
The Spring and Autumn Warring States Qin Huigong served as a monarch for ten years, why does the "History" only write about his life

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The Spring and Autumn Warring States Qin Huigong served as a monarch for ten years, why does the "History" only write about his life

In the previous chapter, I mentioned that in the history of the Qin State, there were two princes who did not become monarchs for a day, but they were listed by historians in the series of qin monarchs, one was Qin Jinggong, the son of Qin Wengong, and the other was Qin Yigong, the son of Qin Aigong. In the end, the throne of the monarch was succeeded by their sons Qin Xiangong and Qin Huigong. Unfortunately, Qin Xiangong died young, but he still did a lot of great things. And Qin Huigong reigned for ten years, simply a blank piece of paper, the "History" only said a little about his life, then, Qin Huigong in the ten years of reign did what in the end?

We can see from the history before and after Qin Huigong's succession that he became the monarch for ten years and his son Qin Mourning Duke was the monarch for fourteen years, and the "History" said that Qin Mourning Duke was building Yongcheng, and the rest was basically blank, indicating that the Qin State has been in a relatively smooth transition stage in these twenty years. Let's analyze the major events and minor events that occurred in the Qin State before and after their succession, so as to deduce what they did during their reign.

The Spring and Autumn Warring States Qin Huigong served as a monarch for ten years, why does the "History" only write about his life

First of all, the Duke of Qin rescued Chu and defeated the State of Wu, winning prestige and support for the State of Qin. As mentioned in the previous chapter, Wu Zixu led the Wu army to attack the capital of the Chu state together with Sun Wu because of the personal vendetta of the communiqué, and the Chu state doctor Shen Baoxu had no choice but to go to the Qin state to borrow troops, and cried for seven days and seven nights before finally moving the Qin Laigong to send troops.

The reason why he hesitated for so long was that Qin Aigong also made a decision after careful consideration. But the main reason is that during the Warring States period, the princely states were no longer like the Spring and Autumn Period, the first salute and then the soldiers, now it is said that the fight is to kill, the Qin state as a long-term corner of the western part of the security, and the intersection of the Central Plains countries in addition to the Jin state, is not very much, even if it is to marry the Chu state, it is also to jointly oppose the Jin state. Therefore, this time, using Shen Baoxu's crying complaint to send troops to save Chu, Qin Aigong's main consideration was the eastward expansion of the late Qin state.

However, the effect of this battle was unexpected by the Duke of Qin Ai, he did not expect that after this battle, the status of the State of Qin rose rapidly, originally the State of Chu was also one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States, the hegemon of the Central Plains, but this time the State of Wu was defeated, if it were not for the State of Qin, the State of Chu was almost destroyed, so The King of Chu Zhao was also obedient to the words of the State of Qin. With the pandering of the Chu state, the former hegemon, and the other small princely states even treated the Qin state as a guest, the war naturally returned to calm. In addition, during this period, the sworn enemy of the Qin state, the State of Jin, was fighting among themselves, which naturally won a good opportunity for the Qin State to recuperate.

The Spring and Autumn Warring States Qin Huigong served as a monarch for ten years, why does the "History" only write about his life

Secondly, the Hundred Schools of Thought represented by Lao Tzu and Confucius are rising, objectively singing the prelude of combining vertical and horizontal. When the Chronicle of History records the history of Qin Huigong's succession to the throne, it only writes about Confucius holding an important position in the state of Lu. It shows that the Qin state basically did not have anything that needs to be recorded, and the hegemony of the princes had to give way to the hundreds of sons.

It should be pointed out that many small partners always confuse the two Qin Huigongs of the Qin Kingdom with the King of Qin Huiwen, in fact, there is a difference of more than a hundred years between the two Qin Huigongs, the former Qin Huigong is the grandson of the Qin Aigong, and the latter Qin Huigong is the son of the Qin Jian Gong. And King Huiwen of Qin was more than fifty years away from the latter Duke Hui of Qin.

As for the fact that there are sayings on the Internet that during the ten years since The son of Duke Hui of Qin took the throne, a man named Wu Feng led an army to defeat the qin and Shu coalition forces, and there is no record of this in the history books. First of all, the State of Wu had just been defeated by the Duke of Qin, and it was impossible to quickly restore its military strength to confront the two great powers of Qin and Pakistan, and before that, the State of Wu would have to defeat the Qin-Chu Alliance before it could reach Bashu, and it was temporarily impossible to rely on the strength of the State of Wu. Secondly, to say that Wu Feng is Wu Zixu's son makes even more sense. Because when Duke Hui of Qin succeeded to the throne, Wu Zixu was not dead, his son did not become a talent, and the history books about Wu Zixu's son were also entrusted to the State of Qi and renamed Wang Sunfeng, so this statement is also difficult to reconcile. In the end, it turned out that Wu Feng did not have anyone, but just a fictional avenger in the online game.

The Spring and Autumn Warring States Qin Huigong served as a monarch for ten years, why does the "History" only write about his life

From the above analysis, it can be judged that the ten years that Qin Huigong was in power was the ten years that the Qin State recuperated and adjusted its policies, although Qin Huigong did not do much on his hands, but when it came to his son Qin Mourning Gong to build Yongcheng, his grandson Qin Li Gonggong won tribute from Chu Jin and various small states of princes, and defeated the two Rongdi powers of Dali and Yiqu in one fell swoop, expanding the territory of the Great Qin Empire a lot. Through a coherent point of view, the credit for this is also the savings brought by Qin Huigong's recuperation. (Image from the Internet)

Learn the history of the clear reason, know the history of the enlightened way. Pay attention to the island owner's words and learn more about the interpretation of the history of the Spring and Autumn Warring States.

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