
Wang Tongyi, Chairman of Macau QiantongYi Group, wishes all employees of the Group a happy Lantern Festival for Chinese people around the world
Wang Tongyi, Chairman of Macau QiantongYi Group, wishes all employees of the Group a happy Lantern Festival for Chinese people around the world
Wang Tongyi, Chairman of Macau QiantongYi Group, wishes all employees of the Group a happy Lantern Festival for Chinese people around the world
Wang Tongyi, Chairman of Macau QiantongYi Group, wishes all employees of the Group a happy Lantern Festival for Chinese people around the world

Gu Xiaoxue, artistic director of Macau Qiantong Art Group, wishes the world's Chinese people, people, events, reunion!

Official source, financial source, left and right Feng yuan!

Popularity, blessings, fates continuously!

Wish, wish, wish!

May this Lantern Festival, everything can be a good dream come true!

--- March 5, 2015, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the Lunar New Year, symbolizing the arrival of spring. Chairman Wang Tongyi also wished the global Chinese people good health, and the company was thriving to welcome the 2016 smooth sailing and the Lantern Festival.
