
In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jiying, secretary of the municipal party committee, extended his hand to the central authorities to ask for an official position, and Chairman Mao was furious: he was dismissed from public office

author:Colorful clouds rise

In 1955, the Chinese People's Liberation Army began to implement the rank system according to the needs of army building. On the eve of the official awarding of the rank, two senior generals of our army separately found organizations and took the initiative to ask for their ranks to be lowered: Xu Guangda, commander of the armored corps, and Xu Liqing, deputy director of the General Cadre Department.

Xu Guangda was very uneasy when he heard the news that he was about to be awarded the rank of Great General. He remembered his comrades who had died on the battlefield, how good it would be if they could live to be awarded the title! Considering that there are many commanders who are as good as him, most of them have been awarded the rank of general. Compared with them, Xu Guangda felt that he was lucky. At the same time, he also feels that the position and treatment given to him by the organization are already very high. Therefore, Xu Guangda decided to give up the opportunity to be elected general to other comrades-in-arms. Therefore, he wrote a letter to the Central Military Commission and Chairman Mao, requesting to resign from the rank of general and accept the rank of general.

Xu Li cleared that in addition to having the same idea as Xu Guangda, there was another layer of meaning. Xu Liqing was also an old qualified general, and as early as the liberation war, he was already at the level of the regular corps. This time, he was rated as a general, which according to Luo Ronghuan was "well deserved". However, Xu Liqing's idea was that in this army-wide military rank appraisal work, he was both an organizer and a participant as the deputy director of the General Cadre Department. As a Communist Party member and political work cadre, I must play an exemplary role. Therefore, Xu Liqing, like Xu Guangda, also took the initiative to request the organization to demote his rank, requesting that the general be changed to a lieutenant general.

After many times of work and overall consideration in the organization, it was finally decided that Xu Guangda's rank as a major general would not be moved; Xu Liqing's rank as general would be adjusted to the rank of lieutenant general.

Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou praised Xu Guangda and Xu Liqing: "It is a mirror, a mirror of the Communist Party itself!" Rare good comrades! ”

However, in this revolutionary contingent led by the Communist Party, it is not monolithic, and there are also discordant voices.

For example, in 1955, when Xu Guangda and Xu Liqing took the initiative to request a demotion, several generals with outstanding military achievements felt that their military ranks were low, and the representative figures were Wang Bicheng and Lieutenant General Wang Jinshan, who believed that the merits of the battle should be awarded to the general; Major General Zhong Wei was more radical, he thought that he should be the youngest lieutenant general, so he said in a furious rage: "I want to hang this card (major general shoulder plate) on the dog's tail!" ”。

In the face of these complaints and strange remarks, Chairman Mao can understand, after all, they are all crawling and fighting on the battlefield! To this end, the chairman said humorously: "The boy has tears and does not flick, only because he has not yet arrived at the time of the title." ”

However, there is an old comrade in our Party, who is self-qualified and has made great merits, who stretched out his hand to the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao as early as the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to ask for and demand officials; this kind of behavior and nature has seriously violated the Party's organizational principles, exceeded the basic bottom line of being a Communist Party member, and greatly damaged the party's interests and unity.

This old comrade's name is Dai Jiying. In the early revolutionary activities of our Party, he still had a certain influence.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jiying, secretary of the municipal party committee, extended his hand to the central authorities to ask for an official position, and Chairman Mao was furious: he was dismissed from public office

Dai Jiying

Speaking of Dai Jiying, many people may not be very familiar with it. Because after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he only briefly held provincial leadership positions. Because he made a serious mistake, he left the revolutionary family prematurely. He was like a political meteor, streaking through the sky of China's revolutionary history, and although it was once brilliant, it was like a white colt passing through the gap and disappearing in an instant.

In 1906, Dai Jiying was born into a landlord family in Songshugang Town, Huang'an County, Hubei Province. Huang'an, Hubei Province, is known as the "Cradle of Generals" of the Republic, which was one of the early birthplaces of the Chinese revolution. The broad masses of the people in Huang'an have a high ideological consciousness, and the revolutionary atmosphere is extremely strong.

Due to his family's solid wealth, Dai Jiying received systematic learning and education from an early age. He successively

He studied at Wuhan Qihuang Middle School and Wuhan Provincial No. 1 Middle School. Although he was born into a wealthy family, he grew up sympathizing with the tenants of his family and the poor peasants of the village.

It was with this simple class feeling as the basis that he hated the old society of man-eating evils. Therefore, Dai Jiying actively explored the truth of the revolution during his school years, and strived to find a bright path to save China and save the people in suffering.

In February 1927, Dai Jiying gloriously joined the Communist Party of China and became one of the early members of our party. From this point, it can be seen that Dai Jiying's qualifications are indeed relatively old.

On November 13, 1927, the famous "Jute Uprising" broke out, and the 21-year-old Dai Jiying was one of the leaders of the uprising. This uprising was the largest armed uprising of our Party in the Eyu-Anhui region, and it is a strong mark in the history of our Party's army building.

