
He was the former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, a former vice mayor of Beijing, and died of illness at the age of 69

author:Laugh about the end of the world

Comrade Xu Bing, former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, is undoubtedly also a very loyal communist fighter of our party, especially in the period of new China, comrade Xu Bing also made very great contributions to the united front work and CPPCC work in our new China.

He was the former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, a former vice mayor of Beijing, and died of illness at the age of 69

In 1903, Comrade Xu Bing was born in Xingtai, Hebei Province, Xu Bing was a person with rich ideals when he was a teenager, he was eager to change the fate of the country through knowledge, that is, he felt a very dark situation in the old society, in 1923, the 20-year-old Xu Bing chose to study in Germany.

In the subsequent study abroad process, Xu Bing also tried to learn foreign cultural knowledge and technical experience as much as possible, the following year Xu Bing successfully joined the Communist Party of China in Germany, and during the May Thirtieth Movement, Xu Bing actively began to respond in Germany, and later unfortunately was arrested by the authorities together with Zhu De and others, and it was not long after Xu Bing was expelled from Germany.

He was the former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, a former vice mayor of Beijing, and died of illness at the age of 69

However, these small setbacks were nothing to Xu Bing, so Xu Bing chose to go to the Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow in the Soviet Union to study, and returned to Shanghai after graduating 3 years later, and for a period of time after that, Xu Bing was engaged in underground revolutionary work in Shanghai.

By the way, Xu Bing also has a merit that many people do not know; when our party leader Xiang Zhongfa suddenly defected, Xu Bing and our party comrades successfully transferred many of our party's high-level confidential materials in the fastest time, otherwise the losses would undoubtedly be very heavy.

In the revolution, Xu Bing was also arrested by the authorities, in 1932, due to the betrayal of traitors, Xu Bing was unfortunately imprisoned, and Xu Bing in prison naturally experienced many ups and downs, but Xu Bing was worthy of being an excellent revolutionary comrade of our party, he was strong and indomitable in prison, and he would rather die than reveal a word to the enemy.

He was the former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, a former vice mayor of Beijing, and died of illness at the age of 69

A year later, Xu Bing was rescued from prison, and then he went to Beiping to engage in underground work, after which he vigorously carried out anti-Japanese propaganda, and also participated in the organization and leadership of the 129 student patriotic movement in Beiping, and also organized and led everyone to rescue a large number of detained party members and cadres in Beiping Caolanzi Prison.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Xu Bing was transferred to Yan'an to work, and served as the secretary general of the CPC Central Committee Party Newspaper Committee and the editor of the Liberation Society, and his task was to participate in the editing of the "Liberation" Weekly, "New China Daily" and Cheng Fangwu and others who co-translated the "Communist Manifesto".

In the Liberation War, Xu Bing participated in the negotiations for the peaceful liberation of Beiping and made great contributions to the smooth takeover of Beiping by our army.

He was the former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, a former vice mayor of Beijing, and died of illness at the age of 69

After the founding of New China, Xu Bing, such an outstanding revolutionary cadre, was naturally also particularly valued by our party, and he served as vice mayor of Beijing Municipality, first vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and so on, and he was also an alternate member of the Eighth CPC Central Committee.

During Xu Bing's tenure as director of the United Front Work Department of Xu Bing's Central Committee, he also made a lot of contributions, and even Premier Zhou Enlai praised him.

He was the former director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, a former vice mayor of Beijing, and died of illness at the age of 69

However, in the special period, Comrade Xu Bing also experienced some twists and turns, but it did not shake Xu Bing's willpower, but unfortunately, on March 22, 1972, he died in Beijing due to illness. Seven years later, on August 27, the party and the state rehabilitated him.


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