
Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

author:Catering pioneer

Baked lamb knee bone with rice grain

(Serves 2)

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Production time: 30 minutes


300 grams of lamb knee bone, 200 grams of Italian rice noodles


5 small tomatoes, 20 grams of parmesan cheese, 15 grams of italian coriander, salt, 10 grams of black pepper, wine, 500 ml of water or vegetable broth


1. Wash the lamb's knee bones, spread well with a small amount of wine and salt, grind black peppercorns, add chopped coriander and marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, add the lamb knee bones and bake for about 30 minutes, bake well and then serve.

3. Take a pot, add 250 ml of water or vegetable stock, add rice noodles and cook until boiling, turn to medium heat to maintain boiling state, wait for the water to dry slightly, then add 250 ml of water or broth to continue boiling, stir at the right time when boiling, cook until the rice noodles are soft, put into the pan.

4. Add the minced tomatoes and cheese to the rice noodles, sauté until the cheese melts, place on a plate and add the roasted lamb knee bones.


Italian rice noodles have a good taste, good elasticity, and do not paste when boiled, and when paired with lamb, the taste is refreshing.

Cooking Tips:

A baking dish is lined with tin foil, coated with olive oil, sprinkled with salt, ground black peppercorns and fresh herbs, and placed with lamb knee bones.

Stir-fried turnips with orange cream

(Servings 6)

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Duration: 30 minutes


Fruit wood smoked bacon 110 g, cut into 2.5 cm square dice · Unsalted butter 90 ml · Small radish with leaves 1400 g, small radish longitudinal four-class cut with point stems, leaves cut into coarse pieces · Salt and pepper to taste · 3 shallot heads, thinly sliced · Sugar 10 g · Freshly squeezed orange juice 240 ml


1. In a large, deep pan, fry the bacon over medium heat for 4 minutes to become crisp. Scoop the bacon onto a kitchen towel with a colander and drain the oil. Pour out the fat oil of the pan-fried bacon.

2. Place 30 ml of butter in a pan and melt over high heat. Add the radish leaves, season with salt and pepper and stir-fry for 3 minutes until it has turned brown. Scrape the leaves into a bowl.

3. Melt the remaining 60 ml butter in a pan and add the radish, shallots and crispy bacon. Stir-fry over high heat for 6 minutes until the turnips turn golden brown. Add the sugar and sauté for another 2 minutes until all the sugars are melted. Pour in the orange juice and bring to a boil for 2 minutes, turning several times until the radish is almost soft and the sauce thickens. Stir in the radish leaves, season with salt and pepper and serve.

Several radish recipes offered by F&W:

1. Sauté the diced canned anchovies and olives, as well as the crushed rosemary and radish in extra virgin olive oil.

2. Sauté the shallots, ginger, peppers and radishes together in extra virgin olive oil and add a little Asian fish sauce and fresh lime juice.

3. Sauté the chopped roasted mexican peppers and coriander with the turnips in olive oil.

Silky tender tofu, almond air foam

Green apple gel and dried shallots

(Servings 10)

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Lactone tofu 30 g · Apple juice 1 liter · Fish gelatin 50 g · Fennel 1 kg · Almonds 50 g · Milk 2 litres · 150 g shallots · Sugar 5 g

1. Cut the lactone tofu into small pieces and place on a plate for later.

2. Heat apple juice, fish gelatin and sugar in a saucepan until the green apple juice becomes gel-

3. Stir fennel, almonds and milk well, then place in an Espuma foamer and set aside.

4. Fry the shallots in a fryer until golden brown before drying.

5. Add green apple gel, dried shallots and almond air foam squeezed out of the Espuma foamer to the plate.

Pan-fried scallops with saffron lemon juice risotto

(Serves 1 person)

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Production time: 20 minutes

30 grams of Italian rice, 1 gram of saffron, 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 200 ml of broth, 3 grams of chopped grass, 3 scallops, 10 grams of parmesan cheese, 1 gram of italian parsley

Seasoning: 5 g salt, 5 g olive oil

1. Wash the rice, pour the broth, rice, saffron and lemon juice into the pot, bring to a boil on high heat and simmer over low heat until the water has completely evaporated. Constant agitation is required during this time.