After the uprising, our Party established three Red Army detachments. They were the Red Fourth Front, the Red Twenty-fifth Army, and the Red Twenty-Eighth Army (later the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army). At the same time, a large number of leaders and senior generals of the republic were also born, namely Dong Biwu, Li Xiannian and Wang Shusheng, Han Xianchu, Chen Xilian, Liu Huaqing, Qin Jiwei, Wang Jinshan, and others.

It can be seen that Dai Jiying, as the leader of the uprising, is not only qualified to be old, but also has deep qualifications.

In the early days of the establishment of the Eyubian base area, the young Dai Jiying worked hard and made rapid progress.

In April 1932, at the age of 26, Dai Jiying served as the political commissar of the Red 25 Army and led his troops to participate in the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" operation.

At this time, Dai Jiying had become one of the important leaders who persisted in the struggle in the Eyu-Anhui base area.

After the defeat of the four anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns, the Red Twenty-fifth Army began the Long March. Before leaving, military commander Cheng Zihua and political commissar Dai Jiying had a long talk with Gao Jingting, political commissar of the Seventy-fifth Division of the Red Twenty-fifth Army, and suggested that he organize the wounded and guerrillas to continue the revolution and preserve the seeds of revolution. Gao Jingting said that his father, brother, and wife were all killed by reactionaries, and he had a blood feud with the Kuomintang. This vendetta will not be repaid, and the oath will not be a man.

In January 1935, Gao Jingting lived up to expectations and re-presided over the rebuilding of the Red Twenty-eighth Army, serving as the political commissar of the army.

Later, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, the guerrilla units of the eight southern provinces were reorganized into the New Fourth Army, and the Red Twenty-Eighth Army and the Guerrilla Unit of the Red Army in Southern Henan were organized into the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army, which became the most numerous, well-equipped, and the most effective of the four detachments of the New Fourth Army.

In September 1935, the Red Twenty-fifth Army arrived in northern Shaanxi and joined forces with the Red Twenty-sixth Army and the Red Twenty-seventh Army led by Liu Zhidan, and three revolutionary teams formed the Red Fifteenth Army under the leadership of the Party.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jiying, secretary of the municipal party committee, extended his hand to the central authorities to ask for an official position, and Chairman Mao was furious: he was dismissed from public office

RegimentAlignment Commander Xu Haidong

At this time, Dai Jiying's position was adjusted, and he served as the director of the newly established Security Bureau.

It was during this period that Dai Jiying made serious mistakes. At the most crucial moment of the struggle between the enemy and ourselves, he vigorously launched the "purge movement," and in his eyes everyone was like a reactionary and a secret agent, causing the base areas to be full of grass and trees and soldiers, and the wind and noise were loud.

In the absence of any substantial evidence, Dai Jiying ordered the arrest of Liu Zhidan, Xi Zhongxun, and others, the founders of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi. He ordered his men to be severely tortured and asked to confess so-called incriminating evidence.

Liu Zhidan and Xi Zhongxun and others were imprisoned in the caves of the "Huichuantong" pawnshop in Wa Yao Fort. In the early winter, it is cold, only some grain grass is placed on the ground, hands and feet are tied to sleep, lice are overgrown, no food, no water, and no toilet. The "counter-revolutionaries" forced them to admit that they were counter-revolutionaries.

At this time, Mao Zedong, who had just led the Central Red Army to northern Shaanxi, learned of this incident and promptly shouted: "Stop arresting, stop censorship." Stop killing people, and leave everything to the central government to solve. He said to Wang Shoudao, director of the State Security Bureau of the Soviet Union: "Killing people cannot be like cutting leeks, and when the leeks are cut, they can grow out, and the heads will not grow when they fall to the ground." If we kill the wrong person, if we kill a revolutionary comrade, it is a criminal act. Everyone should bear this in mind and handle it carefully. ”

It was precisely Mao Zedong's wisdom and decisiveness that effectively stopped the erroneous act of "suppressing and repressing" and expanding it, and saved a large number of cadres in the revolutionary base areas in northern Shaanxi.

Xi Zhongxun once excitedly said to Mao Zedong: "Chairman Mao! If you arrive 4 days late, Comrade Liu Zhidan and I will be buried alive, and they will dig all the pits; if you do not reach northern Shaanxi, the base area will be finished. ”

On November 30, 1935, the Party Central Committee dismissed Dai Jiying from his administrative post in response to his serious mistakes in the "Purge Movement" and punished him with a severe warning within the Party.

This is the first time Dai Jiying has made such a serious mistake, during which his main job is to deeply reflect on his mistakes.

The outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ushered in an opportunity for Dai Jiying's comeback.

In July 1937, the guerrillas of the eight southern provinces were reorganized into the New Fourth Army, and Dai Jiying's old subordinate Gao Jingting served as the commander of the strongest four detachments. Due to various reasons, the relationship between Gao Jingting and political commissar Zheng Weisan was very tense, almost to the point of intolerable fire.

