
Xiangshan resident Bai Juyi

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 Bai Juyi (28 February 772 – 8 September 846), courtesy name Lotte, was a scholar of Xiangshan and a drunken monk, and had the title of the Lord of Enlightenment in the poetry world. Originally from Taiyuan, Shanxi, born in Xinzheng, Henan, he was a Tang Dynasty literary scholar with exquisite articles, especially good at writing poetry, and was one of the most representative poets of the Middle Tang Dynasty. The works are approachable, and there is even a saying that "old women can understand".

  In his early years, Bai Juyi actively engaged in political reform, cared for the people's livelihood, advocated the Xinlefu movement, advocated that poetry creation should not be separated from reality, must be based on real events, reflect the situation of the times, the so-called "articles are combined for the times, songs and poems are written for things", is one of the important leaders of the practical school of literature after Du Fu. Although he still did not change his concern for the people's livelihood in his later years, because of his political inadvention, he often indulged in poetry and wine, and composed "The Biography of Mr. Drunken Yin" to make himself a situation. Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu are equally famous, with the name "Yuan Bai", and Yuan Bai and Yuan Bai are partners in the literary innovation movement, respectively, "Yuan's Changqing Collection" and "Bai's Changqing Collection", known as Changqing Body, also known as Yuanhe Body. In his later years, Bai Juyi sang a lot of harmony with Liu Yuxi, and was known as "Liu Bai".

  Bai Juyi, because of his efforts to write poetry, once said that some people may think that he is a "poetry king" or a "poetry demon", and there are poems: drunkenness and poetry magic, and the day and afternoon mournful chanting to The West of the Day. Tang Xuanzong once praised Bai Juyi as a "poetry immortal", so he was called "Shi Xian", and Li Bai was transformed from "who immortal" to "poetry immortal" by the people in later generations.

  Bai Juyi's works, during the author's lifetime, have been widely circulated in all walks of life in various social circles, and even in foreign countries, such as the Korean Peninsula, Japan and other places, and have a great influence. Important poems include "Long Hate Song", "Pipa Line", "Qin Zhong yin", "XinleFu", etc., and important articles include "The Nine Books of Youyuan".

Xiangshan resident Bai Juyi


  According to historical records, After Bai Juyi's ancestral home was Taiyuan, Shanxi, after Bai Qi, the 24th grandson Bai Yong, served as the Taishou of Taiyuan in Northern Wei, The 5th Sun Bai Jian of Bai Yong, the Five Soldiers of Northern Qi Shangshu, because of his merits, gave Tian Hancheng (present-day Weinan, Shaanxi), Bai Jian's great-grandson Bai Wen, who served as the tang Dynasty inspector Langzhong, moved to Xiayi (present-day Xiayi Town, Linwei District, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province), Bai Wen's sixth son Bai Yong, Ren Gong County Ling, lived in Zhengzhou, and had five sons, each of whom lived in four directions with his official. Bai Jigeng, the eldest son of Bai Yong, was a driver in Xiangzhou and had four sons, the second son being Bai Juyi. Bai Juyi was born in Xinzheng, Henan.

  Some modern scholars believe that Bai Juyi may be a descendant of the Hu people, and that they are descendants of the Guizi royal family, but there are also objections.

  Bai Juyi's grandfather, Bai Yong, served as the county commander of sour dates and Gong County. His father, Bai Jigeng(white), served as Peng Chengling during the middle years of Emperor Dezong of Tang's reign, and was instrumental in resisting Li Zhengji's rebellion, and was awarded the official positions of Emperor Sanfu, Dali Shaoqing, and Xuzhou Beichai, and also gave him a fish bag and Xu Si's observation judge. Later, he successively served as a driver in Quzhou and Xiangzhou. Bai Juyi's maternal grandmother was also from the Bai family, so Bai Juyi's mother, Chen, was originally related by blood to the Bai family.

  Sixth Ancestor: Bai Jian, Northern Qi Five Soldiers Shangshu.

  Fifth Ancestor: Bai Shitong, Governor of Tangli Prefecture.

  Gao Zu: Bai Zhishan, Shang Yi Feng yu.

  Great-grandfather: Bai Wen, Inspector Lang Zhong.

  Grandfather: Bai Yong, Yan'an Ling.

  Father: Bai Jigeng, Dali Shaoqing, Xiangzhou Beichai.

  Mother: Yingchuan Chen. Easy to live and simple.


  Bai Juyi was born in Xinzheng, Henan in 772 (the seventh year of the Tang Dynasty), and later migrated to Yuezhong, Quzhou, Fuli, Xiangyang, Luoyang, Chang'an and other places due to wars and other factors. When he was young, his family was poor, and he had more contact and understanding of social life and the sufferings of the people. In 787 (the second year of Zhenyuan), Bai Juyi went to Chang'an to visit the famous soldiers of the time. When Gu Guan saw Bai Juyi's name, he once said sarcastically, "The price of rice is expensive, and Ju Yifuyi is easy." It was not until he saw his psalms that he sighed: "If you have a word, it is easy to dwell." ”

  In 799 (the fourteenth year of Zhenyuan), Bai Juyi began to devote himself to scientific research. In 800 (the fifteenth year of Zhenyuan), he entered the priesthood and the first, and then returned to his hometown to visit relatives. In 802 (the seventeenth year of Zhen Yuan), he was sentenced to the trial book of Bacui Anddi, and betrothed to Yuan Shu, who was also and first, and became a lifelong friend. In 803 (the eighteenth year of Zhenyuan), he was appointed secretary of the provincial school and settled in Chang'an.

  Examples of works: "Endowed with Ancient Grass Farewell", "Hundred Judgments".

