
Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

author:Parkway in the early morning
Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Entering Hebei, I think of Handan where "between the hundred-foot congtai and the mist, pedestrians point out Zhao Jiangshan". Entering Baoding, "the wind is xiaoxiao, the water is cold, and the heroes will not return once they are gone" blurted out, and the stories of Bai Yangdian's "small soldier Zhang Ga" and Ran Zhuang's "tunnel warfare" were vividly displayed in front of their eyes, and the glorious images of the heroes of the "Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain" came to mind and reverberated in their hearts. When you enter the baoding city and see the "ancient lotus pond" opposite the former site of the Governor's Palace, you don't realize that it is as famous as the modern famous school "Baoding Army Officer School", which is located in the "Ancient Lotus Pond" known as the "City Penglai".

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

First, when it comes to "Lotus Academy", we must first talk about "Ancient Lotus Pond"

Ancient Lotus Pond, formerly known as Xuexiang Garden, in the twenty-second year of Yuan Taizu (1227), Zhang Rou, who was then the marshal of Baozhou and other places, led his troops to rebuild Baozhou City, and then, the west of Baozhou City, a one-acre spring and a chicken moment spring, were introduced into the city, and four gardens were established at the place where the flowing water had to pass, the west was: Seed Incense, the north was: Fangrun, the south was: Xuexiang, and the east was: Shouchun. Xuexiang Garden is the predecessor of the ancient lotus pond.

In the 26th year of the Yuan Dynasty, a major earthquake occurred in Baoding, and the "Xuexiang Garden" and other garden buildings were "all destroyed". However, due to the deep water of the Xuexiang garden pond, only the lotus flowers left in this pond opened as scheduled every year and were preserved. During the Ming Jiajing period, Zhang Liewen, a native of Chao County, Anhui Province, served as the prefect of Baoding, rebuilt the ancient lotus pond, built a wall, opened a portal, and rebuilt the "Linyi Pavilion" according to the original appearance on the north bank of the ancient lotus pond, which was later renovated and expanded several times. Garden buildings such as the new church, the pavilion, the gallery, the kitchen, the pizhou water house and so on, so that the ancient lotus pond basically restored the Xiaoxiang interest when it was first built, and since then, the ancient lotus pond has become one of the eight scenic spots in baoding with the title of "Lotus Yi Xia Yan".

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Second, when we say "ancient lotus pond", we must also talk about "lotus pond academy"

Speaking of Lotus Academy, it is impossible to avoid Li Wei. Speaking of Li Wei, the TV series "Yongzheng Dynasty" can be seen that the most favored are the three ministers Nian Qianyao, Li Wei, and Long Keduo, and among the three, Although Li Wei is a Han, he is the most trusted by the Yongzheng Emperor. He went from a donor wailang to a courtier, and then to the dynasty as an official, a Li Wei who had no prominent family background through buying officials, but in the short thirteen years of the Yongzheng Emperor's imperial career, from a five-pin member wailang to a vacant post, he held various important positions along the way, and eventually became the governor of the imperial court, became an important official of the imperial court, a feudal official, and went through the three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong. He successively served as Hubu Langzhong, Yunnan Yanyidao, Envoy, Zhejiang Governor, Zhejiang Governor, Bingbu Shangshu, Acting Punishment Department Shangshu, Directly Subordinate Governor and other positions, as a clean and honest official, not afraid of the powerful, no matter what position he held, he could perceive the sufferings of the people during his reign, and was deeply loved by the people.

