
Sea foot - potato cake

author:Still dyed aftersound

Potatoes, generally called potatoes in yunnan, are delicious and have many methods. Some people also call it a potato, which is not only cheap, but also very nutritious. Often eat potatoes, can be laxative, water and swelling, reduce blood lipids.

Ingredients: potatoes, eggs, grass and fruit powder (if not, you can add five-spice powder), flour, salt, oil

1, process the ingredients, wash the potatoes, peel and cut into strips, eggs (according to the amount of potatoes you prepare) grass and fruit powder, flour, salt mixed together, you can add the appropriate water, you can also not add, depending on the flour you added, the general egg is enough, basically do not need to add water.

Sea foot - potato cake

2, from the pot to burn oil, oil heat under the potato shreds, feel free to order on the line, any shape can be, low heat slow frying for a while, turn the heat to high, fry until golden brown, fish out.

Sea foot - potato cake

Look at this shape, it doesn't look like a crab foot, so there is another name besides potato cake - crab sea foot. Those who like to eat potatoes must try, zero failure, zero difficulty.

This dish was taught to me by my dad, when I was a child, I couldn't afford meat, fried a sea foot, and I was as happy as eating meat, and it tasted really good. I am a Dali girl who shares food for you, I hope you will support you more, pay attention to and like! Thank you......