  Chang'an and the early years of official life

  In 806 (Yuan and Yuan), Bai Juyi deposed Shulang. In April of the same year, he tried to learn and learn maoming in the physical department, and the first, he was awarded the title of lieutenant of Qiuxiu County (present-day Zhouzhi County). In 807 (Yuan and 2nd year), he was appointed as a jinshi examiner and a jixian school manager, and was awarded the Hanlin Bachelor. In 808 (Yuan He III), he served as Zuo Shiyi and took Yang Rushi's sister (i.e., Yang Yuqing's consort sister) as his wife. In 810 (Yuan and 5), he was reappointed to the army of the Household Department of Jingzhao Province, and in 811 (Yuan and 6th), his mother Chen Shi died, leaving his post dingyou and returning to Xiayi. In 814 (Yuan and 9), he returned to Chang'an and was given the title of Crown Prince Zuo Zanshan.

  When Ren Zuo picked up the remains, Bai Juyi thought that he was a good official who dared to speak out, so he frequently wrote letters and wrote a large number of poems that reflected the reality of society to supplement the current politics, exaggerated to the point that no matter how big or small the affairs of the DPRK and China were, even if they were not under the control of Bai Juyi's powers and responsibilities, they had to go to the table for impeachment, and the behavior of being nosy made many ministers of the DPRK feel dissatisfied with Bai Juyi, and even pointed out the emperor's mistakes in person. Because he said things too directly and too many times, the small matter of sesame green beans also had to be reported for criticism, which made Tang Xianzong feel unhappy and complained to Li Dai: "Bai Juyi is a boy who has been promoted to a famous position, and he is rude to yuan, and it is difficult to be real. Li Dai thought that this was a piece of Bai Juyi's loyalty, and advised Xianzong to open up the way.

  Examples of works include: "Celin", "Long Hate Song", "Qin Zhongyin", "XinleFu", "Self-Yin Humble Shiyin Has Some Feelings".

  Jiangzhou and the demeaning career

  In 815 (Yuan and Ten Years), the prime minister Wu Yuanheng was assassinated, and Bai Juyi advocated strict arrest of the murderer, which was considered to be a transgression. Later, Bai Juyi was slandered again: his mother fell into the well and died after seeing the flowers, but Bai Juyi had poems of "flower appreciation" and "new well", which were harmful to the famous religion. He was demoted to Sima of Jiangzhou (江州, in modern Jiujiang, Jiangxi) on this grounds. In the winter of 818 (Yuan and 13), he was appointed as the Assassin of Chungju (present-day Chung County, Chongqing), and in 819 (Yuan and 14). In the summer of 820 (Yuan and 15), he was recalled to Chang'an and served as a disciple of Shangshu Si.

  Although Bai Juyi's mother died because of seeing flowers falling into the well, Bai Juyi already had many works of flowers, and according to the records of the Song Dynasty, the Arai poems were written around the year of Yuan and Yuan (806) (the Arai poems are now lost), and Bai Juyi's mother died five years later, so this matter cannot constitute a crime. The main reason for his disparagement is probably related to the fact that he offended those in power by writing satirical works. The depreciation of Jiangzhou was the turning point of Bai Juyi's life: before that, he was determined to "help both" and hoped to make contributions to the people of the country; after that, his actions gradually turned to "being alone", although he still cared for the people, the actions he showed had no spark in the past. However, although Bai Juyi was not ambitious in Jiangzhou, he was still able to live in peace in general, and once built a grass hall in the north of Lushan Xianglu Peak and traveled with local monks.

  In 818 (Yuan and thirteen years), Bai Juyi's younger brother Bai Xingjian went to Jiangzhou to meet Bai Juyi. When Bai Juyi was appointed as the Assassin of Chungju, Bai Xingjian also went up the river with his brother. On the way, they met Yuan Shu at Huangniu Gorge, and the place where the three of them traveled together was called Sanyou Cave. During his tenure in Chungju, Bai Juyi planted flowers on the hillside east of Chungju Castle and named the place "Dongpo".

  Examples of works include: "After Reading Li Du's Poems Because of the Inscription Volume", "With the Book of Yuanjiu", "Visiting the Old House of Tao Gong and Preface", "Compiling The Humble Poems into Fifteen Volumes of The End of the Inscribed Volume Giving Yuan Jiu and Li Twenty", "Pipa Line", "You Dalin Temple Preface", "Caotang Record", "Book of Youwei", "Li Bai Tomb", "Three Tour Cave Sequence", "Dongpo Planting Flowers".

  Su Hang's political achievements

  In the winter of 820 (Yuan and fifteenth years), he was transferred to the post of Chief Guest LangZhong and Zhi Zhi Zhen. In 821 (the first year of Changqing), The Emperor of the Jia Dynasty began to wear the five-pin crimson imperial dress, (crimson color is vermilion, which is the color used by officials of five pins or more. Turned to the pillar country, and then to the shusha people. In 822 (the second year of Changqing), Bai Juyi wrote a letter on the military of Hebei at that time, which was not adopted, so he requested to serve in other places, and in July he was appointed as the Assassin of Hangzhou, and arrived in October. During his tenure, he built the West Lake embankment and dredged six wells. In May 824 (the fourth year of Changqing), he was appointed as the crown prince Zuo Shuzi (左庶子) to divide the eastern capital, and in the autumn he went to Luoyang to buy a house in Luoyang. In 825, he was appointed as the Assassin of Suzhou, and arrived in May. In 826, he left his post due to illness, and later accompanied Liu Yuxi to tour Yangzhou and Chuzhou.

