
Comrade Xi Jinping's "On Adhering to the People's Mastery" introduces the main articles


"Speech at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the National People's Congress" is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on September 5, 2014. He pointed out that the implementation of the people's congress system in China is a great creation of the Chinese people in the history of the human political system, a basic conclusion drawn from profoundly summing up the bitter lessons of China's political life after modern times, the historical result of radical changes and turbulent development in Chinese society over the past hundred years, and an inevitable choice for the Chinese people to turn themselves into masters and control their own destiny. To uphold and improve the system of people's congresses, we must unswervingly uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we must ensure and develop the people as masters of their own affairs, we must comprehensively promote the rule of law, and we must uphold democratic centralism. It is necessary to continuously promote the institutionalization, standardization, and proceduralization of socialist democratic politics, give better play to the superiority of the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics, and provide a more perfect institutional guarantee for the prosperity and development of the party and the country and for long-term peace and stability.

"Speech at the Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference" is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on September 21, 2014. He pointed out that by leading the people to practice people's democracy, the CPC is to ensure and support the people to be masters of their own affairs. Socialist consultative democracy is a unique form and unique advantage of China's socialist democratic politics and an important embodiment of the CPC's mass line in the political field. The people's exercise of their rights through elections and voting and the full consultation among all parties within the people before major decisions and the attainment of consensus on common issues as far as possible are two important forms of Socialist democracy in China. In China, these two forms of democracy do not replace and negate each other, but complement and complement each other, and together constitute the institutional characteristics and advantages of China's socialist democratic politics.

"Unswervingly Taking the Path of Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 23, 2014. It is pointed out that China's socialist system has guaranteed the people's dominant position as masters of their own affairs and has also ensured the people's dominant position in comprehensively advancing the rule of law. To uphold the people's dominant position, we must uphold the rule of law for the people, rely on the people, benefit the people, and protect the people. It is necessary to implement the whole process of governing the country according to law to embody the people's interests, reflect the people's wishes, safeguard the people's rights and interests, and enhance the people's well-being, so that the law and its implementation fully reflect the people's will.

"Speech at the Celebration of May Day International Labor Day and the National Conference on Commending Model Workers and Advanced Workers" is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on April 28, 2015. It is pointed out that the working class in our country is the most solid and reliable class foundation of our Party. The working class and the broad working masses have always been the fundamental force for promoting China's economic and social development and safeguarding social stability and unity. We must always uphold the people's dominant position and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the working class and the broad masses of the working masses. It is necessary to develop socialist democracy and earnestly guarantee and continuously develop the democratic rights of the working class and the broad working masses. We must respect the people's pioneering spirit, radiate the infinite creative vitality hidden in the working class and the broad working masses, and concentrate the wisdom and strength of the working class and the broad working masses in promoting various undertakings.

"Profound understanding of the great significance of doing a good job in united front work in the new situation" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Central United Front Work Conference on May 18, 2015. He pointed out that the people's hearts and minds and the balance of forces are the key to determining the success or failure of the cause of the party and the people, and they are the greatest politics. The essential requirement of united front work is great unity and great alliance, and what is resolved is the problem of people's hearts and strength. To do a good job in united front work in the new situation, we must grasp the law, adhere to principles, and pay attention to methods; the most fundamental thing is to uphold the party's leadership; we must correctly handle the relationship between consistency and diversity; we must be good at making friendships and making friends, and we must make a large number of friends outside the party who are very sympathetic to the party out of public conscience.

"Maintaining and Enhancing the Political Advanced Mass Nature of the Party's Mass Work and Mass Organizations" was the main point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Central Party's Mass Work Conference on July 6, 2015. It is pointed out that the party's mass work is the mass work carried out by the party through the mass organizations, and it is an important work for the party organization to mobilize the broad masses of the people to struggle for the fulfillment of the party's central tasks. We must strengthen and improve the party's mass work, give full play to the role of the main force of the working class, the fresh force of young people, the role of women in the sky, and the role of talent as the first resource, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of more than 1.3 billion people. From the political high plane of consolidating the class foundation and the mass foundation of the party's ruling power, we must do a good job in the party's mass work and ensure that the party always breathes with the broad masses of the people, shares a common destiny, and is linked by heart. We must build mass organizations into more vigorous, stronger and more powerful, so that they can become an important force in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.