So Gao Jingting called Chairman Mao of Yan'an and directly asked Dai Jiying to join him in the team.

At this time, Dai Jiying was being examined by the Party Central Committee. It can be said that it was because of Gao Jingting's request that Dai Jiying was relieved early.

As soon as Dai Jiying arrived in the four detachments, the old mistake was committed, and he put up the posture of old leader and old qualification. When Gao Jingting put forward the idea that the troops wanted to stay in Dabie Mountain, Dai Jiying shouted: "Put your plan aside as soon as possible, you must implement the plan to go east!" ”

After Gao Jingting was mistakenly killed, Xu Haidong served as the commander of the four detachments, and Dai Jiying served as the political commissar and director of the political department. During Xu Haidong's serious illness, he "shouldered the burden" of military and political affairs and became the actual head of the four detachments. During this time, Dai Jiying worked diligently and commanded properly, and won a series of battles successively.

Especially in the "Half Tower Defense War", he commanded the troops to create a classic battle example of winning more with less and defeating the strong with the weak. Chen Yi once spoke highly of the great significance of the "Half-Tower Self-Defense War" and regarded it as the prelude to the "Yellow Bridge Decisive Battle": first there was a half-tower, and then there was Guo Village. With half a tower, there is a yellow bridge.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jiying, secretary of the municipal party committee, extended his hand to the central authorities to ask for an official position, and Chairman Mao was furious: he was dismissed from public office

During this period, Dai Jiying still had certain historical merits.

In 1941, Dai Jiying returned to Yan'an to report on his work. During his stay in Yan'an, he was cordially received by Chairman Mao. This time, Chairman Mao affirmed Dai Jiying's achievements in the four detachments.

In February 1945, Dai Jiying moved to Henan. He served as the political commissar of the newly formed Henan Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, and fought together with Wang Shusheng, commander of the military region, in the Central Plains.

During this period, he assisted Wang Shusheng in actively expanding the scale of the army and vigorously developing the military and civilian construction in the Liberated Areas. In particular, during the "Central Plains Breakthrough Campaign," he commanded the troops to cooperate closely with Li Xiannian, Wang Zhen, and other fraternal units and fought a very beautiful counterattack, which was highly praised by the party Central Committee, Chairman Mao, and Vice Chairman Zhou.

After the victory of the Central Plains Breakthrough, Dai Jiying's work focus gradually shifted to the localities. He has served as the second deputy secretary of the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Central Plains People's Government.

In 1949, after the founding of New China. Dai Jiying served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Kaifeng Municipal Party Committee, which was then the capital of Henan Province. As the secretary of the provincial capital and the secretary of the municipal party committee, dai Jiying was also a member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee, and at this time, Dai Jiying had already stepped into the ranks of the provincial and ministerial levels and belonged to the senior cadres of our party.

However, at the beginning of the founding of the country, when all walks of life were in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, Serious problems arose in Dai Jiying's thinking.

He forgot the original intention of the revolution and the sacred mission of a Communist Party member. After his life settled down, he did not devote himself to his work, but began to consider his own treatment and level.

He believes that he joined the revolution in the 1920s, and that he was a participant or leader in many major revolutionary activities, especially during the Red Army period as a military cadre, and then in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation in Henan for many years. During the Liberation War, he was the secretary of the Henan District Party Committee, and the position of first secretary of the provincial party committee today should belong to him.

He narrowly believed that the main leaders of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government at that time were far from him in terms of seniority, prestige, party age, and contribution. Therefore, in his work, he has repeatedly shown that he is proud of his achievements and relies on the old and sells the old, and has repeatedly made accusations and many restrictions on the normal work of the provincial party committee.

At the end of 1951, Dai Jiying disregarded the party's organizational principles and wrote letters to the Central Committee and Chairman Mao beyond his level, making unreasonable accusations against the leaders of the Henan Provincial Party Committee. At the same time, he asked himself to be a member of the Central Committee and the first secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee.

After Reading Dai Jiying's official letter, Chairman Mao Zedong was greatly angered: "Dai Jiying is already hopeless. Mao Zedong immediately gave instructions to the General Office of the Central Committee: "The Communist Party does not need senior cadres like Dai Jiying. Such a person should be expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and never be used. ”

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Dai Jiying, secretary of the municipal party committee, extended his hand to the central authorities to ask for an official position, and Chairman Mao was furious: he was dismissed from public office

Mao Zedong

This is the second and most serious mistake Dai Jiying has made. Of course, it was also the last time.

It is precisely this narrow-minded idea of being proud of one's merits and considering himself a hero that breeds egoism of demanding power from the organization and the party officials, and also tarnishes the purity of a Communist Party member.

On February 12, 1952, Dai Jiying was expelled from the party and went home to reflect. In April 1984, Dai Jiying reinstated his party membership and treatment as a provincial cadre. On November 29, 1997, Dai Jiying died of illness in Zhengzhou at the age of 92.