
Beef roast selling practice

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Beef roast selling practice

Roasted selling, also known as roasted wheat, xiaomi, slightly wheat, is a kind of hot noodles as the skin, wrapped in meat filling and steamed traditional Chinese pasta, which has been recorded in the Yuan Dynasty. Burn and sell with hot noodles, that is, with boiling water and noodles, the noodles are half-cooked, and then add cold water and noodles to increase the molding capacity, with a kind of thick in the middle, there are similar to the special rolling pin of the stick at both ends to roll out the skin, the skin rolled out is thin and uneven, the four sides are like lace, the middle is stuffed, no package, a mention of the molding, steaming on the drawer. The skin is thin and filling, the shape is like a cup, the bottom is round, the waist is thin, and the top is like lace, which is beautiful and delicious. Most of the fillings are glutinous rice, shiitake mushrooms, radish, cabbage, lean meat, etc., and seasoned soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, cooking oil, and sugar are added. Served with vinegar and shredded garlic, it is delicious and delicious.

By Na Shi Blossom Private Kitchen

Beef filling 300 g

Onion ginger to taste

2 tbsp seafood soy sauce

1 tbsp oyster sauce

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp olive oil

Water to taste

Carrots to taste

Okra to taste

Peppercorn powder to taste

Burn selling skin 30-40 pcs

Corn kernels to taste

Beef roast selling practice

1: Put the beef filling into a bowl and add the shallots and ginger, seafood soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, olive oil and peppercorn powder.

Beef roast selling practice

2, while stirring, add water several times, and stir non-stop in one direction. Stir until the minced meat is evenly strengthened.

Beef roast selling practice

3: Chop carrots and slice okra.

Beef roast selling practice

4. Pinch the side of the skin to squeeze out the flower shape, put the filling in the center of the skin, and gently pinch the skin edge to the middle.

Beef roast selling practice

5, burn and sell the package, it is best not to wrap too strictly, leaving some gaps in the middle. Add chopped carrots, okra, corn kernels. Place in a steamer basket and steam over medium heat for 7-8 minutes.

Beef roast selling practice

6, beef roast can be eaten, the meat is fragrant and delicious.


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