
How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

author:Home feng shui one point pass

In life, many people will use wallets, so do you know that wallets are also feng shui? A wallet with excellent feng shui can make the owner's wealth roll in, and a wallet with poor feng shui will make the owner unconsciously earn less and spend more and more money.

Wallet shape

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

Usually rectangular wallets are mostly, and rectangular objects have a strong ability to receive gas, giving people a stable and safe feeling. A Japanese institution did a survey, 95% of the rich people prefer to use rectangular wallets, which proves that rectangular wallets are more wealthy. So we should try to avoid using round or irregularly shaped wallets.

Wallet style

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

Wallets have folding and straight version, if the coin is bent every day, can not be stretched, can not exert its spirituality, it is difficult to attract wealth and wealth, it is recommended that people try to use the straight version of the wallet. The sealing method of the wallet is generally buckle type or zipper type, because the zipper type will seal the coin tightly in the wallet, which cannot effectively play the role of the coin, and it is usually recommended that people use the buckle wallet.

Wallet color

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

Wallets have many colors, different colors have different meanings, so which colors of wallets can promote fortune?

Black and blue wallets, the five elements belong to water, water represents the source of wealth, can make people have a stable source of wealth, and a steady stream.

Green, cyan wallets, five elements of wood, wood represents growth, can promote the continuous growth of a person's fortune.

Red and purple wallets, the five elements belong to fire, the fire shape is relatively scattered, which will make people spend and spend more, and they can't save money.

White and silver wallets, five elements of gold, gold represents wealth, the effect of wealth is better, but the expenditure will also be large.

Yellow, coffee-colored wallet, the five elements belong to the soil, the soil represents thick and stable, there is more inherent money, but it is difficult to grow again.

Wallet cannot be empty

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

The wallet is the "treasury" that we carry with us, because in the feng shui the treasury is not empty, which means the emptiness of money. Therefore, we should place several large banknotes in the wallet we use every day, symbolizing that money is abundant, and it can better attract wealth.

The wallet should be neat and clean

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

Anyone loves a neat and clean environment, and so does fortune. The coins in the wallet are neat and clean, all the banknotes are placed in the same direction, and the unclean old banknotes are often replaced with new banknotes, so that they can give full play to the spirituality of the coins and better attract fortune.

Placement of the wallet

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

Some people put their wallets everywhere, such as placing them on the shoe cabinet at the door after entering the door, and arbitrarily placing them on the washstand of the bathroom when going to the toilet, which will make the wallet contaminated by these unclean atmospheres and increase the risk of breaking the money.

The time of use of the wallet

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

The newer the wallet, the stronger its aura and the easier it is to accumulate wealth. From the perspective of easy to learn, after three years of use, a wallet's luck is basically used up, that is to say, a wallet can be used up to three years, even if it is not broken, it should be replaced with a new one, which will help financial luck.

Other contraindications

How much do you know about the feng shui of the wallet? Don't use these colors!

Many people casually take their wallets to others to use, such as after dinner in restaurants, give their wallets to others to pay the bills, which violates the taboo of "wealth is not revealed", which will lead to a decline in fortune and frequent leakage of wealth.