  During his tenure in Hangzhou, he saw that six ancient wells in Hangzhou had fallen into disrepair due to their age, so he presided over the dredging of six wells to solve the drinking water problem of Hangzhou people. See also the West Lake silt farmland drought, so repair the embankment to accumulate lake water, in order to facilitate irrigation, alleviate the harm caused by drought, and write "Qiantang Lake Stone Record", the policy, method and precautions for the treatment of lake water, carved stone placed on the lakeside, for posterity to know, has a great impact on the later management of the lake in Hangzhou. Before leaving office, Bai Juyi left a sum of official money in the state treasury as a fund for the official business turnover of the officials who later governed Hangzhou, and then made up the original number afterwards. This fund operated until the Huangchao Rebellion, when Huangchao arrived in Hangzhou, the documents were burned and scattered, and the fund did not know where to go.

  Now there is a white causeway in the West Lake, and there are willows planted on both sides, which are misrepresented by later generations that this is the embankment built by Bai Juyi, and called it the Baigong Causeway. In fact, this "White Causeway" existed before Bai Juyi came to Hangzhou, which was called "Baisha Causeway" at that time and was found in Bai Juyi's poetry.

  When Bai Juyi was in Hangzhou, Yuan Shu was also transferred from the prime minister to the eastern Zhejiang observation envoy, and the distance between eastern Zhejiang and Hangzhou was not too far, so there were many reciprocal gift poems between the two. When Bai Juyi left Hangzhou, Yuan Shu demanded that Bai Juyi hand over all his works and compile them into fifty volumes of the Bai Changqing Collection.

  During his tenure in Suzhou, Bai Juyi, in order to facilitate water and land transportation in Suzhou, excavated a long seven-mile Long Shantang River from Tiger Hill in the west to Zhangmen in the east, and built a road north of the Shantang River, called "Qili Shantang", referred to as "Shantang Street".

  Examples of works include: "Jianglou Xiwang Beckoning Guests", "Cold Spring Pavilion", "Qiantang Lake Stone Record", "Since arriving at the county, only through the tenth day, Fang Zhuan official business, not in time for the banquet. Sneaking away the twenty-four rhymes of the pen, and sending them to Changzhou Jiashe and Huzhou Cui Langzhong, still presenting Wuzhong Zhuke and "To the Wine Yin".

  Luoyang and later life

  In 827 (the first year of Yamato), Bai Juyi went to Chang'an to serve as a secretary and supervisor, with a purple goldfish bag, and changed into a purple imperial dress (the color of the clothes used by officials with more than three pins). In 828 (yamato 2nd year), he was transferred to the post of squire of the Punishment Department and was enfeoffed as a male of Jinyang County. In the spring of 829, due to illness, he was assigned a branch with the crown prince and returned to Luoyang. In December 830 (the fourth year of Yamato), he was appointed as the governor of Henan. In July 831 (Yamato 5th year), Motoki died. In 832 (the sixth year of Yamato), he wrote an epitaph for Yuan Shu, and the Yuan family gave Bai Juyi 600,000 to 700,000 yuan, and Bai Juyi gave all of it to luoyang Xiangshan Temple. In 833 (the seventh year of Yamato), he was relieved of His majesty in Henan due to illness and was again appointed as the crown prince's guest division. In 835 (the ninth year of Yamato), he was appointed as the Assassin of Tongzhou, but resigned from his post, and was later appointed as the Crown Prince Shaofu Branch Of the Eastern Capital, and was made the Marquis of Fengyi County, remaining in Luoyang. In October 839 (the fourth year of the opening), he suffered from wind disease. In 841 (the first year of Huichang), he deposed the prince Shaofu and stopped. In 842 (the second year of Huichang), he received half a salary as a shangshu of the Punishment Department. He died in August 846 (the sixth year of Huichang) and was given the title of Shangshu's right servant. Buried in Longmen (now in the White Garden of Longmen Grottoes, Binyang Cave on the other side, unique scenery).

  In his later years, Bai Juyi spent most of his time in Luoyang, singing harmony with Liu Yuxi, and often traveling around Longmen. Composed "Ike Shang Chapter" and "Biography of Mr. Drunken Yin". In 845, Bai Juyi was 74 years old and was still holding the "Seven Elders' Meeting" in The First Place, with the participants Hu Gao, Ji Jiao, Zheng Zhao, Liu Zhen, Lu Zhen, Zhang Hun and Bai Juyi; in the summer of the same year, the seven old monks Ru Man and Li Yuanshuang were painted as "Nine Old Figures". In his later years, Bai Juyi was a deep believer in Buddhism, a resident of Xiangshan Mountain, and a disciple of the poet monk Ruman.

  In his later years, Bai Juyi's life mostly reflected his "poor and independent" life philosophy with a "leisurely" life. In 844 (the fourth year of Huichang), the 73-year-old Bai Juyi paid for the excavation of the stone beach around the Longmen that hindered the boat's travel, and after the incident, he composed a poem "Two Poems and Two Poems of the Eight Sections of the Rock Beach of the Dragon Gate", which still reflected his outlook on life of "reaching the world and helping the world".

  Examples of works include: "Twenty-three Prefaces to the Poems of Hewei", "Preface to the Chishang Chapter", "Tang Dynasty WuchangJun Festival Disposition", etc., so that the Zhengyi Dafu Inspected the Household Department Shangshu Ezhou Thorn History and The Imperial History Doctor Gave the Purple Gold Fish Bag to the Right Servant of the Shangshu Shooting Henan Yuan Cemetery Inscription and Sequence", "The Record of Xiuxiangshan Temple", "The Biography of Mr. Drunken Yin", "Can't Forget the Love Yin", "Gift of Dreams", "Buddha Light Monk True Praise", "Kailongmen Eight Sections of Shitan Poems Two Parallel Sequences", "Afterword to the Bai Collection".