"Continuously Improving the Level of Respect and Protection of the Basic Rights of Chinese" is an excerpt from Comrade Xi Jinping's manuscripts from September 2015 to December 2018. He pointed out that the people's happy life is the greatest human right, and the CPC and the Chinese government have always respected and protected human rights. China adheres to the principle of universality of human rights with contemporary reality, takes the path of human rights development in line with national conditions, pursues the people-centered concept of human rights, regards the right to subsistence and development as the primary basic human rights, strengthens the protection of human rights and the rule of law, coordinates and promotes the economic, political, social, cultural and environmental rights of all the people, strives to safeguard social fairness and justice, and promotes all-round human development. It was emphasized that human rights protection was not the best, only better. Chinese people are willing to work with the people of all countries to promote a more just, reasonable and inclusive global human rights governance and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

"Adhere to the Party's Basic Policy on Religious Work and Do a Good Job in Religious Work under the New Situation" was the main point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the National Religious Work Conference on April 22, 2016. He pointed out that the religious issue has always been a major issue that our party must handle well in governing the country. To do a good job in religious work, we must adhere to the party's basic policy on religious work and unite the broad masses of religious believers and non-believers to the greatest extent possible. Forming a united front with religious circles under the banner of patriotism and socialism is a distinctive characteristic and political advantage of our party in handling religious issues. It is necessary to adhere to political unity and cooperation, mutual respect in faith, more contact, more heart-to-heart, more help, convincing people with reason, emotional people, and attracting and uniting people by solving practical difficulties.

"China's Hundreds of Millions of Working People are the Main Force for Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in An All-Round Way" was the main part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the forum of intellectuals, model workers and youth representatives on April 26, 2016. It is pointed out that our country is a socialist country under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. Intellectuals are part of the working class, the working people are the masters of the country, and the youth are the successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the future of the country and the hope of the nation. To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, to build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, and harmonious socialist modern country, and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must rely on knowledge, we must rely on labor, and we must rely on the broad masses of young people. The broad masses of intellectuals, the broad masses of working people, and the broad masses of young people must closely follow the times, shoulder their mission, forge ahead, closely link their own future and destiny with the future and destiny of the country and the nation, and strive to contribute wisdom and strength to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. (To be continued)

"The People's Position is the Fundamental Political Position of the Communist Party of China" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1, 2016. It is pointed out that the people's stand is the fundamental political position of the Communist Party of China and is a conspicuous mark that distinguishes Marxist political parties from other political parties. To persist in not forgetting our original intention and continuing to forge ahead, we must firmly believe that the party's foundation lies in the people and the party's strength lies in the people, persist in doing everything for the people and relying on the people in everything, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the broad masses of the people, and constantly push forward the cause of bringing benefits to the people. Stressing: Respecting the people's status as the main body and ensuring that the people are the masters of their own affairs is our party's consistent stand. It is necessary to unswervingly follow the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, uphold, comprehensively implement, and continuously develop the system of people's congresses, the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities, and the system of autonomy for the masses at the grass-roots level, develop socialist consultative democracy, consolidate and develop the broadest patriotic united front, expand the orderly political participation of the masses of the people, ensure that the people extensively participate in state governance and social governance, and form a lively, stable, and united political situation.

"Protecting the People's Right to Vote and the Right to Be Elected" was the main point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech on November 15, 2016 when he participated in the election of the beijing municipal people's congress deputies. It was pointed out that in election work, it is necessary to uphold the party's leadership, persist in carrying forward democracy, handle affairs in strict accordance with the law, and ensure the people's right to vote and to be elected. It is necessary to strengthen supervision over the election work, have "zero tolerance" for violations of laws and discipline, and ensure that the election work is conducted in a clean and upright manner.

