
Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

author:Popular Science China Network


I saw an article

Saying that it is the closing key of the elevator is actually useless

Design this button

In fact, it is a psychological hint to the passengers

Let yourself think it's going to close soon

Actually it doesn't matter if you press the Close button or not

The time it takes for the elevator to close is the same

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

This topic

The earliest article came from The New York Times

They interviewed the president of the American Elevator Trade Association

The news that the elevator closing key is useless broke

After that, many media began to report and discuss

The explanation given by experts in the United States is this

To give people with disabilities enough time to enter the elevator

The United States in 1990

Passed a magical disability bill

All elevators must follow the system default

Set the time to close the door

So since it's useless

Why set the close button?

This is for anxious office workers

Get a shred of psychological comfort

I thought that pressing the close button would be a little faster

Fake close key actually

It's a placebo button

(Placebo Buttons)

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

Although it was a few years ago

But now there are still people spreading such news

So is this also the case with domestic elevators?

For this reason

We specifically asked for advice

Engineer Wang of an elevator company

According to him

The closing key of the elevator is useless

He had never heard of it

As far as he knows, the closing key of the domestic elevator

All are useful

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

Although this claim was debunked

But this "placebo button"

There are actually quite a few in life

Placebo originated in medicine

Origin of the placebo:

H. United States Dr. K. Beecher was a World War II battlefield anesthesiologist. During the battle to capture the beaches of southern Italy, the analgesics quickly ran out. When the wounded soldier howled for analgesics, the helpless nurse told him that he was now being injected with a powerful analgesic, but that it was actually saline. To Beecher's shock, after injecting the saline, the wounded soldier actually stopped wailing, and the pain stopped. Impressed by this situation, Beecher returned to Harvard after the war and began a series of new experiments to test the efficacy of drugs.

In 1955, he published his famous paper "The Powerful Placebo" in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), describing that the effects of dozens of conventional drugs actually came from the placebo effect. For the first time, he pointed out that the action of taking medicine itself has a certain therapeutic effect, and only a drug effect stronger than a placebo can be considered an effective drug. Since then, in clinical trials, comparing with the placebo group has become the only rule for the development of new drugs or therapies.

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

Explanation of the placebo effect

For now

Refers to the psychological effect

It was later used in other areas

The placebo effect is in our lives

Occurs frequently

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

For example, the progress bar commonly found in various computers

Power on, power off, and transfer files to and from each other

These operations take time for the computer to operate

If there is no progress bar

Users will wait impatiently

With this progress bar

There is a psychological expectation of the time required

Relatively speaking

It is easier to accept this fact

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"

Another example

When opening an official account article

There will be a green progress bar at the top

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"


If you set your phone to airplane mode

At this time, the phone is completely offline

It is theoretically impossible to open

But this progress bar will still exist

It took a few seconds before you were told that it could not be opened

Is the elevator closing button useful? It turns out that these operations are "placebos"


A good idea in itself

It can make people no longer anxious

But sometimes it is taken to fool people

Instead, it increases the troubles of life

Like what "packed boy", "exam packed"

If you think about it, isn't it the same thing?

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