2. After turning off the heat, add parmesan cheese and chopped herbs, stir well and cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

3. Pour olive oil into a saucepan, fry the scallop meat in a pan until golden brown on both sides, place on top of the saffron risotto and sprinkle with italian coriander.

Italian rice itself has a unique aroma, which, combined with saffron, lemon juice and cheese, makes this risotto a varied and fragrant dish.

Roasted vegetables on paper and paired with chef's homemade broth

Cauliflower puree and tomato tata

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Fresh seasonal vegetables 200 g · A piece of magic paper · Cauliflower 1 kg · Milk 500 ml · Tomato 500 g · Parsley 5 g · Balsamic vinegar sauce 2 scoops · Green beans 200 g · Black olives 20 g · Water 500 ml

1. Put the green beans and water in the soup pot and cook for about 20 minutes, then make green bean soup and set aside.

2. Tie the fresh seasonal vegetables and the prepared green bean soup in magic paper and bake in a 220 degree Celsius oven for 20 minutes.

3. Bake the cauliflower in the oven for 20 minutes, add milk and cook for about 15 minutes, then place in a blender and stir to form cauliflower puree.

4. Finely chop the tomatoes, add parsley, balsamic vinegar and black olives, stir well to make a tomato tart.

5. Plate with seasonal vegetables and magic paper, served with tomato tarts and cauliflower puree.

Bake prawns with rice-type pasta

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Preparation time: 20 minutes

5 tiger shrimp, 200 grams of Italian rice noodles

10 grams of basil, 50 grams of water melon fillet, 500 ml of shrimp soup, 30 grams of sour mayonnaise, salt and black pepper to taste

1. Wash the shrimp, cut off the feet with scissors, remove the shrimp intestines, put the treated shrimp in a container, add salt, black pepper and part of the basil and marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Put 1 in a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, bake in the oven for about 3 to 5 minutes, then remove.

3. Take a pot, add 250 ml of shrimp soup, add rice noodles and cook until boiling, turn to medium heat to maintain boiling state, until the water is slightly dry and then add 250 ml shrimp soup to continue boiling, stir at the right time when boiling, cook until the rice noodles are soft, put into the pan.

4. Add sour mayonnaise to the rice noodles, mix well and put on a plate, add the baked tiger shrimp and cucumber fillet, sprinkle with the remaining fresh basil and serve.

Rice noodles are salty and fragrant, with a slightly sour sauce that stimulates the taste buds, and the roasted sea sweet tiger shrimp is softer and contrasts.

Tiger shrimp can be replaced by bright shrimp, too large can be cut from the middle and then baked, people who like strong flavor can first fry the shrimp slightly and then bake, which is easier to taste.

Compressed watermelon, watermelon peel

Lime avocado and black vinegar sauce

Eight Chinese and Western fusion dishes, all of which are hot! Diners scramble to order!

Watermelon 1 kg · Watermelon peel 500 g · One lime · Avocado 50 g · Coriander 50 g · Green pepper 50 g · Black vinegar juice 500 g · Fish gelatin 10 g · 1 tbsp white vinegar sauce · 1 tbsp sugar · Thyme 10 g · Salt 10 g · Olive oil 10 g

1. Cut the watermelon into small cubes of about 2 cm and set aside.

2. Crush the avocados, lime, coriander and chili peppers into lime avocado and season with salt. Place the cut watermelon and jam together in a vacuum bag until used.

3. Heat the black vinaigrette and fish gelatin to a liquid, suck into the needle tube, drop into the olive oil, and the liquid quickly solidifies into caviar-shaped black vinegar grains.

4. Cut the watermelon peel into pieces, add thyme, white vinegar and sugar and marinate for 15 minutes. Compressed watermelons are plated and garnished with black vinegar grains and pickled watermelon peels.

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