
Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

author:Ziyu Wenshi

When it comes to who Liu Bei's wife is, everyone may think of Sun Shangxiang very clearly, because whether it is a game or various film and television works, we only remember that Liu Bei's best wife is Sun Shangxiang. And in various film and television works and stage plays, we can still see the story of Liu Bei Ganlu Temple recruiting relatives and marrying a beautiful lady.

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

The hero is Liu Bei, and the beauty is Sun Shangxiang, which is a fixed cognition that we have had since childhood. But in fact, such a recognition is not necessarily history, and the misleading literary image of the past is too deep. Just as Gao Xiaosong asked back then, who is Sun Shangxiang? In fact, Sun Shangxiang is not Liu Bei's wife, we are all wrong.

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

Everyone may be very surprised to see this, just as at that time, when Gao Xiaosong explained Sun Shangxiang's past, he was ridiculed by many people, thinking that he was making it up. But in fact, we can use one detail to figure out that Sun Shangxiang is a fake character. In the Han Dynasty, there was such a rule that all noble names were two characters, and only commoners would use three characters.

Therefore, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Zhuge Liang and others are all close to the aristocratic class, and their names are two words. But the low-level people who are not very famous are all three words. This is a cultural custom of the Han Dynasty, the clan of the Qin State, the male surname Zhao, the female surname Yin, so before the Qin Shi Huang, all the cases were surnamed Zhao and not surnamed Yin, there was no Qin Wu Wang Yingdang said.

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

After having this understanding, we obviously found that Sun Shangxiang was not an unreasonable person, as Sun Quan's sister, how could he possibly have a name of Sun Shangxiang. It is as if the richest man in the country gave birth to a son, and as a result, he was named Zhao Er Dog. So at the beginning we can deny Sun Shangxiang's title, false.

So where did the name Sun Shangxiang come from? The reason lies in the interpretation of yuan miscellaneous dramas and stage plays of the Yuan Dynasty, at that time, in order to better interpret the story of the Three Kingdoms, many stories came and made up. The most classic ingredient in this is Liu Bei Ganlu Temple's recruitment of relatives, as well as Guan Yu's sable cicada under the moon, these scenes that look very classic, in fact, are all made up.

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

The question is, did Liu Bei marry Sun Quan's sister back then? The answer is yes. Because according to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, after Liu Bei and Sun Quan won the so-called Battle of Chibi by relying on illness and Cao Cao's own problems, the two sides actually achieved a cooperation. This cooperation is recorded in the original text, only one simple sentence, Sun Quan into the sister to solidify. Who this sister is is not recorded, her surname is surnamed Sun, but what the name is unknown. Therefore, the combination of Liu Bei and this beautiful woman looks very romantic, but in fact it is purely dependent on editing.

So is there any historical record of Sun Quan's family? Gao Xiaosong proposed that there really was, but it was recorded in the original text that there was another person named Sun Ren besides Sun Quan. But whether this person is Sun Quan's younger brother, or his cousin or sister, there is no way to know. We only know that in addition to Sun Quan, there is a brother and sister named Sun Ren. So can we think that Sun Shangxiang is Sun Ren? I personally feel that this can also be denied, because in the Three Kingdoms era, everyone was more elegant, could Sun Quan's sister be called this name? The name is so neutral, it's like calling a mink cicada a mink, can we still imagine a big beauty?

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

Therefore, looking back at this period of history, we will find that Sun Shangxiang is purely a fiction of the stage play, and as for what the name of Liu Bei's wife is, it is really difficult for those of us, experts have no archaeological findings, and we writers do not know even more. But although there is no record of the woman's name, we still know some of the stories behind it. After Sun Quan's sister married Liu Bei, it was a political marriage, and Liu Bei was very wary of this woman and never really regarded her as a beloved person. The specific performance is that Liu Bei and this woman sleep separately, and let this woman leave no offspring.

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

Later, when Sun Liu and his family fought, no one between the two sides took into account the woman's feelings, Sun Quan did not say that he wanted to protect his sister, and Liu Bei did not say that he took into account his wife's feelings, but the two sides worked hard to start a war. Later, after Liu Bei's death, the whereabouts of this woman also seemed to be unrecorded. Some people think she is dead, and some people think that she went back with Sun Quan, but everything seems to be unknown.

Who is Sun Shangxiang? Gao Xiaosong's insight was too incisive, and it turned out that we were all wrong

After all, in Chen Shou's pen, only major historical events are recorded, and other figures are ignored. And in the chaotic world, where can a woman choose her own destiny? It's good to be able to survive. Therefore, the love of that year was actually a helpless sadness, Luo Guanzhong may have helped her realize a dream, but this dream is a dream after all.

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