
Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?

author:Tianshan Net
Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?

At noon on September 27, the Student Apartment Management Center of the North Campus of Xinjiang Medical University issued an "Emergency Notice" on paying attention to safety.

Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?
Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?

The snake's nest in speculation, the school security department has now sealed the opening of the cave.

Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?

Yao Mingjiang, a cleaning worker who found the snake, led reporters to see where he first found the snake.

Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?
Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?

The cleaning worker Yao Mingjiang first found the snake behind the building of Apartment 2.

Morning News All Media News (Text/ Reporter Wang Zongping Photo / Chief Reporter Zhang Wande) "Dear students: Snakes were found on the hillside behind the boys' apartment in the North Campus recently, two snakes have been found, and the relevant departments of the school have dealt with two snakes..." On September 27, an "Emergency Notice" from the Student Apartment Management Center of the North Campus of Xinjiang Medical University appeared in the WeChat circle of friends, which prompted students not to walk and stay in the area where snakes were found at night.

Is there a snake near the student apartment? At about 17:10 on September 27, the reporter came to the north campus of Xinjiang Medical University located near Liyushan Park to inquire about this matter, and many students in the campus expressed their knowledge of the snake appearing, and took out the notice issued by the student apartment management center of the mobile phone to confirm the matter to the reporter.

The staff of the security section on duty at the entrance of the boys' apartment said that the presence of the snake was found to be the cleaning staff responsible for the sanitation around the student apartment, and the staff of the security section took the reporter to the area where the snake was found, and there was a cave in the area where the snake was suspected to come out of the cave, and the staff of the security section had sealed the cave with bricks.

"The first snake was found 6 days ago." Yao Mingjiang is the cleaning staff who found a snake near the student apartment, he said that at about 8:20 a.m. on September 21, he cleaned up in the area as usual, and found that under the tree next to the big stone behind the student apartment, a snake about 1.7 meters long, two or three centimeters thick, black and white snake was here, and later he packed the snake in a plastic bag and handed it over to the relevant departments for processing.

Yao Mingjiang said that at about 9:40 a.m. the next morning, he found two more snakes on the road in the same area, and when he found them, the snakes had been crushed to death by the car. One snake is about 80 cm long and one snake is about 40 cm long. Yao Mingjiang said that he has been a cleaner in this area for more than 3 years, and he has seen snakes this year, but he has never seen them in the past.

In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the student dormitory management center said that their campus is separated from the LiyuShan Park by an iron railing, the carp park is very large, not only snakes, but also squirrels and hedgehogs, etc., for the safety of students, so at noon on September 27, the electronic screen in the girls' apartment issued an "emergency notice" to remind students to pay attention to safety.

Why are there snakes near the school apartments? Xu Feng, an associate researcher in wildlife behavior and conservation at the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that there are two possibilities for snakes to appear near the apartment of the north campus of Xinjiang Medical University, one is that there are grass in Liyushan Park, and there are hedgehogs, rats, etc. are snake food, so there will be snakes, but the surrounding grass is not necessarily the habitat of snakes, and the local snakes in Xinjiang are commonly about 1 meter. There are about 1.5 meters, the cleaning staff described that the length of the snake Is relatively rare in Xinjiang; there is also a possibility that the release snake appeared in that location, and now in Urumqi some people buy some birds, fish, including even some other animals, released on the mountain and in the water, so the snake that appears near the campus apartment, it is also possible that someone bought the snake and chose to release it on the carp mountain. He said that if there are no snakes in the month after the snake is found, two months and a half months, or even next year, it can be said that the snake that appeared this time is not a local snake.

Xu Feng reminded everyone that when walking in the wild, if a snake is found in the real grass, keep calm and do not take the initiative to disturb the snake, no matter what type of snake, when the person does not disturb it, it will not take the initiative to attack people. Or take a long wooden stick in your hand, find the snake, and put the snake in a safe area, so that you can also keep yourself safe.

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Attention students! Xinjiang Medical University North Campus student apartment is snake-infested?

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