  Bai Juyi has two daughters, one man and three biological children, and succeeds Bai Jingsheng, the son of his brother Bai Youwen. The eldest daughter, Jin Luanzi, died early, and Bai Juyi wrote "Jinluanzi Day" and "Two Songs of Reading Jinluanzi"; the second daughter, Aro, grew up peacefully, married tan Hongmo, gave birth to a daughter and a man, and returned to her father after the early death of her husband. Bai Juyi wrote "My Baby" for him, and also wrote birthday celebration poems for his children, "Little Year Day Happy Talk about the Full Moon of the Grandson Girl" and "Tan Clan Grandson Born Three Days Of Joy is a Male Doll Into a Piece and a Dream"; the third son, Bai Acui, died early, and Bai Juyi had poems "A Cui", "Crying Cui Er" and "The Obscure Uncle of the First Funeral Cui Er". His adopted son Bai Jing was sent to Meng Huai to observe the envoys, born Bai Banghan, si fenglangzhong. Bai Banghansheng Bai Siqi, Zhengzhou recorder joined the army.

  Literary achievements

  Bai Juyi, along with Yuan Shu (元稹), was an important leader in the actual school of literature after Du Fu. He edited his own book, titled Bai's Changqing Collection (or Bai's Collected Writings), which consists of seventy-five volumes and extant seventy-one volumes. Bai Juyi was very devoted to literary creation, seriously devoted himself to learning when he was a teenager, and even affected his health and showed symptoms of aging early. He once compared himself to poetry immortals and poetry demons to describe his dedication to poetry creation.

  Unlike most other poets, Bai Juyi's works were already famous when he was alive, widely circulated in various places and all walks of life, and was the most widely circulated among the poets of the Tang Dynasty. His works also spread to Japan, Silla and other places. In early Japan, the Bai Collected Works was the most important basis for the sinicization of Japanese literature.


  Bai Juyi believes that literature is a tool to reflect his philosophy of life (Tao). According to their current situation, they can be divided into two categories: "concurrent benefit" and "single good". Bai Juyi once divided his poems into four categories: satire, leisure, sentimentality, and miscellaneous, and he himself paid special attention to two types of poetry: one is satirical poetry as a tool for "simultaneous economy", and the other is leisure poetry that reflects his "unique goodness" mentality. He also put forward the proposition that "articles are written for the times, and songs and poems are written for things". Hu Shi summarized Bai Juyi's basic proposition: "It can be said that literature is written for life! Literature is a sharp weapon for relieving society and improving life; at the top, it must be able to 'make up for the current affairs', at least it must be able to 'vent people'; and everything that cannot be done is 'just mocking the wind and snow, making flowers and plants'. Bai Juyi's poetic philosophy is consistent with Yuan Shu. The ancient poetry works of Chen Ziang and Li Bai, as well as the realistic works of Du Fu, may have a great influence on the poetic concepts of Yuan and Bai.

  Regarding Bai Juyi's literary propositions, Liu Dajie believes that Bai Juyi "made a bold criticism and correct evaluation." Hu Shi affirmed Bai Juyi's intention to improve current politics by using poetry to cause public opinion, but also believed that Bai Juyi's poetry theory was too narrow and flawed. Bai Juyi's conflicting evaluation of the poetry of his predecessors also appeared because of his literary theory. For example, in the Nine Books of Youyuan, it is believed that the Jin and Song Dynasties were the era of "six righteousnesses and smallness", and there was criticism that "with the high antiquity of Yuanming, it was placed in the countryside"; however, Bai Juyi not only had the poems of "Sixteen Poems of The Latent Body of Tao Yuanming", but also clearly expressed his admiration for Tao Yuanming's personality.


  His poems now exist nearly 3,000, making him the writer with the largest number of surviving poems in the Tang Dynasty.

  Satirical poems

  Bai Juyi attaches the greatest importance to satirical poetry, and its creative intention is to use poetry to make up for the shortcomings of time and politics. Representative works include "Qin Zhongyin", "Xinle Fu", etc., the practice of poetry theory, put forward a more systematic way of advising many problems in the society at that time, and is a representative work of classical Chinese poetic realism:

  Qin Zhongyin? Buy flowers Imperial City spring twilight, noisy car Ma Du. When you share peonies, go with the flowers. Expensive and impermanent, the reward looks directly at the number of flowers: burning a hundred reds, and five bunches of elements. The upper curtain is sheltered, and the fence is woven next to it. The water is sprinkled with mud and sealed, and the color is moved as before. Everyone is used to it, and everyone is confused. There is a field house that occasionally comes to buy flowers. Bow your head and sigh alone, this sigh is not told: a cluster of dark flowers, ten households of people!

  "Qin Zhong yin" is a poem written by Bai Juyi in Chang'an during the years of Zhenyuan, Yuanhe, and Saw various unjust social phenomena at that time. These poems, one matter and one topic, one topic and one discussion, not only reflected the social problems at that time, but also presented Bai Juyi's views on these issues. Bai Juyi wrote satirical poems, which was greatly inspired by Du Fu, and "Qin Zhongyin" can reflect the influence of Du Juyi's sentence "Zhumen wine smells of flesh, and the road has frozen bones". Take the tenth poem, "Buy Flowers", for example, which specifically depicts the gap between the rich and the poor in society at that time. The last six sentences, in contrast, satirize the extravagance and luxury of the flower buyer, while also showing the poet's sympathy for the poor.

  Selling charcoal in Kugong City also sells charcoal, cutting and burning charcoal in the South Mountain, full of dust and smoke, two sideburns and ten fingers black. Selling charcoal for money, clothes and mouth food, poor clothes are single, worried about the price of charcoal and cold. At night, a foot of snow came outside the city, Xiao drove a charcoal car to roll the ice rut, the cattle were trapped and hungry, and the mud outside the south gate of the city rested. Whoever came on the two horses, the yellow-robed messenger in white, holding the document in his hand, led the cattle north. A cart of charcoal weighed more than a thousand pounds, and the palace envoys could not be spared, and the half-red yarn was tied to the bull's head to fill the charcoal straight.