"Safeguarding the Authority of the Party Central Committee and Implementing Democratic Centralism" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech on February 13, 2017 at a seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China by major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels. He pointed out that only when the Party Central Committee has the authority can we firmly unite the whole Party, and then closely unite the people of all nationalities throughout the country and form a mighty force of unity and indestructibility. Stressing the need to safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership is not to fail in democratic centralism and not to oppose the two. The system of democratic centralism that we practice is a system in which there is both centralization and democracy, discipline and freedom, unity of will and personal happiness and liveliness, and a system in which democracy and centralism are closely integrated.

"The vast number of intellectuals in our country must bear in mind the overall situation and have a big heart" is the main point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech on March 4, 2017 when he attended the joint group meeting of the members of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Peasants' and Workers' Party, and the Jiusan Society. He pointed out that the great cause determines that we need knowledge and intellectuals even more, and we need intellectuals to make more contributions to the prosperity and strength of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people. The whole society must show concern for and respect intellectuals, and create better conditions for the vast number of intellectuals to work and study. It is hoped that the vast number of intellectuals in our country will adhere to the supremacy of the country, the supremacy of the nation, and the supremacy of the people, actively devote themselves to the practice of innovation and development, and constantly climb the peak of innovation.

"Improving the People's Mastership System and Developing Socialist Democratic Politics" is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 18, 2017. He pointed out that socialist democracy in our country is the most extensive, true, and effective democracy for safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people. To develop socialist democratic politics is to embody the will of the people, protect the rights and interests of the people, stimulate the people's creative vitality, and use the system to ensure that the people are masters of their own affairs. It is necessary to uphold and continuously develop China's socialist democratic politics for a long time, actively and steadily promote the reform of the political system, promote the institutionalization, standardization, and proceduralization of socialist democratic politics, ensure that the people manage state affairs, manage economic and cultural undertakings, and manage social affairs through various channels and forms in accordance with the law, and consolidate and develop a lively, stable, and united political situation. It is necessary to expand the people's orderly political participation and ensure that the people practice democratic elections, democratic consultation, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision in accordance with the law.

"Innovating the Rural Governance System and Taking the Road of Good Rural Governance" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Central Rural Work Conference on December 28, 2017. It is pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen and innovate rural governance, improve the rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule by virtue, and make rural society both vibrant and harmonious and orderly. It is necessary to take the overall situation into account with the party's leadership, innovate the effective realization of villagers' autonomy, and promote the shift of social governance and service focus to the grass-roots level. It is necessary to enrich the forms of realizing democratic consultation at the grass-roots level, give play to the role of villagers' supervision, and let the peasants themselves "talk, discuss, and take charge of things," so that the villagers can discuss and handle the affairs in the village.

"All power in the People's Republic of China Belongs to the People" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Second Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on January 19, 2018. He pointed out that the Constitution stipulates that all power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people, that the organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at all levels, and that the people's congress system is the fundamental political system of our country. It is necessary to support and ensure that the people exercise state power through the people's congresses, promptly translate the party's line, principles, and policies into state laws through legal procedures, and promote the implementation of the Constitution through complete laws.

The Explanation on the Draft Decision and Plan on Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions is an explanation made by Comrade Xi Jinping at the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on February 26, 2018. It is pointed out that the deepening of institutional reform this time is a systematic, integrated, and reconstructive change, and a relatively comprehensive, thorough, and feasible top-level design of reform. The purpose of deepening the reform of party and state institutions is to better promote the development of the cause of the party and the state, better meet the people's growing needs for a better life, and better promote the all-round development of people, the overall progress of society, and the common prosperity of the people. It is necessary to uphold the people's dominant position, improve the system of the people being the masters of their own affairs, improve the system and mechanism of seeking benefits for the people, doing things for the people, relieving the people's worries, protecting the people's rights and interests, and accepting the people's supervision, so as to provide more powerful guarantees for the people to manage state affairs, manage economic and cultural undertakings, and manage social affairs.

