
It's just one step to get your employees to find a sense of well-being

author:Gongdao cloud point system management


Today I would like to introduce a new era of management model:

Points system management

The point system is used for the management of people, and the points are used to measure people's self-worth, reflect and assess people's comprehensive performance.

Then all kinds of material treatment, welfare and points are linked, and tilted to the high-scoring population, so as to achieve the subjective initiative of motivating people and fully mobilize people's enthusiasm.

It's just one step to get your employees to find a sense of well-being

Let me give you an example

Lao Zhang is a programmer in our company, responsible for background maintenance, and his daily work is nothing more than fixing bugs.

Sitting bored every day, he has long lost the enthusiasm for work when he first entered the company.

He does not feel happiness in his daily work.

It's just one step to get your employees to find a sense of well-being

Later, we introduced the points system management system and refined the work content of Lao Zhang.

Each bug is fixed to earn 10 points.

There were no bugs awarding 500 points for two days.

Points will not directly affect Lao Zhang's normal salary, but the points ranking will be linked to the quarterly benefits and annual bonuses of some companies.

This greatly raised Lao Zhang's enthusiasm for work, and after many years, Lao Zhang once again found a sense of identity in the lines of code.

It's just one step to get your employees to find a sense of well-being

No system can be perfectly adapted to all business management.

Combined with the company's own scale, culture, mode of operation, etc., cleverly combined with the method of points system management, it is best to formulate a suitable for its own enterprise.

Let your employees feel happy at work.

It's just one step to get your employees to find a sense of well-being

For the boss, what kind of work each employee does, the effort can be more intuitive, clearer and more convenient to understand.

The points system will surely become the mainstream model of enterprise management in the future.

Thanks for watching

If you are interested in the management of the point system, you can contact the editor in the background private message, and I will send you a set of notes on the electronic version of our "Summary of Landing Management Experience" for many years.

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