  Bai Juyi hopes to use poetry to make up for political deficiencies, and "Xinle Fu" is "for the king, for the subject, for the people, for the things, for the things" and "can be said to be the most concrete presentation of Bai Juyi's poetry theory. Written in the fourth year of Yuan He, the writing standards of "Xinle Fu" are: breaking the title at the beginning, highlighting the main point of the whole poem at the end; using simple words to make people easy to understand; using direct and sharp language, making people vigilant; the narrative is reliable and credible; and the style is smooth and can be sung in the song. In order to achieve the above effect, Bai Juyi may have used many popular literary works of the time when creating "New Music House". However, the poem "Xinle fu" also has the shortcomings of starting from the concept, and the image and appeal are insufficient. Hu Shi believes that the "New Le fu" indicates that Bai Juyi has surpassed Du Fu's influence and is a work of Bai Juyi's "fusion of understanding and genius"; however, Hu Shi also believes that the various articles of the "New Le Fu" are uneven, and among the fifty works, the best works include "Shangyang White-haired Man", "Xinfeng Folding Arm", "Daozhou Min", "Binding Rongren", "Xi Liang Trick", "Du Lingsuo", "Silk Aya", "Charcoal Seller", "Salt Merchant Woman" and so on.

  Taking "Selling Charcoal" as an example, the prologue is: "Bitter Palace City Also", exposing the imperial court forcibly robbing the people's assets in the form of a palace market; the first six sentences vividly portray the protagonist's age, occupation, and charcoal-burning labor; the two sentences of "pitiful" write the unique ambivalence of the old man's life; the four sentences of "Ping" vividly portray the arrogance of the eunuchs with the words "Ping" "Call", "Hui", "叱", "Lead"; the last four sentences are written as the essence of the palace market, which is actually robbed, and only at the cost of "half a red yarn and a zhang". Even if it is to pay the price of more than a thousand catties of charcoal.

  Leisure poetry

  Leisure poems are poems written by Bai Juyi in his spare time alone, or when he is idle due to illness, to cultivate his temperament and reflect his philosophy of "contentment and peace". This kind of poetry is quite valued by Bai Juyi himself, but it is less important than the world. Take "Self-Groaning Humble Shiyin" as an example:

  Self-groaning humble Shi Because of some nostalgia Lazy illness Every time there is time, what do you do when you have time? Failed to throw a pen and write a poem. The poems are tasteless and are scorned by many people. The upper monster falls into the rhyme, and the lower is clumsy. Always chant to yourself, chant and think. Suzhou and Pengze are different from me. In addition, whoever loves, only Yuan Weizhi. He went to Gangneung Province and served as a judge for three years. Two thousand miles apart, Shi Cheng is far from knowing.

  The poems reflect the situation in which Bai Juyi composed poems, his comments on his own works, the ancient poets he admired (Tao Qian, Wei Yingwu), and his friendship with Yuan Shu.

  Sentimental poems

  Sentimental poetry refers to the poetry written because of external things and feelings. The most famous of Bai Juyi's sentimental poems are the long narrative poems "Long Hate Song" and "Pipa Line".

  "Long Hate Song" is a poignant love story depicted by integrating historical allusions into perceptual art and using layered charm lyrical brushwork. The first half is realistic, and the second half is interspersed with fictional plots and fantasy wonderlands. The language of the whole poem is beautifully toned, lyrical and narrative are integrated, and there is a high artistic achievement. The love of a sentence "In heaven wish to be compared to a winged bird, in the earth wish to be a branch" is the beautiful yearning of many idiot men and women. The author, Bai Juyi, is also known as the poet who can write love poems in ancient China. Bai Juyi classified the poem as "sentimental", which has been considered by all generations to be the story of Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei. The poem incorporates many historical allusions (including Emperor Wu of Han and Lady Li, Wei Zifu, Empress Chen, etc.), and may also be influenced by articles such as "Mu Lian Saving Mother's Variations" and "The Marriage of the Joyful King". The Long Hate Song is Bai Juyi's most widely circulated work. In Bai Juyi's lifetime, it has been widely praised, and has been widely circulated among the population for thousands of years, and has influenced many later works, such as: Wang Bodu of the Yuan Dynasty", "Tianbao Relics of the Palaces", Bai Pu of the Yuan Dynasty "Tang Ming Emperor Autumn Night Wutong Rain" miscellaneous drama, Qing Dynasty Hong Sheng's "Hall of Eternal Life", modern playwright Zeng Yongyi's "Yang Fei Dream", etc., and even influenced the Japanese literary circle such as "The Tale of Genji", "Pillow Grass" and other works.

  Due to the high popularity and sensitive topic of "Long Hate Song", and Bai Juyi's failure to clearly reveal the theme of the whole poem, there have been many evaluations and controversies in the interpretation of this poem in previous generations. For example, Zhang Jing, Zhou Zizhi, Zhang Zulian, etc., or from the perspective of etiquette, believe that the content of the long hate song depicting love is too vulgar and frivolous. Shen Kuo, Fan Wen, Zhang Jing, Yang Shen, and Zhao Yi believed that the Long Hate Song was wrong in recording the historical facts of Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei. Xue Xue and Zhou Zizhi disagreed, and Wang Shu disagreed with Zhang Jie's criticism. In addition, such as Zhao Yi and Wang Guowei, gave high praise to the whole poem.

  Although Bai Juyi once said: "The poetry of the servant of the present, loved by man, cannot understand the miscellaneous poems and the 'long hate song' have fallen into the ear, and the weight of the time is light, and the light of the servant." However, he also wrote: "A long hate has a style, ten Qin Yin is close to the right voice", according to which Chen Yinke believes that Bai Juyi prides himself on "The Song of Long Hate" as its "masterpiece of the volume".

