
"Little Witch DoReMi" 20th anniversary new animation "Looking for a Probationary Witch" official trailer

author:ACG Wanderer

The 20th anniversary of "Little Witch DoReMi" new theatrical version of the animation "Looking for a Probationary Witch" has been announced, and the new animation is produced by the original team and will be released on November 13. The story tells the story of three girls in the "Little Witch DoReMi" generation who meet and travel together for an adventure due to "Magic Jade".

"Little Witch DoReMi" 20th anniversary new animation "Looking for a Probationary Witch" official trailer

导导: Sato Koichi / Kamatani Yusuke: Yamada Takashi Sound: Aoi Morikawa / Rena Matsui / Natsuko Momota / Shohei Miura / Kota Kota / Akira Ishida / Chika Keimi Senka / Tomoko Akitani / Yumi Matsuba / Rumi Shishiwa / Eikai Makihara / Kazu Kazu Ishige

"Little Witch DoReMi" 20th anniversary new animation "Looking for a Probationary Witch" official trailer
"Little Witch DoReMi" 20th anniversary new animation "Looking for a Probationary Witch" official trailer

Stay tuned for more information!