"Effectively Unifying Thought with the Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on February 28, 2018. He pointed out that to implement the spirit of the plenary session, it is necessary to correctly understand and grasp the fundamental point of upholding the authority of the party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership; correctly understand and grasp the goal of deepening the reform of the party and state organs; correctly understand and grasp the requirements of adhering to the direction of the reform of the socialist market economy, so that the market can play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the role of the government; we must correctly understand and grasp the people-centered development thinking, and earnestly resolve the most direct and realistic interest issues that the people are most concerned about It is necessary to correctly understand and grasp the initiative of giving full play to both the central and local governments.

"Speech at the First Session of the 13th National People's Congress" is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on March 20, 2018. He pointed out that the people of Chinese are the people with the great spirit of creation, the people with the great spirit of struggle, the people with the great spirit of unity, and the people with the spirit of great dreams. We must always uphold the people's stand, uphold the people's dominant position, regard the people's support or disapproval, whether they are happy or unhappy, and whether they agree or disagree as the fundamental criterion for judging the gains and losses of all work, and strive to solve the most direct and realistic interest problems that the people are most concerned about, so that all the people of the Chinese and the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation can share happiness and glory in the historical process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (To be continued)

"The Hope of the Nation is in youth, the future of the nation is in youth" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the commemoration of the centenary of the May Fourth Movement on April 30, 2019. He pointed out that the theme of the Chinese youth movement in the new era, the direction of the Chinese youth movement in the new era, and the mission of Chinese youth in the new era are to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China and work with the people to achieve the goal of the "two hundred years" struggle and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the new era, Chinese young people should continue to carry forward the May Fourth spirit, take it as their duty to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, live up to the expectations of the party, the expectations of the people, and the great trust of the nation, and live up to our great era.

"Speech at the CPPCC Central Committee Work Conference and the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference" is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on September 20, 2019. It is pointed out that deliberative democracy is an important institutional design for the party to lead the people to effectively govern the country and ensure that the people are the masters of their own affairs. In the new era, the general requirements for strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC are: Take the thinking of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guide, enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," and achieve the "two safeguards," regard upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics as the main axis for consolidating the common ideological and political foundation, take the service realization of the "two hundred years" goal of struggle as the main line of work, take the strengthening of ideological and political guidance and extensive consensus gathering as the central link, adhere to the two major themes of unity and democracy, and enhance political consultation. The level of democratic supervision and participation in and discussion of state affairs should better consolidate consensus, shoulder the political responsibility of implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements for the work of the CPPCC, and pooling the wisdom and strength of the sons and daughters of China at home and abroad, so as to make contributions to the decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and then comprehensively building a socialist modern power.

"Speech at the National Ethnic Unity and Progress Commendation Conference" is a speech delivered by Comrade Xi Jinping on September 27, 2019. It was pointed out that our party has embarked on a correct path of resolving the national issue with Chinese characteristics, regarded national equality as one of the fundamental principles for the founding of the country, and for the first time in history, the people of all nationalities have truly gained equal political rights and jointly become masters of their own affairs. To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to take the forging of a solid sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, take the cause of national unity and progress as a basic cause, and grasp it well, and promote the Chinese nation to move toward a community of common destiny with stronger inclusiveness and greater cohesion.

"Upholding and Improving the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics, Promoting the Modernization of the National Governance System and Governance Capacity" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on October 31, 2019. It is pointed out that always representing the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, ensuring that the people are the masters of their own affairs, embodying the common will of the people, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people are the essential attributes of China's national system and national governance system, and are also the fundamentals of the effective operation and vitality of China's national system and national governance system. We must not only adhere to and consolidate China's national system and national governance system that have been tested by long-term practice, but also improve and develop China's national system and national governance system, and constantly transform the advantages of China's system into national governance efficiency.

"People's Democracy is a Kind of Democracy in the Whole Process" is an excerpt from the relevant contents of Comrade Xi Jinping's two speeches on November 2, 2019 and July 1, 2021. It is pointed out that people's democracy is a kind of democracy in the whole process, and all major legislative decisions are produced in accordance with procedures, through democratic brewing, and through scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making. On the new journey, we must closely rely on the people to create history, practice the people-centered development thinking, develop people's democracy in the whole process, and promote the all-round development of people and the common prosperity of all people to achieve more obvious substantive progress.