  "Pipa Xing" depicts Bai Juyi once sending a guest on the Yangtze River during the tenure of Sima of Jiangzhou, and hearing a female trickster from Chang'an playing the pipa, which seduced the derogatory loneliness. There are two points in the particular success of pipa: One is to compare the painful experience of the beijing maid and her own demeaning, and to tell the theme of the whole poem that everyone knows but cannot say: "The same is the fallen man at the end of the world, why should we have known each other when we met!" The second is the depiction of the sound of the pipa, through vivid image metaphors, as well as the rendering of the environment, the feelings of the characters, etc., so that people have the feeling of being in the music.

  It has always been believed that "Pipa Line" is a masterpiece comparable to "Long Hate Song", and Hu Shi even believes that the achievement of "Pipa Line" is higher than that of "Long Hate Song".

  Miscellaneous poems

  The classification of the "Bai's Changqing Collection" compiled by Yuan Shu for Bai Juyi shows that miscellaneous poems generally refer to poems that cannot be classified as "ironic", "leisurely", and "sentimental". This kind of poetry is often because of encountering certain time and space situations, or things, so that the author laughs and groans, so he writes casually, often as a tool to comfort each other with friends. Because the three categories of "irony", "leisure" and "sentimentality" are all ancient poetry, all of the near-body poems composed by Bai Juyi are classified as "legal poems". These "Vinayas" may be further classified. Take "Jiang lou xiwang beckoning" as an example:

  Jianglou Xiwang beckons customers The sea and sky look east and the sunset is vast, and the mountains and rivers are wide and long. On the four banks of the illuminated Wanjia City, in the middle of a galaxy of water. The wind blows the ancient wood sunny days and rain, and the moon shines on the sand and the summer night frost. Can you cool off on the river tower, cooler than jun hut school.

  This poem was written by Bai Juyi in the summer of Hangzhou, wanting to invite friends to Wanghailou as a guest. One or two sentences write about the scenery of the distant view. Three or four sentences write about the scene of the close view. The fifth and sixth sentences use the metaphorical technique, using "rain" to describe "wind sound", "frost" to describe "moon color", borrowing the cool imagery of "rain" and "frost", and leading to seven or eight sentences of "cooling off", as a reason to invite friends. Su Shi was quite appreciative of the "wind blowing ancient wood sunny days and rain, moonshine Pingsha summer night frost" and believed that it could be an example of Bai Juyi's excellent works.


  The prose of Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu was famous in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, when the literary reputation was still above Han Yu. Later, the names of Yuan and Bai were not obvious for several reasons: first, because the Northern Song Dynasty Ancient Literature Movement advocated the promotion of Han Yu; secondly, the names of Yuan and Bai poems were too prosperous, which covered up their literary reputation.

  Bai Juyi's "Book of Harmony with Wei" and "Book of Nine Books with Yuan" reflect the friendship between Yuan Shu and Bai Juyi. "The Nine Books of Youyuan" is one of the important documents in the history of Chinese literature, with its smooth and vivid writing, sincere emotions, strong logic of reasoning, and a unique style. "Preface to the Great Lin Temple", "Caotang Record", "Cold Spring Pavilion Record", etc., are fresh and timeless, and have a major impact on the later creation of essays. Bai Juyi, who served as the Zhizhi Commandery, responded to the reform of official styles such as zhao and zhen by Yuan Shu at that time, and wrote in ancient Chinese, and was a responder to the ancient chinese movement. Others, such as Bai Juyi's Fu and The Hundred Judgments prepared for the scientific expedition, were once the objects of emulation by scholars at that time, and his "Celin" was also written in response to the scientific examination, and during the Jin Dynasty, Shan Yi translated the "Celin" into Jurchen script, which was one of the earliest Han Chinese classics translated into Jurchen script.


  In the Nine Books of Youyuan, Bai Juyi described his philosophy of life as "reaching out to the world and helping the world, and the poor are alone", believing that they should stick to their ideals and wait for the right time to come. When the time comes, we must strive to practice our ideals, which are reflected in poetry, that is, the creation of "satirical poems"; when the time comes, we must cultivate ourselves well, reflected in poetry, that is, the creation of "leisure poetry" that is content and peaceful.

  Bai Juyi's personal cultivation can be summarized by the word "contentment". Chen Yinke believes that Bai Juyi's idea of "contentment" stems from Lao Tzu's idea of "contentment without humiliation". Bai Juyi's contented thinking is also often manifested in poetry, for example, when he was a school secretary, "the money is 16,000, and the monthly gift is also more than enough", and when the official position was transferred and the feng lu was adjusted, Bai Juyi also had many poetic records, most of which could also reflect his contentment and happiness, such as: Ren Zuo Shi left behind "2,000 pieces of yueku advice paper, 300,000 yuan of old shame money", Ren Prince's guest division "890,000 yuan, to receive no false moon", Ren Prince's young fu "monthly 100,000 officials and two products, the imperial court hired me to be an idle person", and received half a salary after retirement (Zhi Shi)" The whole family was once bored, and there was also more than half a salary" "Shou and seventy-five, and the money accounted for fifty thousand". From the initial monthly salary of 16,000 yuan, to the highest monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, and the monthly salary of 50,000 yuan after retirement, Bai Juyi mostly showed a contented mentality. Even if he was demoted to Sima of Jiangzhou and was in a period of extreme unsatisfactory, he could still say, "Although he is in Yuan County, and the official quality is the fifth, the monthly salary is forty or fifty thousand, the cold has clothing, hunger and food, and it can be said that he is not worthy of the son of the Bai clan!" "Self-forgiveness in this way.

