
Partner Jia Bing lian on three satellite TV Spring Festival Gala Sichuan opera actress Wu Dan Sichuan dialogue was well received

author:Cover News
Partner Jia Bing lian on three satellite TV Spring Festival Gala Sichuan opera actress Wu Dan Sichuan dialogue was well received

Cover news reporter Xun Chao

The Taurus prays for blessings and happiness for the family. During the Spring Festival reunion season, while enjoying the beautiful festival, watching the Spring Festival Gala has also become an indispensable family celebration project every year. But for Wu Dan, an actress in Sichuan Youth Comedy, watching the Spring Festival Gala in 2021 really made her nervous and looking forward to it. It turned out that Wu Dan participated in the Spring Festival Gala of three satellite televisions this year, and she hoped that her performance could be recognized by the audience and send joy to everyone.

"I attended the Spring Festival Gala of Anhui Satellite TV, Jiangsu Satellite TV and Oriental Satellite TV this year, and I am very grateful to Teacher Jia Bing and the teachers in the team for their help to me." In the Spring Festival Gala of the three satellite televisions, Wu Dan participated in the sketches "True Love Convenience Store", "Forty Only" and "Year-end Award Fantastic Night 3" brought by Jia Bing's team, although the role was not much, she performed a large section of Sichuan dialect dialogue and flexible performance in the performance, which was unique and charming.

As early as 2018, Wu Dan performed with Jia Bing's team. In that year's "Happy Comedian", Wu Dan played a little nurse in Jia Bing's sketch "I Am For You", and his generous and humorous performance made a deep impression. Audiences who have watched Wu Dan act also praised: "I think her eyes are all drama, that kind of cleverness may be unique to the harmonic actor, the lines are too correct in Sichuan dialect, praise!" ”

Partner Jia Bing lian on three satellite TV Spring Festival Gala Sichuan opera actress Wu Dan Sichuan dialogue was well received

In the process of cooperative learning, Wu Dan saw the persistent pursuit of artistic excellence by Jia Bing's team, and admired it to the extreme. "They can spend their time polishing the script word by word, deliberating on the details of each performance, and being able to rehearse all night to present the best show to the audience... This down-to-earth artistic spirit has benefited me a lot. I also hope to apply this spirit to the performance of harmonic drama and create more and better works of harmonic drama. ”

The comedy of "one person acting alone, acting alone" adheres to the comedic spirit of laughter and anger in the character of Sichuan people. Since 2013, Wu Dan has been following the female comedy performance artist Zhang Tingyu (the first female disciple of the founder of the opera, Wang Yongsuo), as a teacher, and has spared no effort to spread and promote the opera. From "Cheering China" to "Happy Comedians" to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala of the three satellite TVs in 2021, she looks forward to using her own performance to make a contribution to the dissemination of the art of harmonic drama.

Partner Jia Bing lian on three satellite TV Spring Festival Gala Sichuan opera actress Wu Dan Sichuan dialogue was well received

Even if he has made small achievements in performing arts, Wu Dan can still clearly realize that he still has many deficiencies, "I still have to follow Master Zhang Tingyu and excellent predecessors to continue to learn with an open mind and constantly polish myself." I hope that in the future artistic career, I will always maintain the original intention of the contritic actress, learn the art modestly, delve into the study, persevere, and create brilliance for the development of the contrivial drama. ”

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