
Life in a giant white tower

author:Dr. Tong Xiaoning

What I want to bring to you today is my host, Osaka University Medical College Hospital.

Osaka University is one of the nine old imperial universities in Japan, and it can be regarded as the best seven universities in Japan.

By the way, take a look at the other universities according to the latest comprehensive rankings:

Japan Domestic Rankings Old School Names Now School Names 2018 World Rankings

1st Kyoto Imperial University → Kyoto University 74

2nd Teikoku University → Tokyo Imperial University → University of Tokyo 46

3rd Tohoku Imperial University → Tohoku University 201-250

4th Kyushu Imperial University → Kyushu University 351-400

5th Hokkaido Imperial University → Hokkaido University 401-500

6th Nagoya Imperial University → Nagoya University 301-350

8th Osaka Imperial University → Osaka University 201-250

Life in a giant white tower

Osaka University Hospital

Life in a giant white tower

Back to the point, what kind of university is Osaka University Medical Faculty Hospital? Let me start with a week of work in my professional cardiovascular surgery department.

・Preoperative seminar at 7:00 a.m. on Monday morning

Every Monday morning is a regular English preoperative seminar, in which all department personnel, including professors (absolute authority, the director of the country), are present. The content is to report the next week's surgical patient cases in order in English for everyone to ask questions and objections, of course, all links are in English. Medical students and other department rotation personnel on this occasion must participate, which is also an important part of the university hospital education system. The overall time is usually around an hour and a half to two hours. By the way, the Japanese people really don't dare to speak English

Life in a giant white tower

Preoperative seminar at 7 a.m. on Monday morning

Life in a giant white tower

Compliments, as far as my English level is concerned, they actually feel very Native.

Life in a giant white tower

Stills from the white tower

Next is the famous professor's rounds, there is a TV series called "White Tower", I don't know if you have heard of it. Compared with TV dramas, real work can be described as more than enough.

The first is the postoperative rounds of the ICU on the 3rd floor, followed by the cardiac surgery ward on the 9th floor. That's right, the professor took the elevator, we used to run, and then we had to go to the 9th floor before the professor. Since my major is large-vessel surgery, I am usually the first to report on the patient's condition, and then every time for me who is wide and fat, the breathless reporting of cases has become a laughing point for weekly rounds. Then there was a long rounds, usually the professor had come out of a room, yet the tail of the team had not yet entered the room to see the patient. This formalism is actually not very acceptable to me, because it is really a waste of time, and all the work has to be postponed by 2 hours.

Next, there is surgery, and the work of the ward is handled without surgery. In fact, it was already noon after the end of the whole round, and everyone was waiting in the ward for the superior doctor to gradually retreat, and then our little ones could consider entering lunchtime. How to solve lunch? Good question. Many Japanese doctors have wives to bring bento boxes, saying that they are very loving, but I asked many people mainly to save money, because the bento is mostly leftovers from the night before, sorry, I can't help but laugh out loud. People without bento will go to the small world downstairs in groups of three to choose lunch, and simply find some pictures to share with everyone. If it were you, where would you go?

Life in a giant white tower

Star Daddy

Life in a giant white tower

Daily charge

Life in a giant white tower


Life in a giant white tower


OK, after eating, it is time to continue to work, or that sentence, there is surgery to go to surgery, no surgery to look at the ward. The main task in the afternoon is to reply to endless letters of introduction. Here's an introduction to what a letter of introduction is.

Life in a giant white tower

What the letter of introduction looks like

Hospitals in Japan mainly include university hospitals, public hospitals, private hospitals, and private hospitals. The university hospital is the tip of the pyramid, all the patients who are treated in other hospitals will be introduced to the university hospital in the case of not being able to deal with it, at this time there must be a letter of introduction from the doctor of the lower hospital to the doctor of the university hospital, otherwise the university hospital will not accept the appointment, very perverted. But it is this system that makes the diversion of patients in this society do a good job. The general content is like this: first a bunch of kind words, how much you usually care about something, then a disease introduction, and finally a bunch of kind words, such as I know that you are particularly busy, but still want you to ask you to see this patient I introduced to you, bla bla...

In short, we small ones have to deal with these letters for the bosses, and then summarize them into simple words to report.

Life in a giant white tower
Life in a giant white tower

What time does it leave at night? Ahaha, this question I can only answer with no idea. The university hospital is a huge white tower, the spire does not go, the bottom of the tower can not go. At the end of each day, I had to stay to see the post-operative patients, read papers, draw surgical designs, help nurses draw blood, doze off...

Life in a giant white tower
Life in a giant white tower

The person on duty is relatively busy, the whole ward and the ICU and the emergency telephone related to cardiac surgery have this person in charge, and in China, there is a first-line duty, a second-line duty, and a third-line listening shift that is not in the hospital. The shift on duty is a particularly tedious task, that is, all the tube bed doctors must report the situation of their patients and the situation that needs attention that night, as well as the possible situations and how to deal with the better filing. You may not believe that this shift can last up to 4 hours, even buy Karma, right? Every time I had this session I had an urge to kill myself... Joke... However, the second-line duty usually buys us dinner, and it is difficult to say what it is. The duty room is very shabby, I usually sleep in the classroom with a bed, because there is air conditioning, haha.


Life in a giant white tower
Life in a giant white tower
Life in a giant white tower

6 (a-c) duty room with dinner and beds

Life in a giant white tower

Hospital View of Osaka University Hospital Hospital

Life in a giant white tower

This is the day of cardiovascular surgeons at Osaka University Medical College Hospital, they are all the best graduates of Japan's famous high schools, and the pressure to compete with them is indeed not covered, the only pleasure to relieve stress is to look out the window, precipitate the mood, and then continue to work.

The next routine also includes a thesis workshop at 7 a.m. on Tuesday morning, which lasts 2 hours until the procedure begins. Wednesday night's difficult cases discussion usually lasts until 1 a.m. A preoperative Japanese case discussion on Thursday afternoon requires data to be updated non-stop every day from Monday to Wednesday. Finally, on Friday night, the little doctor spontaneously summarized the work of the week, which is usually summarized until the early morning of the second day of the university. Saturday and Sunday is the day when the doctors of the university hospital go to the outside hospital to work and earn money, they don't want to work and have no money to earn, because the treatment of the Japanese university hospital is equivalent to that of a civil servant, the salary is very low, really low and very low, so they all rely on sacrificing family time to go out to earn money, it can be said that Monday to Friday is to fight for the dream, and Saturday and Sunday are for the reality of the rush. But it is precisely such a group of desperate elites that support the Japanese medical world, whether it is the most advanced technology or equipment, without the struggle of university hospital clinicians, it is impossible to realize their value.

Life in a giant white tower

Osaka University Medical Faculty Hospital, a real white giant tower.

By the way, the TV series "White Tower" was filmed at Osaka University, and I don't know if anyone has heard of "Strange Doctor Black Jack", written by Osamu Tezuka, who is also from the Faculty of Medicine of Osaka University.

Today's column is written here for everyone, I hope you can like it.

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