
Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

Source: Chengdu Business Daily

On February 13, Zhong Min's cat "Little Tiger", a citizen of Zigong City, Sichuan Province, disappeared for no reason in the roof garden, and searched around and published a notice to find the cat without success. After receiving a clue from a neighbor on the first floor, Zhong Mincai rescued the cat from the flue of the neighbor's house on March 22. From the disappearance to the rescue, the "little tiger" was trapped for 37 days, and because he did not eat, his weight was thin from the original 12 pounds to only 2 pounds.

A cat fell from the 16th floor flue to the 1st floor and was trapped for 37 days, and miraculously survived, and on March 24, a Red Star News reporter saw the "cat strong" at the place where Zhong Min worked. "It's really hard to believe that a cat can survive for 37 days in a flue without water or food." Zhong Min said that after the news of the cat's being found spread in the owner group, everyone said that the little tiger was "strong cat", one day more than the "strong pig" who was rescued after 36 days of buried ruins during the Wenchuan earthquake.

Since he had not eaten for 37 days, the cat "Little Tiger" had changed from a round face to an awl face, and when he was sent to the pet hospital, he once wanted to bite the infusion tube and eat it. After examination by doctors, it had symptoms such as severe dehydration, liver damage, and poor mood, but fortunately there was no trauma. Zhong Min told the Red Star News reporter that after two days of treatment, the mental state of the "little tiger" has improved, but it has become sticky from naughty and is also afraid of life. At present, the "little tiger" has been discharged home from the hospital and carried out rehabilitation at home.

Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

When the little tiger was more than 1 year old, he weighed seven or eight pounds

The kitten was gone

The owner thought it had been taken away by an alien cat

On the evening of February 13, Zhong Min went up to the roof garden to feed the cats after dinner, and did not want to, only two of the three cats left, "the little tiger (the name of the missing cat) is gone."

Zhong Min recalled that during the meal, the family heard several "booms" and thought that the cats were playing and knocking over things, so they didn't care. When the tiger was found missing, the mother initially wondered if it would fall into the flue? However, from the analysis of the small tiger's body shape and 12 pounds of weight, everyone ruled out this possibility on the spot.

In the end, the family comprehensively analyzed that the little tiger may have been taken out by the foreign cat to play. However, searching around the community was fruitless.

At about 8 o'clock that night, Zhong Min posted a cat search notice in the community owner group, hoping that neighbors would be able to inform them in time after they found out. After waiting for many days, they did not see the little tiger go home, and there was no other clue, so the family had to accept the reality of the little tiger's disappearance.

About two years ago, Zhong Min said, her mother found a box containing three abandoned kittens on her way home, estimated to have been born for more than 10 days. Distressed cats, their mother took them home and raised them. A few days after the disappearance of the little tiger, the other two cats had lost a lot of food, and they must have missed their companions too much.

Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

The owner group posted a cat hunting notice

I heard a cat barking from home

Look for the original cat trapped in the flue

Zhong Min's family lives on the 15th floor of a unit building in a residential area in Zigong District, and the 16th floor is a roof garden and a place to keep cats.

Mr. Yang, a neighbor who lives on the first floor, told Red Star News that he vaguely heard the cat barking around March 20, and initially thought that there were cats outside the house, but for two consecutive days, the sound came from one place, and it didn't feel right.

On the night of March 21, Mr. Yang heard the cat barking again, and he came to the kitchen looking for the sound, and his wife suspected it was in the flue. Therefore, Mr. Yang removed the buckle of the kitchen ceiling, stood up on a stool, and put his head into the ceiling to listen carefully, which basically determined that the cat's cry came from the flue.

Recalling the cat search notice released by the neighbor on the top floor a month ago, that night, Mr. Yang sent the situation to the owner group and @ Zhong Min's mother.

Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

On the morning of March 22, Zhong Min's mother went to Mr. Yang's house to confirm the situation. "Mom went down to check, there was no sound." Zhong Min said that when she returned to the community after work, she called out two "little tigers" in Mr. Yang's house across the flue, and suddenly, the cat's cry came out again, and it became louder and louder, "It must be the little tiger who heard my voice."

After confirming that there was a cat in the flue, Mr. Yang said bluntly, "Smash the flue and save the cat first." Soon, everyone borrowed tools and smashed open the flue, and sure enough, the little tiger was inside, and immediately rescued him.

Mr. Yang also wondered, before he did not hear the cat barking, will it be stuck in the middle of the last few days to fall, or unconscious for a long time to wake up?

Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

Smash open the flue to save the cat

It survives 37 days without water and food

Owners called it "cat strong"

From the disappearance to the rescue, for a full 37 days, the little tiger has been skinny and bone-thin, and his spirit is weak. Zhong Min quickly sent Xiaohu to the pet hospital for treatment.

"It's really hard to believe that a cat can survive for 37 days in a flue without water or food." Zhong Min said that after the news of the cat's being found spread in the owner group, everyone said that the little tiger was "strong cat", one day more than the "strong pig" who was rescued after 36 days of buried ruins during the Wenchuan earthquake.

Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

The little tiger is treated at a pet hospital

After 37 days of not eating, the little tiger has rounded his face and changed his awl face, and when he was sent to the pet hospital, he tried to bite and eat the infusion tube. After examination by the doctor, the tiger had symptoms such as severe dehydration, liver damage, and poor mood, but fortunately there was no trauma. At this time, the little tiger weighed only 2 pounds, and lost about 10 pounds.

Zhong Min told reporters that after two days of treatment, Xiaohu's mental state has improved, but he has become sticky from naughty and is also afraid of life. Although the tiger's weight has increased, when touching it, it can still clearly feel that there is only a layer of fur on the outside of the spine, and it will take a while to recover.

Trapped for 37 days miracle survived! Weight weight to 2 pounds, real Sichuan "cat strong"

The current situation of the little tiger, weighing about four pounds

At present, The little tiger has been discharged home from the hospital and carried out rehabilitation at home. As for the damaged flue, both sides offered to bear the cost of maintenance; in order to thank the neighbor Aunt Chen, Zhong Min also sent fruit to express gratitude.

Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star News reporter Yuan Wei

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