
The quickest way to abolish a man is to leave him idle

author:Look up at the world

Some people say that if you want to see if a person is good, then look at what he does in his spare time.

  There are people in this world who are busy sneaking around, taking advantage of the gap between sitting in the car and queuing to read, think, and write, and there are also people who spend their days doing nothing and wasting time.

  Idleness is not a blessing for a person. Instead, the quickest way to scrap a person is to leave him idle.

  As Romain Rolland said, "The heaviest burden in life is not work, but boredom." ”


  Idle and idle, a person is ruined.

  Cai Kangyong once said: "When you are not self-motivated, you are killing people, you are not careful, kill yourself." ”

  After graduating from college, my friend entered a large company with a high degree, thinking that his life would be stable from then on, and he would leisurely chase dramas after the completion of his job.

  When some colleagues around her were busy with examination and further study after work, she scoffed, thinking that others' education was not as good as her own, and no matter how hard she tried, it would not help.

  Although I commute to work on time every day and do similar work with my colleagues, I can only know who is swimming naked until the tide recedes.

  However, in five years, under the influence of the industry environment, the company is facing reform and needs to lay off employees, and she is prominently listed from a highly educated background.

  At that time, I found that in the face of fledgling young people, their physical and mental strength have been unable to fight, and the experience and experience accumulated in the past few years have not been transformed into core competitiveness.

  Eight years after graduation, she was forced to return to the talent market, but at that time she did not grow compared to when she graduated, and she repeatedly ran into a wall in interviews.

  Li Shanglong once said:

  "The real stability is the thinness of the aftermath of the world, you have not seen the world, you want to retreat from the mountains, in the end it will only be the frog at the bottom of the well." 」

  Life is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

  In a world of survival of the fittest, you must constantly improve your value.

  The temperature in the bed is far less warm than the harvest of the future; the stories in the books always have the life you have learned, and coveting comfort will only make life rust.

  People often lament that the midlife crisis came unexpectedly, but in fact, before it came, you had countless opportunities to let it bypass you, but perhaps it was precisely because you chose ease that it was given the opportunity to take advantage of it.


  People live to the extreme, but they are not willing to idle.

  Shen Congwen once said: I am most afraid of idleness in my life, and once I am idle, I will lose all the meaning of life.

  His student Wang Zengqi once described Shen Congwen in an article:

  In the winter, there is no fire in the house, and it is fenced with a quilt, and it is still written continuously.

  In his later years, he was also reluctant to idle, and completed the "Research on Ancient Chinese Costumes" with reference to a large number of materials.

  He was writing when others were having fun, and he was still writing when someone questioned and slammed him.

  Let busyness become the norm of life, is the only way to realize the value of life.

  There are many beautiful things in life, which are nothing more than the result of long-term persistence, and those who are strong, without exception, live a self-disciplined life.

  "Idleness" has never been a problem or a bad thing that people say, but a reward from Heaven.

  Climbing the 10-story staircase without panting in one go is difficult for a young man, but 91-year-old Li Shaolu did it.

  His secret is not to let yourself sit idle.

  Get up at seven o'clock every morning, exercise for an hour, eat breakfast at eight o'clock, go out for a walk, come back at 9:30 to read books and newspapers, listen to music and practice calligraphy in the afternoon, continue to exercise for an hour, and take time to help his wife do housework.

  There is a saying: idle people are sad, lazy people are sick, busy people are happy!

  Indeed it is. When a person is idle, his mind and body will be tortured. Idleness will be easy to think wildly, self-pity, and physical laziness will also make us more and more distant from health.

  On the contrary, busyness is the precious medicine of the world, and when you are busy, life has a head start.

  Japanese writer Kazuo Ishiguro once said: When I look back on my life and see that I have spent my life capturing the unique beauty of that world, I believe that I will be satisfied, and no one can make me believe that I have wasted my time.

  The story of a group of elderly people in Taiwan with an average age of 81 years old riding a motorcycle around Taiwan touched many people.

  The Immortal Knight said, "Go, let's go around the platform on the O'Dumai (motorcycle)!" ”

  They set out, from south to north, night to day, around the island for thirteen days. Of them, 2 had cancer, 4 needed hearing aids, 8 had heart disease, and each had problems with degeneration.

  Body and mind always have to have one on the road, and this matter has nothing to do with age. Staying quiet in the hospital is a way to live, and it is also a way to go out bravely.

  Busy and difficult to live, although hard, but if there is an afterlife, many people will still choose that hot life, only then can we realize the value of life.


  Too idle life is actually a disaster.

  Zweig once said:

  Every gift given by fate is secretly marked with a price.

  There was a man in The United Kingdom who went from being a destitute garbage worker to a multimillionaire because he won the lottery.

  He quit his job and splurge on luxury cars, drug addiction, prostitution and gambling.

  After losing £9.7 million in just seven years, he was once again impoverished, and his wife and daughter both abandoned him.

  Material things can satisfy a person's temporary happiness, but when there is only pleasure and indulgence left in life, it is difficult to experience the joy and sense of accomplishment from the heart.

  As Albert Einstein said:

  "I have never regarded ease and pleasure as the purpose of life itself—this ethical basis, which I call the ideal of the pig pen."

  Li Ka-shing, the richest man in China, has been in the business world all his life and has countless wealth, even if he did not choose to retire until he was 90 years old.

  Before retiring, no matter what time he went to bed, he always got up after the alarm went off at 5:59 a.m. Then, read the news, play golf for an hour and a half, go to the office again, start working, and stick to it for decades.

  Li Ka-shing's life confirms that saying: 10,000 years is too long, only to fight for the day.

  Idle, you may be happy for a while, but repetition and nothingness will one day make you feel bored.

  Busy can be tiring, you need to divide the time into several parts, even like a sponge, but it can make us harvest a lot, such as wealth, happiness, inner fullness.

  For decades in life, we always have to leave something for the world. Never take "idleness" as a gift from heaven, the things that make you happy will one day destroy you.


  "Cai Gen Tan" has a saying: if life is too idle, don't think about it; if you are too busy, the true nature will not appear.

  It is true that it is not advisable to be too busy or too idle, and it is the most complete state of life to be busy, to be busy, to be busy, to have love, and to look forward to.

  When you begin to know how to cherish time, make good use of time, and reasonably arrange your life, you are prolonging the length of life, broadening the thickness of life, and raising the height of life.

  The so-called living up to this life means not failing to live up to every stage of life.

The quickest way to abolish a man is to leave him idle

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