
Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

With the popularity of the Chinese film market, the value of stars has also risen, but Xiao Mingge said that "the film remuneration is not high at all, you see that the stars in the European and American markets are divided." Indeed, compared with the film's remuneration, the huge box office revenue is a big cake, so the stars have also joined the overall operation of the film as investors. No, even the new generation of artists Wang Qing and Feng Jianyu began to make movies at their own expense. The new movie "Infinite Fighting World Dark Night Double Dragon" is not only a re-cooperation between the two, but also a joint investment between the two.

However, investing in movies is not a business that can not be lost, and there are many people who invest hugely in the final box office. In the past star investment, who earned and who lost? The following is to reveal the red and black list of star investment in film and television for you!

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Star film and television investment red list - good vision, the project can be profitable, and the reputation is not bad

Andy Lau: "Crazy Stone" won more than 20 million box office with a cost of 3 million, a blockbuster; in 2011, "Sister Peach" invested and starred in nearly 100 million yuan at the box office, which really made Boss Liu achieve fame and fortune; the youth theme movie "My Girlhood" was a hit, and the box office gained 359 million.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Huang Xiaoming: Successively invested in many movies such as "Chinese Partner" and "The Best Life of a Spoiled Woman", and the box office reputation was double-harvested, and the film version of "Why Sheng ZhenMo" although the audience complained about the bad film, it did not affect the film to win 200 million yuan in 3 days.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Xu Zheng: In 2015, Xu Zheng's Zhenle Dao Company invested in "Hong Kong 囧", and it is said that xu Zheng's multiple identities such as "tour guide + actor + controlling party + investor" made Xu Zheng gain wealth of 1.3 billion!

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Zhao Wei: It has successively invested in Alibaba Pictures and China Creative Holdings, and invested in the final box office of the movie "The Lion of heaven" with a final box office of 743 million, "Zhong Kui Voldemort" with a box office of more than 400 million, and the word-of-mouth film "Dear" with a final box office of 340 million.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Wu Qilong: His company Straw Bear has invested in many film and television works such as "The Legend of the New White-Haired Witch", "Towards the Cannon Fire", "Shushan Battle Chronicles< The Legend of the Swordsman >", and Wu Qilong has at least 160 million yuan in the account.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Lin Xinru: In 2009, Lin Xinru founded his own studio, and the first investment in the production of the TV series "The Princess of the World" was a big success, with a total investment of 40 million yuan and a copyright of more than 100 million yuan.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Star film and television investment black list - the box office is not satisfactory, word of mouth is also average

The thriller film "Zhang Zhen Telling a Story", which was jointly initiated by StarVC, a star venture capital institution jointly sponsored by Li Bingbing, Huang Xiaoming and Ren Quan, had just over 20 million yuan at the box office and did not achieve the expected box office results.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Li Xiang: The movie "Perfect Nine Beauty" achieved a box office of more than 50 million yuan with a production cost of less than 10 million yuan, becoming the dark horse in the domestic film in 2008, the movie "Panda Hero" has a box office of more than 20 million and the movie "Happy Heaven" has a box office of less than 10 million.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Chen Jianbin: The film "A Spoon", directed and co-invested by him, invested between 50 million and 80 million yuan, while the box office of this movie was only 17 million, which is a fiasco!

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Qin Hailu: In 2011, the best-rated small-scale production film "The Piano of Steel", even if it entered the Golden Rooster and Golden Horse with great momentum, it was difficult to stop the box office failure of literary and art films, and finally only received 4 million box office.

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

Huang Xiaoming: The first investment in the movie "Pifu", but the box office was less than 25 million, and the first test of the water was a fiasco. Huang Sect Master did not think so, "In fact, I just invested a little money, which is also a small attempt of mine." ”

Is Wang Qingfeng Jianyu reliable for making movies at his own expense? Inventory the stars themselves as bosses who earn and who loses?

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