
Purebred Boer goat fattening process concentrate matching technology, Boer goat breeding sheep breeding more profitable

author:Set sail for breeding

The focus of breeding governance for Boer goat breeding. It is strong, tall, back hair pure white, head and neck and ears are reddish brown, it is produced in South Africa, introduced to China in the nineties, is an excellent breed of meat sheep - it is the next we talk about the Boer goat, Boer goat adult itself has more than two hundred pounds, excellent growth, in the situation of house feeding, daily growth reached 400 grams, slaughter rate reached 50%, Boer goat breeding in China has obtained corresponding results, at this stage Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Jiangxi, Many people in Hunan and other provinces have gradually raised large-scale Boer goats, in rural areas, what basic knowledge should ordinary people know about the breeding of Boer goats? How can farms improve the economic benefits of rearing? For this sequence of situations, we summarize the basics of the following management work:

Purebred Boer goat fattening process concentrate matching technology, Boer goat breeding sheep breeding more profitable

First, the castration, disinfection and sterilization and insect removal of Boer goat lamb, before fattening, usually after the castration of the male lamb is easy to manage, the meat texture is tender and the lamb is light. Doing a good job in cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing the sheds, and doing a good job in environmental sanitation during the fattening period can effectively avoid that sheep will only get sick during the fattening period. Eliminating in vitro and foreign parasites in meat sheep and reducing the harm of parasitic infections are key countermeasures to ensure better fattening results. Insect repellents include nitrochlorophenol, dichlorophenol thiodichlorophenol, imidazole propylthionazole and the like. These drugs are taken at 4 mg per kilogram weight, 35 to 75 ml, and 2.5 to 3 mg respectively to effectively control insects.

Purebred Boer goat fattening process concentrate matching technology, Boer goat breeding sheep breeding more profitable

Second, the breeding of Boer goats, to effectively provide feed, in accordance with the breeding standards, the use of the growth and development of the Boer goats themselves, clear meat sheep feed composition, dietary supply or supplementary feeding quota, and in practice the fattening effect, on time to take adjustments. The breeding and rearing of Boer goats should be combined with the planting of green storage forage grasses, and it is possible to select hn-mc high-quality alfalfa, hn-mc high-quality duck grass and other high-yield, stable yield, high-quality and high-quality grass varieties with strong applicability. Follow the various stages of growth of the Boer goat to ensure the sheep's need for multiple nutrients. The forage concentrate of boer goats should be correspondingly stable, so as to avoid sudden changes in the fattening period of sheep, special intensity fattening or rapid fattening, which requires forage to be correspondingly stable. If it changes suddenly, it will inevitably cause changes in the rumen environment, and at the same time endanger the rumen microflora and fermentation activities, resulting in reduced fermentation degree and digestion and absorption rate of forage, and even cause digestive system diseases. The green storage feed and concentrate given to the Boer goats should be fed separately. When it is hungry, the stomach secretes a lot of digestive enzymes. Concentrate is rich in nutrients, small in volume, less dietary fiber, good inlet, high quality, easy to digest, easy to absorb, it is best to feed the concentrate first. If the green storage feed and concentrate are mixed to feed the sheep, because the green storage feed is large and the water content is large, it will reduce the digestion and absorption rate of concentrate, so it is best to raise Boer goats to be fed separately.

Purebred Boer goat fattening process concentrate matching technology, Boer goat breeding sheep breeding more profitable

Third, highlight the economic benefits of Boer goat breeding, can not blindly demand that daily fattening profits be maximized. Especially under the premise of feeding and fattening, the fattening of meat sheep with maximum profit is usually based on high green and concentrate diet, and the profit maximization of daily fattening of meat sheep does not necessarily mean that the best economic returns can be achieved. Therefore, when setting the desired fertilization intensity, it is necessary to take better economic returns as the only measure.

Purebred Boer goat fattening process concentrate matching technology, Boer goat breeding sheep breeding more profitable

Fourth, effectively arrange production and slaughter fattening sheep in a timely manner. According to the growth and development of the fattening sheep at the beginning, the cycle of the fattening period is selected. Too short, the fattening effect is not outstanding, too long, then the refined feed income is low, the capital is not cost-effective. Therefore, when a meat sheep reaches a certain weight through a long period of fattening, it is necessary to slaughter or sell it early, rather than blindly demanding the maximum weight of the sheep. Choose the scale of meat and sheep fattening operation according to the time and conditions, and look for the best economic benefits under local conditions and in accordance with the cyclical nature of the commodity economy.

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