
Qinghai police cracked an extraordinarily large case of false special VAT invoices involving an amount of 1.8 billion yuan

author:China News Network

Xining, 15 Mar (China News Network) -- On 14 March, this reporter learned from the Investigation Detachment of the Xining Municipal Public Security Bureau that the bureau, together with the Inspection Bureau of the Qinghai Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, the Inspection Bureau of the Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, and the Nanchuan Public Security Sub-Bureau, cracked the "11.23" extraordinarily large case of false vat special invoices, and arrested criminal suspect Wu Moumou in Shanghai and safely escorted him back to Xining.

According to Zhu Jianjun, deputy head of the economic investigation detachment of the Xining Municipal Public Security Bureau, the police of the investigation detachment discovered in their work that Wu Moumou, the person in charge of a certain company in the Nanchuan Industrial Park of Xining City, through fictitious processing links, turned crude oil and heavy oil bills into fuel oil bills, and falsely issued 797 special vat invoices to companies in Yangzhou, Changzhou, Xinhua, Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian and other cities, involving an amount of 1.8 billion yuan and a total price and tax of more than 2 billion yuan, and wantonly collected invoice handling fees for illegal profits.

After discovering relevant clues, the investigation detachment immediately set up a special case team to carry out investigation work. After a platoon visit, investigation and judgment, the criminal suspect Wu Moumou was arrested in Shanghai on the 11th of this month and safely escorted back to Ning.

"Wu Moumou falsely issued a special invoice for 1.8 billion yuan for value-added tax, which directly led to the downstream ticket-receiving enterprises to evade state taxes of more than 500 million yuan, seriously endangering national tax security, disrupting the order of tax collection and management, and endangering economic security." Jing Guolin, chief of the inspection section of the Inspection Bureau of the Qinghai Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, said that such cases must be cracked down hard and cracked down hard in order to optimize the business environment and ensure the smooth operation of the local economy.

Lu Shijie, head of the economic investigation detachment of the Xining Municipal Public Security Bureau, said, "Cracking down is the best crime prevention measure, and since 2013, we have intensified the crackdown on crimes such as 'false tax fraud'; this year we have just deployed the implementation plan for the special action of 'cracking down on false tax fraud', and we will concentrate our efforts and time on severely cracking down on the crime of false tax fraud in accordance with the law, resolutely cut off the 'black hand' that extends to the national treasury, and protect the state's financial and tax security and normal tax collection and management order according to law." ”

At present, the criminal suspect Wu Moumou has been criminally detained in accordance with the law, and the case is being further investigated. (End)