
Pico and ManagerXR accelerate the adoption of Pico VR-based solutions in the U.S. B-side market

author:Yingwei Nweon

(, November 10, 2021) -- ManagerXR, an enterprise device management platform designed for VR and AR devices, has announced that the eponymous app has become the preferred VR device management solution for Pico headsets. According to reports, the Pico headset in the United States, including Neo 3 and G2 4K, will be pre-installed with ManagerXR.

As more and more organizations begin to adopt virtual reality, such as corporate training of employees, doctors treating patients, and school education of students, they face management challenges from early pilots to full adoption. ManagerXR is designed to help enterprises scale their VR deployments, allowing administrators to remotely control all aspects of their VR device fleet, including application and file distribution, homescreen customization, and security settings control, among others.

Pico and ManagerXR accelerate the adoption of Pico VR-based solutions in the U.S. B-side market

ManagerXR's native integration will allow Pico users to skip the tedious steps of the setup process and activate ManagerXR directly on the device to load remotely configured apps, files, and configurations.

Luke Wilson, founder and CEO of ManageXR, said: "We are very excited to partner with Pico to help businesses deploying VR programs more access to ManagerXR. This is a huge plus for administrators, as non-technical end users can fully configure the device from a blank state in less than 2 minutes in just a few simple steps. ”

Pico commented: "The configuration and day-to-day management of devices is a major challenge for companies of all sizes. This partnership with ManagerXR allows our clients to confidently expand their use of virtual reality and unlock powerful new workflows in their business. ”