
Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

author:Three small hairs

Introduction: Why are the orchard chickens that were once "popular" in the countryside not on fire? What are the disadvantages of raising chickens in orchards?

Breeding and breeding is the most common project for many farmers and friends to return to their hometowns, because they have been exposed to these since they were young, which is a matter of hearing about it. Second, the land resources in the countryside are abundant, which is very suitable for breeding and breeding.

A few years ago, the rural areas arose to contract mountain woodland for planting, and some of them also engaged in breeding in the contracted mountain land in order to increase their income, that is, the model of "combining planting and breeding".

Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

At that time, this new model was also recommended by many experts, and many people in the countryside also made bold attempts, and some people successively raised some native chickens, native ducks and other poultry in their orchards. However, in just a few years, few people now insist on raising chickens in orchards, and those who tried before have given up one after another.

A few years ago, a large number of people from outside the village also contracted mountain woodland for planting, and a few people from other places came to contract all the mountain woodland in our village and planted some fruit trees. At that time, they also fenced off part of the orchard, and then stocked a large number of native chickens, ducks and sheep.

This model did sound very "eye-catching" at the time, because the chickens and ducks in the orchard were raised, and the chickens and ducks were omnivorous animals, and they could help eat some of the pests in the orchard, and even eliminate the need to weed. At the same time, the excrement of poultry such as chickens and ducks is still high-quality farm manure, and they are excreted in the orchard, which is equivalent to playing a role in fertilization.

Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

The fruit dropped in the orchard can also be used to feed chickens and ducks, so it seems that both breeding and planting are beneficial to both sides. This can also reduce the cost of breeding and planting, not to mention that in the orchard is a free-range native chicken, is really eating weeds, fruits grown, not like the farm feed chicken, so the price is more advantageous in the market.

However, the good times were not long, and the bosses of these contracted mountain woodlands gave up the next year, but chose to continue to specialize in planting, or engaged in breeding, not mixed together. Asking the reason for this, he told me that the chicken was too destructive.

The first is that the chickens and ducks are very destructive. Friends who have raised chickens in the countryside are well aware that the destructive power of chickens is indeed very strong, and where there are often chicken activities, there is no grass, and even the soil will become hard.

Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

This is mainly because chickens are omnivorous animals, and their mouths and claws are very powerful, and they will eat all the bugs and weeds in the soil. At the same time, there are often chickens active, and they will harvest the soil hard. Some chickens will "burrow" everywhere, and the roots of the trees are already exposed, making the ground potholed. This is obviously detrimental to the growth of fruit trees, which also need to breathe.

Secondly, chicken excrement cannot be used directly as farm manure. Chicken excrement is indeed a kind of high-quality farm manure, in the countryside many people will use chicken manure as fertilizer to fertilize crops, but these are after decomposition treatment, if the chicken manure is directly piled up on the crops, it will not only not promote growth, but also may kill the crops.

Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

Finally, the fruit will suffer. The ancestors of chickens are pheasants, and although they are not good at leaping, they are still very strong in jumping, breeding in orchards, and when the fruit is ripe, some chickens will fly to the tree to eat the fruit. At that time, we planted peaches and oranges here, and these fruit trees were not very tall, and the chickens flew up easily.

It seems that there are many drawbacks to raising chickens in orchards, but if you can master the method, this method is still feasible. And many people raised chickens in the orchard before, and then gave up, most of them because of lack of experience, and did not know how to breed, the orchard chicken is too simple.

Raising chickens in an orchard is not just about enclosing the orchard and then putting the chickens in. The first thing to consider is what fruit trees are suitable for raising chickens under the forest. Like the fruit is too sweet, and the fruit tree is low under the fruit tree is not suitable for raising chickens, otherwise the chicken will waste the fruit.

Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

The second is to control the density of culture. Now many people are pursuing profits, thinking of "making quick money", and the same is true for raising chickens in orchards, a small orchard, hundreds of chickens, such a large density, the limited food that can be eaten in the orchard, they will jump up and down, destroy everywhere, and the soil is also harvested hard. To raise chickens in orchards, we must first reasonably control the density, and let the chickens be active in different places, and cannot be fixed in one place for a long time.

Finally, of course, sales are also critical. Some people are reluctant to continue raising chickens in orchards because of a lack of marketing. If there is no sales, then even the best products will rot in the hands. The cost of raising chickens in orchards is already high, and some people just follow the trend of breeding at the beginning, but when they find that there is no market, there is no way to sell, only low-cost processing. Later, I found that I lost money, and I was reluctant to do it the next year.

Why aren't chickens in orchards, which were all the rage a few years ago, not hot now? Farmers: Chickens are too destructive

Some people are reluctant to continue to raise chickens in the orchard, saying that the destructive power of chickens is too strong, in fact, this is to make excuses for themselves. That's because they're too greedy to control the density. Or too lazy to breed in one place and never give the flock a change of range.

In fact, as long as the density is reasonably controlled and combined with scientific breeding methods, it is still feasible to raise chickens in orchards. What do you say?

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