
Iron leaves, cool blood to stop bleeding, detoxification, laxative insecticide, scabies scabies


Chinese scientific name: Batian sour mold Pinyin: bā tiān suān mó Latin scientific name: alias: oceanic iron leaf, iron mold, cow's tongue tree phylum: angiosperm phyla: Dicotyledonous plants Family: Subfamily Tateshina

Iron leaves, cool blood to stop bleeding, detoxification, laxative insecticide, scabies scabies

It is a perennial herb growing 1–1.5 m tall. The stem is erect, stout, unbranched or branched, with grooves. Basal leaves have a thick stalk; the leaves are round lanceolate, 15–30 cm long and 4–8 cm wide, sharply pointed or blunt at the apex, rounded or nearly heart-shaped at the base, fully margined or marginally wavy; the upper lobes are small and narrow, nearly sessile; the leaf sheath is cylindrical, membranous. The inflorescence is a large conical inflorescence, apical or axillary; flower amphoteric; flower discs 6, into 2 rounds, enlarged inner chakra at fruit time, broad heart-shaped, reticulated, full margin, one or all of the nodular protrusions; stamens 6; Stigma 3, brush-shaped. The fruit is ovate, 3 sharp, brown and shiny.

Iron leaves, cool blood to stop bleeding, detoxification, laxative insecticide, scabies scabies

It grows on village edges, roadsides, wet areas and ditches.

Root: Bitter, sour, cold. There is a small poison. Cool blood stops bleeding, clears heat and detoxifies, laxatives and kills insects. For dysentery, diarrhea, hepatitis, bruises, constipation knots, scabies scabies.