
Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

author:Yunnan Walker

People who have come to Yunnan will have two things in mind after leaving, one is the beautiful scenery, and the other is the food.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

Yunnan cuisine, delicious is inevitable, there are some are unique. There are no representative interviews in Yunnan cuisine like other places, such as Lanzhou ramen, Shanxi knife-cut noodles, Chongqing small noodles, Yibin noodles, etc., but Yunnan has a well-known bridge rice noodle.

Yunnan cuisine is always so unique, with a Dian flavor, with a national flavor. Compared with areas that do not like to eat spicy, dian taste is a bit spicy; compared to spicy areas such as Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places, then Dian taste feels a little light.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

Today Xiaobian will give you an inventory of the top 10 food rankings in Yunnan! Disagree to argue!

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

1. Steam pot chicken

Steam pot chicken is one of the famous dishes of Yunnan style, the method is to first prepare the raw material chicken, ingredients ginger, salt, green onions, grass fruits, etc. together into the steam pot, and then seal the steam pot with gauze, put it on a soup pot filled with water, and then put it on the fire to steam. Add cordyceps, gastrodia, panax and other medicinal herbs, not only sweet and fragrant, but also have a tonic effect.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

2. Yak hot pot

Yak beef hot pot is one of the traditional dishes of Lijiang and Shangri-La in Yunnan, yak beef hot pot is made of the best pure yak beef from Lijiang and Shangri-La, cut into pieces, add mountain spring water, salt, and slowly simmer over low heat in a clay pot until the yak is cooked. It is the first place to taste the local specialty hot pot when traveling to Lijiang and Shangri-La.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

3. Bridge meter line

When it comes to yunnan's most famous specialty snacks, it is the rice noodles that cross the bridge.

The bridge rice noodles are composed of three parts: soup, slices, and rice noodles. Serve the broth in a deep bowl, first put the various slices of meat into the soup, stir and blanch them with chopsticks, and then add various ingredients. Its taste is fresh and fragrant, and the flavor is unique, which makes people taste it for a long time after eating.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

4. Fragrant bamboo rice

Fragrant bamboo rice is a dai-style cuisine, and it is best served between November and February. Because there is a layer of fragrant incense film in the bamboo at this time, it is called fragrant bamboo.

A mouthful of fragrant bamboo rice will make your lips and teeth fragrant after eating it, which will be unforgettable for a long time.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

5. Porcini mushrooms

Porcini mushroom is a unique specialty of Yunnan, containing protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and other nutrients, with high medicinal value.

There are many ways to practice porcini mushrooms, such as three-filament boletus.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

6. Burn the bait block

Bait block is a local snack in Yunnan. It is pressed into chunks of cooked rice, usually in the shape of a round pancake, then grilled over a charcoal fire, then coated with sauce and vegetable filling.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

7: Ham and bean stew

Ham and bean stew is a dish of rice and rice, with white, red and green colors, which is very tempting.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

8. Spring rolls

The ancients called "spring plates" are the timely snacks for spring travel. The food is golden in color, beautiful in appearance, salty and sweet in taste.

Spring rolls are now easy to eat in other places outside of Yunnan, but the taste must not be as good as here.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

9. Dilute bean flour

Thin bean flour is the most authentic breakfast in Yunnan, if it is the first time to eat thin bean flour may feel a little strange, because it is added to the ginger garlic water, but after eating once or twice it will really be addictive.

Thin bean flour must be eaten with fritters, preferably freshly fried fritters, thin bean flour is smooth, fritters are crisp and crunchy, very delicious.

Yunnan 10 special food encyclopedia, come to Yunnan must enjoy the #Yunnan travel guide

10. Fried cowhide

Fried cowhide is also a special food in Yunnan, fried cowhide is as white as jade, crisp and delicious, with the Dai ethnic unique mummy sauce dipped in, unique flavor. Commonly used mummy mimes are tomato mummies, beef mummies, crab mummies and so on.