  Bai Juyi firmly believed in Buddhism, attached great importance to Maitreya's faith, and hoped to be reborn as the Pure Land of Maitreya Buddha.


  Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were good friends, and the two had similar understandings of the function of poetry, so they became comrades-in-arms of the Xinlefu Movement; at the same time, the two could only match each other in poetry, so they often sang harmony as a play. Bai Juyi once used Cao Cao's praise for Liu Bei's "hero under the heavens, only jun and cao er" to describe the friendship between the two. Bai Juyi often lived in Luoyang in his later years, and often sang and interacted with Liu Yuxi.


  During the Tang Dynasty, the social atmosphere was open, and the custom of accompanying officials and prostitutes during banquets and drinks flourished, and the customs of government decrees at that time were very different from those of later generations. Bai Juyi once had a number of singers and prostitutes, the most famous being Fan Su, which is found in the Old Book of Tang? Bai Ju Yi Biography". Bai Juyi himself was not afraid of singing prostitutes, and the descriptions of prostitutes were commonly found in his poems, such as "The Book of Nine Books with Yuan", "To the Wine", "Jiangnan Xifeng Xiao Jiuche, because of the words Chang'an Old Tour, Giving Fifty Rhymes" and so on. In the poems that Bai Juyi's friends Yuan Shu and Liu Yuxi gave each other, there are also depictions of singers and prostitutes: for example, Yuan Shu once invited Bai Juyi's singer Linglong to Yuezhou, and when Shang Linglong returned, Yuan Shu also had a poem to give to Bai Juyi. After Bai Juyi left hangzhou, he took the singers and prostitutes from Hangzhou back to Luoyang, and these singers and prostitutes later returned to Hangzhou, and Liu Yuxi once had a poem "Qinai Qiantang Su Xiaoxiao, Remembering the Tears of the King" to describe the thoughts of these singers and prostitutes for Bai Juyi.

  Bai Juyi's dealings with prostitutes also made him receive many criticisms. Gong Mingzhi of the Song Dynasty believed that Bai Juyi's association with prostitutes meant that he was abandoning government affairs. Shu Wu, who had been widely disputed over the Hu Feng incident, accused Bai Juyi of disrespecting women, causing widespread discussion. Shi Jihang believes that these accusations against Bai Juyi "have the potential to fight and criticize", and Shu Wu's misreading words when quoting may cause misunderstandings in interpretation. Shi Jihang also pointed out that Bai Juyi had a good relationship with the prostitute Fan Su and Xiao Man, although it is unknown whether there was a transgression, but even if there was, it was not a trick, it can be said that the two were happy, so the matter between Bai Juyi and the prostitute was not important, and at that time, the literati almost all had it, and Bai Juyi should not be blamed alone. In his later years, Bai Juyi put all the singers and prostitutes back and made many poems of remembrance, and these singers and prostitutes were full of strong nostalgia for the past. When Su Shi was degraded in his later years, he once praised Wang Chaoyun for being "not like Yang Zhi Bei Lotte" and was willing to follow him to Lingnan. It can also be seen that at least in the Song Dynasty, most literati did not regard the raising of singers and prostitutes as a despicable thing.

  Folk image

  Cold Fasting Night Talk /Volume One

  The Song Dynasty monk Hui Hong recorded in the "Cold Fasting Night Talk": "Every time Bai Juyi wrote a poem, he let an old lady read it first. If the old lady could read it, she would include the poem; if she could not read it, she would rewrite its sentence. Therefore, the poetry of the late Tang Dynasty is vulgar and slang- Regarding this account, many people in the past have doubted its authenticity, such as the Tang and Song Dynasty Poetry, Hu Shi, and Ye Qingbing. However, Hu Shi and Ye Qingbing also quoted this account as circumstantial evidence that Bai Juyi deliberately entered the poem with colloquial language. It may also be because Bai Juyi's poetry has the characteristics of being superficially understood by the public, and Zhang Wei called Bai Juyi the majority of indoctrination in the "Poet's Main-Guest Diagram Sequence".


  tang dynasty

  Tang Xuanzong had a hanging Bai Juyi poem: "Sixty years of jade lianzhu, who taught the dark road to make poetry immortals." Floating clouds are not easy to live in, and the creation of nothing is the word Lotte. The boy can sing long hate songs, and Hu Er can sing the pipa. The article has been full of people's ears, and at one point I was worried about Qingqing. This poem can be used as a summary of Bai Juyi's life.

  Bai Juyi's poems are widely circulated, but the evaluation of them by successive generations is inconsistent. Yuan Shu commented on Bai Juyi's poems: "The literature of the great mortals has its own strengths, and the length of Lotte can be multi-faceted. The poems of satire are longer than agitation, the poems of leisure are longer than dispatches, the poems of sentimentality are longer than cut, the poems of five words are longer than each other, the poems of five words and seven words are longer than love, the endowments, praises, proverbs, precepts and the like are longer than dang, monuments, records, narratives, events, and systems are longer than real, enlightenment, playing, and table, and the form is longer than straight, and the book, 檄, words, policies, and dissections are longer than the end. All in all, there are many more. "Bai Juyi is highly respected. However, Du Mu's epitaph for Li Jie recorded Li Jie's criticism of Yuan and Bai: "Poets can sing, they can flow in bamboo, drums can flow on silk, women and children, all want to satirize, the national custom is thin, and the fan is like the speed of the wind." Since the beginning of Yuan He, there have been Yuan Bai poets, delicate and unscrupulous, non-Zhuang Shiya people, mostly destroyed by it, flowing in the folk, neglecting the screen wall, father and daughter mother, oral professors, obscene words, cold winter and summer heat, into people's muscles and bones, can not be removed. I have no place, and I must not use the law to cure it. Many people in later generations criticized Du Mu's own "obscenities" and also held grievances for Bai Juyi, and even thought that Du Mu was pretending to be Li Jie's words and taking revenge. However, it can also be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, the evaluation of Bai Juyi was inconsistent.