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Li Wei does have his own people in history. A native of Tongshan County, Jiangsu Province, the word is also 玠. Non-keju origin. In the fifty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1717), he was added to the Military Department and moved to Langzhong of the Hubu Department. During the Yongzheng period, he was successively awarded the title of Inspector of Zhejiang and Governor of Zhejiang. In the five years of Zhejiang, "The government was enlightened, and the order was prohibited", and the Ziyang Academy and the Shishu Academy were repaired, and the political achievements were remarkable. Since Li Wei's officials were donated, not from the Imperial Examination, he could not read a few characters. When Master Ye and others drafted official documents, they had to read them to him, and if there were undesirable places, he would dictate the revisions, and often be able to get to the heart of the problem, which everyone admired so much that Li Wei's superior wit could be seen from this. Li Wei liked to listen to people talk about books in his spare time, and whenever he encountered Zhongxian being unfair, Li Wei would whimper, resent, and even draw his sword. During the Yongzheng period, due to the many literary prisons in Zhejiang, Yongzheng was furious and stopped Zhejiang scholars from taking the imperial examination as punishment. In order to restore the township meeting test as soon as possible, Li Wei, then the governor and inspector of Zhejiang, often went down to the lower levels to understand the voices of the scribes and mediate various contradictions; at any time, he followed up and inspected the situation of the scribes who had been linked but had not been convicted, discovered problems, promptly disciplined them, and ordered them to make corrections; and the scribes who performed well recorded and archived their deeds one by one. After a year, when wang Guodong saw these archival materials, he was deeply moved by Li Wei's good intentions and happy for the people of Zhejiang to be grateful and repentant. Therefore, he played with Li Wei in the imperial court and said many good things for the Zhejiang scribes. The Yongzheng Emperor was overjoyed at the sight of the performance, and soon ordered the restoration of the Zhejiang scribes' township meeting test. In the second year, the first three places in the temple examination, namely Zhuangyuan, Bangyan, and Tanhua, were all obtained by the Zhejiang people, so the literati had a good impression of Li Wei.

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

It was this Lord Li who was transferred to the viceroy of Zhili in the tenth year of Yongzheng (1732), and the following year he built the Lotus Pond Academy in baoding's ancient lotus pond. It can be seen from this that wherever Li Wei went, he made remarkable achievements in government, attached great importance to running schools, spared no effort to select and cultivate talents for the imperial court, and thus was relied upon by the emperor, and as the governor directly under the emperor, he took the lead in running a academy in the whole country, and he instructed his subordinates to build a academy in the northwest of the ancient lotus pond, and at the same time, he also carved out land in the area of the red jujube slope southeast of the ancient lotus pond, built a wall, named "South Garden" and built a hall, a tile house, and a pavilion, as the annex of the academy, dedicated to students to study and discuss here. The college was completed and named "Lotus Pond Academy", also known as "Zhili College" and "Baoding College".

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Third, with the Lotus Pond Academy, the ancient lotus pond was more favored by the emperor, and the emperor's palace was built.

Since the tenth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1745), the emperor ordered the expansion of the ancient Lotus Pond Hotel into a palace. In this way, the ancient lotus pond has become a classical garden that integrates gardens, palaces and academies, and has the beauty of the gardens of the north and south of China. A large number of antiques, rare treasures, exotic treasures, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, lake boats, etc. have been added to the ancient lotus pond, forming the twelve scenes of the lotus pond: Spring Afternoon Slope, Hua Nan Yan Bei Cao Tang, Wanjuan Lou, Gaofen Pavilion, Kasa Pavilion, Crane Chai, RuiZhuo Jingshe, Algae Swimming Building, Zhangliu Cave, Xuan Tang, Han Lu Xuan, and Han Cang Pavilion. In the eighteenth year of Qing Jiaqing (1813), Na Yancheng, the governor of Zhili, engraved seven kinds of authentic works and old posters, including Chu Suiliang's "Thousand Character Text", Yan Zhenqing's "Thousand Blessing Steles", Huai Su's "Self-Narrative Posts", Mi Fu's "Hongxian Poems", Zhao Mengfu's "Shushan Tuge", Dong Qichang's "Inscription on the Yunyin Mountain House", and "Shu Li Bai Poems", etc., engraved on 38 square stones, named "Lotus Pond Academy Fa Ti", and gave them to Lianchi Academy, and the Lotus Pond Inscription was also widely renowned. The ancient lotus pond is famous for the Lotus Academy, which also attracts students from all over the world because of the beautiful gardens of the lotus pond.

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

As the highest school directly under the Qing Dynasty, Lianchi Academy was an official educational institution that disseminated traditional Confucian culture and cultivated feudal scholars with both literary qualities, and was deeply valued by the Qing court, and the Qianlong Emperor visited the academy many times and gave plaques and inscriptions to encourage teachers and students. Yin Huiyi, Zhang Xu, Wang Shihan, Zhang Xuecheng, Shao Ying, Qi Yunshi, He Qiutao, Wang Zhengang, Huang Pengnian, Zhang Yuzhao, Wu Rulun and other famous Confucian masters have all taught here. Bi Yuan, Wang Fagui, Liu Ruozeng, Feng Guozhang, Fu Zengxiang, Zhang Ji and other high-ranking officials and eunuchs studied at this academy, and the academy also cultivated he Tao, Li Jinglian, Gu Zhongxiu, Liu Chunlin, Wang Shunan, Li Gangji, Jia Enfu, Gao Buying, Wu Minsheng, and Miyajima Daihachi (Japan) and other literary talents. It can be described as a gathering of famous teachers and talents.

