
These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

author:Sister C said

I don't know if you have this feeling, obviously there are a lot of things you want to see, but as soon as the holidays come, you are in a famine and don't know what to watch.

Holidays at home, recommend 7 excellent movies, not only wonderful plot, but also improve your logical thinking and expression ability, let's take a look at it~

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

1. The King's Speech 2010

[Director]: Tom Hopper [Douban Score]: 8.3

[Starring]: Colin Firth / Jeffrey Rush / Helen

How a king overcomes stuttering

He was nominated for 12 Oscars.

You can probably guess the plot: there was once a stuttering king, and he stopped stuttering.

This king, like ordinary people, was a little timid in front of many people.

The film covers how to regulate your breathing during the speech, how to overcome psychological difficulties, etc.

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

2. The Wolf of Wall Street, 2013

[Director]: Martin Scorsese [Douban Score]: 7.6

[Starring]: Leonardo DiCaprio / Jonah Hill / Margot Robbie

The legendary success story of Wall Street

How did an ordinary stockbroker become the "wolf of Wall Street" who later became rich?

One mouth.

He was clever, and wave after wave of people came to buy the stocks he was selling.

His speech was confident and contagious, and a crowd went crazy for him.

The film is adapted from the autobiography of the same name, let us see the drunken fans behind Wall Street, the dirty shady scene, but also let us believe, from the power of eloquence.

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

3. The Twelve Angry Men, 1957

[Director]: Sidney Lumet [Douban score]: 9.3

[Starring]: Henry Fonda / Martin Bauersam / John Field

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

Classic legal debate film

When you are confronted with N individuals who disagree with you, how do you convince them one by one through a war of words?

In the movie Twelve Angry Men, a boy who grew up in a slum is accused of murdering his biological father.

The twelve members of the jury must reach an agreement before the outcome can be passed.

At the beginning of the trial, 11 people found the boy guilty, while 1 insisted on innocence.

But in the end, the boy was acquitted.

The movie has only one scene, but the wonderful lines give you the slightest respite.

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

4. "Thanks For Smoking" 2005

[Director]: Jason Reitman [Douban Score]: 8.0

[Starring]: Alan Eckhart / Maria Bello / Cameron Bright

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

The highest state of sophistry

Jason Reitman directed the film Juno, his feature film debut.

Although the topic of "smoking" sounds a bit boring and serious, the whole movie is humorous, happy and energetic.

The male protagonist is in the tobacco industry, and his job is to persuade others to smoke.

Not only do you have to be persuaded, but you also have to wrestle with environmental protection organizations, health organizations, and so on.

For this, he was full of scolding and almost lost his life.

This film can provide a sophistry idea, teaching you how to persuade others to think according to your thinking and achieve your goals.

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

5. "The Storm of Debate", 2007

[Director]: Denzel Washington [Douban Score]: 8.4

[Starring]: Denzel Washington / Forrest Whitaker / Nate Pike

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

Adaptation of real people and real events in the history of debate

This film is based on real people and real events.

There were four black debate teams, all the way to break through prejudice and enter the Harvard debate hall.

Many of the dialogues in the movie are very classic, so that you can see what makes people's blood boil.

In the film, the debate is not only a demonstration of skill, but also has its unique social value.

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

Image description (up to 50 words)

6. "Smelling The Woman", 1992

[Director]: Martin Bryce [Douban Score]: 8.9

[Starring]: Al Pacino / Chris O'Donnell / James Rebbhorn

Viewing platform: Youku / iQiyi / LeTV

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

It's actually a story between two men

Classic film starring Al Pacino.

It tells the story of a blind old colonel and a lost student.

Many people remember the stunning tango, but at the same time, the old colonel's speech on the podium at the end of the film is also very classic.

Word by word, sonorous and powerful.

7. The Devil's Spokesman, 1997

[Director]: Taylor Heckford [Douban Score]: 8.2

[Starring]: Keanu Reeves / Al Pacino / Charlize Theron

Viewing platform: Youku / Mango TV / Sohu / LeTV

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

Angels and demons are just a thought away

"The Matrix" star Keanu Levis played a mercenary lawyer in the film.

He only looks at the money to fight the lawsuit, regardless of whether the person is guilty or not.

In the process of portraying this depraved character, the film also shows a lot of wonderful words and swords.

Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino have wonderful rivalry in the film.

These 7 English movies not only have wonderful plots, but also improve logical thinking and expression skills

Which of these 7 movies do you pick?

Welcome to leave a message to Sister C~

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