
I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

author:Chengdu is anti-cult

Some time ago, @ Jiangsu Internet Police A hot search on Weibo caused a huge response, and also made many girls vigilant and learned about the ugliness of PUA.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?
I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

As early as last year, the overseas edition of the People's Daily, the China Women's Daily, and the Southern Daily have successively exposed and criticized the ugly truth of PUA.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Screenshot of the overseas edition of the People's Daily Weibo

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Screenshot of Southern Metropolis Daily Weibo

PUA, full name pick-up artist, translates to, should be, "hook-up artist".

PUA, originally, was only used to teach boys how to approach their favorite people through technique and psychology.

But later it evolved into a means of deception, deception, and seduction, and the emotional manipulation of the "five-step trap", and even caused the other party to commit suicide.

Today, the biggest purpose of PUA is actually four words: emotional control

Yes, controlling you, using emotions as a threat, forcing you to do everything voluntarily, to give up your flesh, to give your money, even to give your life, that is, to commit suicide.

In other words, cheating, cheating money, but also letting your emotions be played between the palms of your hands.

But the most terrible thing is that you are fully committed, emotional to him, physical to him, money to him, and even life to him.

And what he gives you is a scam, a hoax outright.

They are real except when they sleep with you, and they are false at all other times.

The circle of friends is fake, the chat is fake, the promise is fake, the profession is fake, the image is fake.

These are all their performances.

Regarding PUA, if you have ever heard of IT, you may have heard more of the "five-step trap method" and "three kinds of human design" methods I mentioned above.

The so-called three kinds of personalities, PUA people like to create the three kinds of personalities: prodigal son, poet, emperor.

The five-step trap method is actually the process of chasing a girl, 5 steps.

1, hook up 2, online interaction 3, offline dating 4, TD (push down) 5, reverse

PUA embraces three concepts:

First, girls are not chased, they are attracted.

Second, let a girl can't do without you, love you to death, not to become a good man, always be good to her, but to let her emotions fluctuate because of you, give her wind and waves, and suppress her. Let her care about your disdain extremely, so that she can desperately desire your affirmation. Good men, who can't attract women, will only become spare tires.

Third, guide the girl to give to you, the more she gives to you, the more she loves you.

As you will see, all three of these concepts are deeply permeated in these 5 steps.

"Talking to Strangers" once did a PUA program, invited a PUA student, and exposed the routine of PUA to everyone.

Lin Chen (pseudonym), the only PUA student interviewed, also admitted that he was more scumbag than a scumbag and asked to wear a mask during the interview.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Screenshot of the show

He studied PUA because of his emotional frustration, and the first time he implemented the "five-step trap method", he succeeded, and the girl even committed suicide because of his departure.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?
I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Feelings are the natural physical and psychological reactions of two people, and he turns them into a game completely.

When the host asked him back, he also confessed that he no longer had such feelings.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Since it is a game, there are strategies, there are routines, but there are no feelings. He uses people and skills to hook up with his sisters, and they don't like the real him.

Lin Chen has an inferiority complex because of his family origin and his own conditions. Later, he got tired of this life and wanted to go back to his hometown to find someone to live well.

When he revealed his true self to others, he was rejected. He suddenly felt that nothing was interesting and fell into depression.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

PuA people are mostly a group of people who want to take women's lives, and they will stop at nothing, walk the streets like people, and have an unusually dirty heart.

A reporter has undercover observed several groups of PUA paid students, the group is to promote this spirit of sleeping more women as the main purpose, posting photos and even videos to the group for discussion, it is really disgusting.

Some PUA practitioners are even proud to guide women down the path of suicide.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Screenshot of PUA student chat

In "Talking to Strangers", the strong girl Wu Ming (pseudonym) still feels uncomfortable when she mentions these things until now.

Since then, she has also bravely stepped forward to become a member of the anti-PUA.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

What is even more frightening is that some of the PUA people are HIV carriers. Some of them are taking revenge on society with the frequency of pushing down 2 to 3 women every week.

PUA is very harmful to women, some of them are infected with sexually transmitted diseases, some people have no money, and they have not been able to build confidence in men for many years, thus losing the ability and courage to love, and even worse, they are killed.

PUA student Lin Chen (pseudonym) eventually lost in the two human settings, the heart has no feeling for love, has lost the ability to love, fell into depression, which is also the retribution of self-inflicted evil consequences.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Girls often have a Cinderella dream, and one day the prince will come wearing a rainbow and holding a rose in his hand to drive a Porsche.

But the reality is that there are not so many rich second generations under the sky.

Even if there is, the rich second generation is generally surrounded by beautiful women, and very few rich second generations are bored to find true love on social software, and the warblers and swallows around him have made him busy.

The essence of a PUA player is: with the least amount of time, the least cost, and to have a relationship with you.

If you don't want to be deceived, the right medicine is 5 points:

1, do not know a person from the circle of friends, this is the fulcrum of the PUA scam.

I'm going to let her prove her love for me with her life, how terrible is the sex cult PUA?

Screenshot of Wu Ming's Weibo

2, for any boy, from the realization that to determine the relationship, it takes at least a month, this is the principle.

3, refer to Article 2, from the beginning of love, to have a relationship, at least three months (the time can be set by themselves), this is the same principle.

4, the first two lights, in fact, enough to block most of the PUA people, because they do not have the patience, most of them can not pass this test.

I hope that girls can have the ability to distinguish scumbags and enjoy the original appearance of love.

So, the last paragraph, written to the boys.

I advise you not to contact PUA, really, even if you are not cheating money.

Because the core trick of PUA is to disguise.

Better camouflage, more successful camouflage, more charismatic camouflage.

There is no other way for you to quickly meet true love and grasp it.

All the shortcuts you take, in a word, are implicitly marked with a price.

The price of becoming a PUA is:

You won't have the feeling of heartbeat anymore, you won't have it in this lifetime.

When you are familiar with this theory and apply it properly, when chasing girls becomes a challenge for you:

Love, in your heart, will become a game.

Girls, in your heart, will be the prey.

You may never be able to blush and enjoy the feeling of looking back and smiling at your heart racing.

This is the saddest thing in life:

You've had relationships with a lot of girls, but you never had a guy you really liked.

Disguise becomes excellent, what not to work hard, really become excellent?

In the big concept of life, PUA is to play a little clever.

In the end, a little cleverness will ruin your life.

Whether you've ever heard of PUA or not, after reading this article, hopefully you won't feel fear, and even if you are scared, it shouldn't make you emotionally disappointed.

Love is still very beautiful, at a good age you, have a good love, still worth yearning for.

Source: Zhihu

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