
The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

Almost every household has eaten this dish, tender shredded meat plus the crisp and slightly spicy of green pepper, today and share with you a home-cooked dish "green pepper meat shredded", green pepper and rich vitamins plus meat protein, nutritional balance, there are like friends below to see how to make it.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare a piece of lean pork, cut into shredded pork along the texture of the pork, and put it in a basin for later.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

After washing the shredded meat with water, squeeze it out in a colander.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

Prepare two green peppers, remove the seeds, then cut into thin strips, and cut the ginger and green onion into granules.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

2. Start marinating below

Add salt, cooking wine, soy sauce to the pork, grasp well with your hands, then add an egg white, stir quickly, grab a handful of corn starch, stir well, and finally add vegetable oil, the purpose of using vegetable oil is to lock the water of the meat, so that the meat remains smooth and tender.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

3. Start frying below

Burn the oil in the pot, when the oil is burned until it smokes slightly, pour in the shredded meat, keep it on medium heat, use a spoon to break the shredded meat that sticks together, after the shredded meat changes color, you can pour out the control oil.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

4. Start making below

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the onion, garlic stir-fry, then add red dried pepper and stir-fry, then add green pepper shreds, green pepper can not be fried for too long, stir-fry a few times, you can pour in the shredded meat, the pot leaves the fire, add cooking wine, oyster sauce, salt, chicken essence, pepper, sugar, evenly stir-fry the seasoning, and then add a little water, you can better open the seasoning, turn on the high heat to quickly stir-fry, and finally pour in vegetable oil to turn over a few times, you can put the pot on the plate.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

Well, a tender and refreshing shredded green pepper meat is ready.

The head chef teaches you to make shredded green pepper meat, the meat is smooth and tender, the green pepper is crisp and the taste is beautiful

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day

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