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Zhang Yuzhao and Wu Rulun advocated Western studies, reformed the teaching system, innovated educational concepts, opened ancient studies, advocated practical and new studies, accepted advanced Western scientific knowledge, opposed the imperial examination system, carried out Academic exchanges between China and foreign countries, created a precedent in history, opened up a new style of a generation, and enjoyed a national reputation and a strong voice. Walking into the West Courtyard of the Academy, Zhang Yuzhao and Miyajima Daihachi Teachers and Students Monument witnessed this period of history. In 1952, when Chairman Mao Zedong inspected the ancient lotus pond, he said: "The lotus pond is famous because there is a lotus pond academy, and the lotus pond academy was very famous in the whole country at that time." ”

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Fourth, the Lotus Pond Academy has vanished in the storm of history, but the ancient Lotus Pond has been draped in the light of the new era and is more dazzling

In October of the twenty-sixth year of qing guangxu (1900), the British, French, German and Italian armies captured Baoding, and the invading army plundered the precious cultural relics of the ancient lotus pond ancient garden, and the pavilions, platforms, buildings and pavilions were reduced to ashes, leaving a piece of broken bricks and debris, with the abolition of the Qing Dynasty examination system, the Lianchi Academy was closed in the twenty-eighth year of qing Guangxu (1902), after 170 history. The glory of Lotus Pond Academy has since vanished and disappeared into the long river of history. The ancient lotus pond was also devastated and scarred by the war. Although it has been restored and repaired many times, it is difficult to reproduce the peak of the past.

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

What really made the ancient lotus pond gain a new life was that on June 25, 2001, the ancient lotus pond was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units, after which, the ancient lotus pond began to enter a comprehensive restoration and repair, reproducing the "twelve views" of the former lotus pond palace, rebuilding the East and West Monument Corridor, Wanhong Pavilion, and Zhangliu Cave; rebuilding the Chenhan Courtyard, the Jin Gong Martyrdom Monument Corridor, the Ming Corridor; the oil decoration, painting of the main gate, archway, Shuidong Building and other buildings. At present, the ancient lotus pond, bounded by the center island, has become one in the meandering communication between the east and west canals. The south pond is half-moon-shaped, surrounded by cliffs and pines. The north pond is irregularly rectangular, surrounded by jade piles and weeping willows. The ancient lotus pond is stacked with a number of rockeries, forming the focus of the whole garden. Mountains, water, buildings, platforms, pavilions, halls, halls, pavilions, and pavilions are staggered into a complete historical pattern.

Baoding, Gyeonggi: In the past, the "Lotus Pond Academy" was very loud, and today's "Ancient Lotus Pond" is still glorious

Now in the courtyard of the "ancient lotus pond", facing the ancient buildings in the garden, walking on the beautiful Wanhong Bridge, the Curved Bridge and the white jade bridge built in the Yuan Dynasty, the rockery in front of me, the beautiful picture scroll of the forest lotus pond, let me seem to see the prosperity and elegance, gorgeous and simple of the former emperor's palace, as if I heard the clear reading sound and the sound of academic discussion and debate of the famous Confucians, after passing under the direct library, I seemed to see a heavy page containing the history of the ancient lotus pond. When the breeze sends the fragrance of lotus leaves, I feel the tranquility and peace of the willow green weeping silk, and in the elegant and simple garden, I reminisce about the history of this lotus pond that was once glorious and disastrous, and feel the beauty and happiness of the present. That heavy history makes me feel more and more solid and thick under my feet! When I gazed at the four golden characters of the "Ancient Lotus Pond" on the archway, what still appeared in front of me was the lofty images of the national heroes of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", "Tunnel Warfare" and "Five Heroes of Wolf-Tooth Mountain" who fought to the death against the invaders in baoding!