Development Research Institute, and jointly built the Institute of Sino-foreign People-to-People Exchanges in the Mining and Steel Industry with the Center for Humanities and Cultural Exchanges between China and foreign countries of the Ministry of Education, helping China to move from a steel power to a steel power.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

The school participated in the preparation of the China-Pakistan Engineering University and led the construction of the Ministry of Education's "Belt and Road" Material Corrosion and Protection Field Observation and Scientific Research Station. Solidly promote the "Study Abroad in Beijing" program and train more than 1,000 students for countries along the "Belt and Road".

Party building and ideological and political work

The school has continuously strengthened the party's overall leadership, adhered to the comprehensive and strict management of the party, party building and ideological and political work in Beijing and even the country's colleges and universities have an important impact, provided a solid ideological and political and organizational guarantee for the reform and development of the school, and demonstrated strong organizational leadership and execution in all major events.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In 1989, the Department of Metallurgical Machinery was awarded the title of Advanced Collective of the Ministry of Metallurgy and Beijing Municipality. In 1994, the Party Branch of the Metallurgical Machinery Teaching and Research Office was selected as one of the "Ten Banners" of the Advanced Party Branch of Beijing Municipality, and in 1996, it was named "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In 1994, the school was the first batch of advanced schools in party building and ideological and political work in Beijing, and continued to retain the title of "advanced school" in 1996. In 2004, it was awarded the honor again, and in 2008, the title of "Advanced School" was retained. In the past four appraisals of outstanding achievements in party building and ideological and political work in Beijing colleges and universities, the schools have won the "highest award" for their achievements, ranking first in Beijing universities.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, teachers and students of the whole school united as one and united as one to protect the lives and personal safety of teachers and students. Pakistani students of the school jointly wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping, expressing their gratitude to the Chinese government, including the school, for their care and help, and received a cordial reply from General Secretary Xi Jinping, which became a powerful spiritual driving force to encourage teachers and students of the school to continue to forge ahead.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In the practice of poverty alleviation, the school has formed a support work idea of "strengthening party building as the guide, education poverty alleviation as the main line, product poverty alleviation as the theme, and scientific and technological poverty alleviation and cultural poverty alleviation as the support". The school's designated poverty alleviation work has been selected into the "China Poverty Alleviation and Development Yearbook" and "National Education Poverty Alleviation Typical Cases" for many times. For two consecutive years, the school has been rated as "Gansu Province Poverty Alleviation and Support Advanced Collective"; 4 people have been rated as "Gansu Province Poverty Alleviation and Support Advanced Individuals"; 1 person has been rated as "National Advanced Individual for Poverty Alleviation". Created a designated poverty alleviation "Qin'an sample" for colleges and universities.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!
Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In order to adapt to the reform of education and teaching in the new era, the school has comprehensively promoted the ideological and political construction of the curriculum, and the digital horse academy, the construction of the ideological and political class and the open class of "Big Country Steel" have had an important impact on the country.

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

Beijing University of Science and Technology was founded in New China

The first steel industry school

Bathed in the glory of the party to forge ahead

Adhere to the iron and steel school, steel school, steel strong school

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

In the future development

Beijing University of Science and Technology will continue to inherit the red gene

Adhering to the historical mission of "strengthening the country with steel and rejuvenating the country through science and education"

To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Contribute to the Chinese Dream!

Today, you're 69 years old! Happy birthday! My beloved University of Science and Technology!

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