"Upholding the Supremacy of the People" was the main part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech on May 22, 2020, when he participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation to the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress. He pointed out that the foundation of the Communist Party of China lies in the people and its blood lies in the people. The fundamental purpose of our party in uniting and leading the people in revolution, construction, and reform is to enable the people to live a good life, and no matter how great the challenges and pressures they face, no matter how great the sacrifices and costs they pay, this point will always be unswerving and unwavering. We must uphold the supremacy of the people, closely rely on the people, continuously benefit the people, and firmly root in the people. Adhering to the people-centered development concept must be implemented in all decision-making arrangements and practical work.

"Jiangshan is the people, the people are the Jiangshan" is part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference on February 20, 2021. He pointed out that being born for the people, thriving because of the people, always being with the people, and striving for the interests of the people are the fundamental starting point and foothold of our party in building the party, rejuvenating the party, and strengthening the party. It is necessary to educate and guide the whole party to deeply understand the nature and purpose of the party, adhere to everything for the people, rely on the people in everything, always put the people in the highest position in their hearts, take the people's yearning for a better life as the goal of struggle, promote the fruits of reform and development to benefit all the people more and more fairly, and condense the 1.4 billion Chinese people into a magnificent force to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"Unity and Leadership of the Chinese people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years" was part of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the conference celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1, 2021. He pointed out that once the Communist Party of China was born, it established itself as its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese the people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. Over the past one hundred years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to carry out all the struggles, all the sacrifices, all the creations, which boil down to one theme: to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to create great achievements in the new-democratic revolution, the great achievements in socialist revolution and construction, the great achievements in reform, opening up, socialist modernization, and socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and the great achievements of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have entered an irreversible historical process. The great road, the great cause created, and the great achievements made in the past hundred years will surely be recorded in the annals of the development of the Chinese nation and the history of the development of human civilization.

"Taking the solid awareness of the Chinese national community as the main line and promoting the high-quality development of the party's ethnic work in the new era" is the main point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Central Ethnic Work Conference on August 27, 2021. It is pointed out that it is necessary to accurately grasp and comprehensively implement our party's important thinking on strengthening and improving ethnic work, take the forging of a solid sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, unswervingly take the correct path of solving ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics, build a common spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation, promote exchanges, exchanges and blending among various ethnic groups, promote the acceleration of the pace of modernization in ethnic minority areas, enhance the level of legalization of ethnic affairs governance, prevent and resolve risks and hidden dangers in the field of ethnic minorities, and promote the high-quality development of the party's ethnic work in the new era. It is emphasized that forging a solid sense of the Chinese national community is the "program" of the party's ethnic work in the new era, and all work should be focused on this.

"Upholding and Improving the People's Congress System and Continuously Developing People's Democracy in the Whole Process" is the main point of Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Central People's Congress Work Conference on October 13, 2021. It is pointed out that the people's congress system, which insists that all state power belongs to the people, guarantees to the greatest extent that the people are masters of their own affairs, organically combines the party's leadership, the people's mastery, and governing the country according to law, and effectively ensures that state governance jumps out of the historical cycle rate of the rise and fall of chaos, and is an important institutional carrier for realizing people's democracy in the whole process of our country. China's whole process of people's democracy not only has a complete system and procedures, but also a complete participation in practice, realized the process democracy and results democracy, procedural democracy and substantive democracy, direct democracy and indirect democracy, people's democracy and the will of the state, is the whole chain, all-round, full coverage of democracy, is the most extensive, the most real, the most effective socialist democracy. It is necessary to continue to promote the building of people's democracy in the whole process, and concretely and realistically embody the people's mastery of their own affairs in the policies and measures of the party in governing the country, in the work of all aspects and at all levels of the party and state organs, and in the work of realizing the people's yearning for a better life. (End)