  Five dynasties, Song and Yuan

  The new and old Tang books also have different evaluations of Bai Juyi. The Old Book of Tang gave a high degree of affirmation to Bai Juyi's literary achievements: "Xi Jian'an Caizi was determined to dominate Cao and Liu; Yongming Cizong first gave credit to Shen and Xie." Yuan and the main alliance, micro, lotte only. The system of the subject Guan Yuan, the discussion of the white, the pot of the extreme article, and the root of the chaos. Non-verbal praises, panning novels. As far as the view of literature is concerned, it is easy to be superior, rest assured in the field of self-sufficiency, place the instrument in the place of peace, and the good travel is not virtuous. "The New Book of Tang describes Bai Juyi" is the most elaborate and most poetic in the article. He also said: "Juyi was famous with Yuan Shu at the time of Yuan He and Changqing, and the longest was in poetry, and it could not be called yes or no." However, the New Book of Tang gives a very high affirmation to Bai Juyi's character: "Guan Juyi began to work hard in a straight way, fighting for safety and danger before the Son of Heaven, hoping to make meritorious achievements, although he was reprimanded in the middle, his late benefits did not fade." When Zong Min was in power, he was shocked by power, and finally did not attach himself to the enterprising plan, and the end of the festival was self-exalted. And Shu Zhongdao was dangerously prime minister, and his reputation was great. Whoops, JuYi Qixian! This change in evaluation may be closely related to the rise of the Ancient Literature Movement in the Song Dynasty.

  Su Shi's evaluation of Bai Juyi is also inconsistent. Su Shi once put forward the saying that "Yuan Bai is light and vulgar", and he was quite critical of Yuan Bai's poetic style. However, later, it was often compared with baiju, for example, "Like the old resident of Xiangshan, the world's fate will eventually be shallow and deep." Another example is "to go to Hangzhou for sixteen years, and to stay for two years." In his lifetime, he realized that the origin of the old and the young was rough like Lotte, although the name was far away, and the peace and the lack of peace were also a few. Su Shi's poems to Bai Juyi also have "Bai Gong's poems in his later years are extremely high and wonderful." " comments.

  The Emperor of the Liao Dynasty personally translated Bai Juyi's satirical poems into Khitan script and ordered his courtiers to read them. In the Jin Dynasty, Yuan Haowen gave a high evaluation to Bai Juyi's poetry, saying: "Hezhou is not a wind valley, and it is a lot of heaven in five hundred years." Under the sentence "On Thirty Poems", "A Word of Natural Eternity and Newness", Yuan Hao asked himself: "Tao Yuanming, Jin Zhi Bai Lotte." ”

  Ming and Qing dynasties

  Wang Shizhen, the seventh son of the Ming Dynasty, and Wang Shizhen of the Shen Yun School of the Qing Dynasty did not like Bai Juyi's poetry.

  In contrast, the three Yuans of the public security faction had a fairly high evaluation of Bai Juyi. Yuan Zongdao used the name "Bai Su Zhai" as his name and had a poem called "Yong Huai Xiao Bai"; Yuan Hongdao compared Yuan Bai Ou Su with Li Du Ban Ma; Yuan Zhongdao also agreed with his brothers. Yuan Ming, who advocated the theory of sexual spirituality in the Qing Dynasty, also gave Bai Juyi a very high evaluation. In addition, the "Tang and Song Poetry" compiled by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty gave a very high evaluation to Bai Juyi's poetry and personality, believing that Bai Juyi "has the talent of the world", and that officials should take Bai Juyi's poem "Save the troubles without tranquility, make up for the clumsiness as diligent" as the motto.

  Wang Fuzhi of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties criticized the lifestyles, political attitudes, and Taoist learning of Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu in his Treatise on Reading Through The Classics. Speaking of Bai Juyi, Yuan Shu, and others who are addicted to drinking and playing calligraphy and painting poetry, although they are called celebrities, they are actually not the pillars of the country and the heart of the king. "These sons are all drunk and meat to drown their hearts, to wander in their feelings, and to play well in costumes and calligraphy to lose their keeping." In this case, unless the United States and officials have made generous profits, it is not enough to get tired of what they want. And the spirit is shaken, the incorruptibility is lost, and the square and the number is thought to be the relish of the clear stream, and the light and obscene people are happy to rely on it, and they are flaunted as celebrities. In this way, those who can establish themselves as the heart of the king, the heart of the country, and the shadow of the people are indispensable. ”

  Modern China

  Hu Shi praised the literary reform movement led by Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu, believing that it could achieve the goal of creating public opinion through poetry and helping to improve politics. Because Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi advocated the new literary movement, Bai Juyi's poetry was highly respected under the atmosphere of advocating vernacular and not avoiding vulgar words and colloquialisms. Including Chen Yinke, Liu Dajie, Qian Jibo, etc., they all gave Bai Juyi a very high evaluation. However, Qian Zhongshu's evaluation of Bai Juyi is not high.


  Bai Juyi's anthologies are highly regarded in Japan. During the Heian period, Sugawara Michimasa wrote Chinese poems, and at that time, the people of bohai saw Daozhen's poems and thought that they were very similar to Bai Juyi's poems, which made Daozhen very happy, and he also recorded it in particular, and he was proud of it.


  In Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, there is a Bai Juyi Memorial Hall at the mouth of Shantang Street in Zhangmen.

  In the east of Shiziqiao Village, Anle Township, a suburb of Luoyang City, Henan Province, there is a memorial hall of Bai Juyi's former residence.

  Lotte Avenue in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, Bai Juyi's hometown, is named after Bai Juyi.

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